Chapter 482 Tobias Thought Dalton Was Acting
- Dora and Carol almost passed out. They were too afraid to leave the purple sugilite pendant, so they hid within. They encountered more and more scary characters around Wynter. They ultimately made the decision to stay because they were worried about bringing Wynter bad luck. Ultimately, they were demonic beings. However, they were unsure on how to respond when they saw Chaos. Maybe Wynter didn't care about her wealth since she dared to have Chaos by her side. Wolf also noticed a distinct aroma on Wynter at the same moment. It made him hungry and was enticing.
- He instinctively rubbed his tummy and looked at the purple pendant of sugilite, pointing to Wynter. Wynter squeezed his face, knowing what he wanted. "Now you're all siblings. You understand that you can't consume them? She said something that astonished Wolf. He was unaware that food had the status of a sibling. But for the time being, he grudgingly consented. He may hold off on taking action till later. He couldn't be himself in front of Marie, after all. She would be afraid of that. He could still steal a taste, though. Wolf licked his lips at this idea. This made the twins even more terrified. All along, Dalton had been observing Wolf. When he saw what he was doing, he raised Wolf and inspected his teeth.
- "He is growing his teeth quickly." Wolf wanted to shove Dalton out of his way. He wouldn't let Dalton see his teeth, no matter how wealthy he was. But despite his best efforts, it appeared that his strength was being neutralized. All he could do was glance up in exasperation and let Dalton to gaze at his teeth. He looked at Wynter in frustration, as though he were yelling, "Boss, help me beat him up!" Surprisingly, Wynter only grinned and leaned down to examine his teeth like Dalton. Dalton smiled as he glanced at her. "What are your thoughts?" "They're growing up really quickly." Wynter asked Dalton, "Do you have a solution?" after tapping Wolf's cheek with her finger. She appeared to be considering something.