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Chapter 474 My Sister Is That

  • Such a nature was unlike anything Wynter had ever seen. He was really fortunate, yet he also had numerous burdens. What was meant by that? Dalton coughed and stated, "He sent me to ask what you want because he's scared to come see you," before Wynter could decipher it. He will buy you anything because he is your brother. Tobias, devoid of all his normal vitality, hid silently behind. At first, Jacqueline was concerned that he might quarrel with Dalton and thought it was improper to discuss the issues online. She didn't think Tobias would manage it by himself. He was right. It wouldn't be appropriate to criticize his partner after the performance was over because everyone had witnessed their conversation.
  • However, didn't he give a nobody too much attention? Jacqueline conceded that Wynter was pretty. When she first saw her, her first thought was to get her into show business. However, that kind of person wouldn't be interested. But Tobias was not like that. Normally, he couldn't give a damn about ladies, but today he took the initiative. Clearly something was amiss. "It's very apparent from your contract that a certified idol cannot date. Do you recall that? Jacqueline was forced to remind him. Tobias appeared perplexed. "Obviously. I refuse to date anyone. “You better not.” Jacqueline removed her gaze. She sincerely feared that he would be the subject of dating rumors. After all, raising him to this point had been quite challenging.
  • Knowing that Jacqueline had misinterpreted, Tobias clarified right away, saying, "That's my sister." "Sister?" Jacqueline's gaze brightened. “By blood?” Tobias smiled. Indeed. My biological sister is her. In particular, his fashionable blue hair made his loving face appear out of place. Jacqueline was taken aback. You never mentioned having a sister, and it didn't seem like you two were close. on the program. She narrowed her eyes at this. "Are you lying to me out of fear that I'll put you under even more restrictions?" "No." Tobias nonchalantly slipped his hand in his pocket and turned away from Wynter’s direction. It was only then that his customary chilly manner reappeared. We're not yet extremely close because we only recently got back together. However, we'll get there.
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