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Chapter 4 Is Her Mccal Skill In Doubt?

  • "Yes, it's best to dial 911 first, young woman. This kid appears to be lost. An elderly guy stated, "I've been yelling for a long time, but nobody arrived. If something went wrong, he was afraid this girl would be held accountable. Wynter located a shaded area close by and swiftly undid the boy's clothing. "You can be confident that I possess a medical license, ladies and gentlemen." As she was speaking, she pulled her backpack open to expose a little, folding medical box. Upon opening the box, one found well-organized rows of silver needles along with a variety of surgical knives, both long and short.
  • Wynter felt for the boy's pulse one more time. "Cease!" It was getting to be too much for the man in the white coat. "How can you give the patient injections at random?" he yelled. Wynter lowered her gaze, ignoring him. She took the boy's heart rate and pulse counts. "I'm Luke Johnson, a student at Sacred Heart Medical University, and I'm under Madam Gibson's supervision," the man in the white coat sneered. I'm not your typical Joe Publican. You claim to be licensed as a physician. What is your age? Wynter showed no emotion. As she cleaned the needles, her attention was drawn to the young child.
  • "I'm speaking with you!" Luke had never been disregarded before. The elderly man even understands when to dial 911. Are you unable to comprehend? With a frigid and harsh presence, Wynter dropped to one knee. "Are you just waiting for 911 to come? Putting off receiving emergency care? Was that how you were instructed by your teacher? "Who said to just wait for 911 while standing by?" Luke became enraged and responded with contempt, saying, "You're the one putting off emergency care right now. removing needles for a display. You really ought to put your traditional medicine pseudoscience away. Permit me to give the patient CPR.
  • When Wynter heard this, she gave him a chilly expression. Who would have imagined that a girl so beautiful could be so stubborn?" He's suffering from heatstroke. "How are you applying CPR? The boy's fingers were pressed by Wynter. The phrase "incompetent doctor" sounded cold in her voice. Luke lost control. "To whom are you referring as an inept physician? Are you aware of my mentor's name? He had recently returned from a foreign trip, bearing prizes and Madam Gibson. This young child was brave enough to doubt his medical expertise! "I have no interest in finding out."
  • Wynter carried on with her work, sanitizing the needles. "Move aside." Luke's ire was visible in his fiery eyes. "I won't put my skills up against a con artist selling traditional medicine like you. He has purple lips. It is undoubtedly a cardiac issue." Respiratory function can be stimulated by myocardial hypoxia and ischemia, resulting in purple lips." Wynter met his gaze; her eyes were cold. But purple lips can sometimes result from heatstroke. His steady, moderate pulse tells us otherwise. In addition, he has dry l*p lines, which amply demonstrate extended exposure to high temperatures. You consider yourself a student at Sacred Heart Medical University, yet you don't even notice these warning indications?
  • Yes, we should look for medical symptoms first. Someone else said, "I've also discovered that before. Some others mocked. "This Sacred Heart Medical University student doesn't seem all that terrific." I still believe the girl to be trustworthy. She seems professional based only on the way her pulse reads. Luke was unable to take the humiliation. Okay, so can your few needles treat him for heatstroke even if he has it? So what use do we medical students have? "You are speaking for yourself alone, not on behalf of all medical students." Wynter had icy eyes. "Again, I say it: move aside."
  • Throughout her life, she harbored the greatest hatred for two groups of people: those who dismissed the value of conventional medicine and the inept medical professionals who thwarted her attempts to save lives. "All well, I'll move aside. I wish to check out this young girl's potential. Luke folded his arms and sneered. I will bow down and declare you a genius if your needles are able to heal him! Now that he was facing the light, Wynter replied, "I'll wait for that 'genius' from you." Then, with deliberate probing, she quickly raised her hand!