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Chapter 4

  • The hours seemed to pass slowly as Vittorio waited for news of Rocco. Finally, the phone rang, interrupting the heavy silence. It was Rocco, and his words made Vittorio's heart race.
  • "Ellis has been taken to New York Presbyterian Hospital," Rocco said, his voice tense. "We're on our way."
  • Vittorio felt a mixture of relief and concern. He was determined to reach Ellis, no matter what it took. He ended the call, feeling a renewed urgency in his actions.
  • Rocco and the men arrived at the hospital, but Ellis's trail was already hazy. After much persuasion, investigation, and conversations with people in the hallways, they finally uncovered the truth. Ellis was pregnant and had been brought there by John Smith.
  • Rocco felt a shiver of understanding and a mix of emotions enveloped him. He knew he needed to return to the mansion and inform Vittorio about what they had discovered.
  • ***
  • Back at the mansion, Rocco found Antonietta finishing packing her bags in one of the vehicles. Given the recent events, her departure for Pedesina had been postponed until that moment. She looked at him expectantly as he approached.
  • "What's going on, Rocco?" she asked, her voice full of apprehension.
  • Rocco took a deep breath, knowing he had to be honest with her. "Ellis was taken to the hospital. And... She's pregnant."
  • Antonietta was stunned, her expression reflecting shock and surprise. She looked at Rocco for confirmation, his words still reverberating in her mind.
  • "Pregnant? But how... How did you find out? Does Vittorio know?"
  • Rocco looked at her seriously. "No, but he needs to know."
  • Antonietta remained thoughtful in the face of Rocco's revelation. The news of Ellis's pregnancy would bring many consequences, and the matriarch saw none of them as beneficial. She looked at Rocco, her eyes filled with conflict.
  • "Rocco, you cannot tell Vittorio," she said with a firm but concerned voice.
  • Rocco looked at her, his expression a mixture of duty and responsibility. "Senhora Amorielle, it's my obligation to inform Don Vittorio. He needs to know the truth."
  • Antonietta sighed deeply, her mind working in various directions. Then, she looked up again at Rocco and spoke with determination.
  • "Have you forgotten the oath you made to Ellis for the execution of Tommaso? That oath is still in effect. You promised to keep her safe, and telling Vittorio about the pregnancy would only bring terrible repercussions for him and even more for her."
  • Rocco looked at Antonietta, understanding the weight of her words. However, he also knew the importance of being honest with Vittorio, especially about something so crucial.
  • "Antonietta, I understand your concern, but we can't ignore this. Vittorio deserves to know the truth."
  • Antonietta fixed a determined gaze on Rocco, her words loaded with meaning. "Rocco, don't you see? Things are finally falling into place for everyone. He's in the office now, with Alessio, finalizing the contract for his new marriage."
  • Rocco knew that Vittorio was about to marry again. That was a chance for Vittorio to find some stability within the Commission.
  • "That changes things, doesn't it?" Rocco said, more to himself than to Antonietta.
  • "Yes," Antonietta agreed with a nod. "Things are falling into place for Vittorio. But it's not just that. If you tell him about the pregnancy, it will take away the chance for Ellis to have a safe life with the baby. Messina won't accept it when he learns the truth. He will do everything to remove Ellis from Vittorio's path. And now, not only her but the baby too. You know that's true."
  • Rocco pondered Antonietta's words. He knew she was right in many aspects. The safety of Ellis and her child was paramount, and the consequences of revealing it to Vittorio could be devastating. But there was still a point he needed to clarify.
  • "Senhora Amorielle, what if Ellis's child is also Vittorio's? What if it's the grandchild you so desire?"
  • Antonietta stared at Rocco for a moment, her face reflecting the complexity of her emotions. She then sighed, her voice soft but laden with meaning.
  • "That's exactly why, Rocco. Precisely because Ellis's child is undoubtedly Vittorio's, and therefore my grandchild, it's best not to tell the whole truth. Not now. Not when everything is beginning to fall into place."
  • Rocco understood what Antonietta was saying. He saw the logic and care behind her words. In the end, what mattered was the well-being of Ellis and her child, and also the possibility of Vittorio finding some form of happiness and stability within the Mafia.
  • Rocco nodded slowly, agreeing with Antonietta. "All right. Let's wait. Let's keep this a secret, at least for now."
  • Antonietta let out a sigh of relief, her expression showing gratitude. She placed her hand on Rocco's arm affectionately.
  • "Thank you, Rocco. Vittorio may never fully understand our reasons, but we're doing what we believe is best."
  • Rocco nodded again, a look of determination in his eyes. "Yes, Senhora Amorielle. We'll protect Ellis and Don Vittorio's future, whatever it takes."
  • And so, Rocco and Antonietta sealed an unspoken agreement, deciding to keep the truth hidden for now. They knew that in the complex world, they lived in, making tough decisions was inevitable. Rocco and Antonietta exchanged a meaningful glance, both aware that everyone's lives were about to change drastically.
  • With one last sigh, Rocco headed to the mansion's office, where Vittorio would likely be, ready to face the consequences of that decision.
  • ***
  • Vittorio was absorbed in reviewing the final adjustments of his new marriage contract when the door to his office opened slowly. His eyes lifted and met Rocco's, who entered with a serious expression. Vittorio sensed that something was wrong and glanced at Alessio, the notary, silently ordering him to leave.
  • Once Alessio exited, Vittorio looked at Rocco with a questioning expression. "What's going on, Rocco?"
  • Rocco swallowed hard, carefully choosing his words. "Don Vittorio, Ellis went to the hospital due to dizziness. She wasn't forced, it seems to have been a precaution."
  • Vittorio furrowed his brow, confused. "To the hospital? Dizziness?"
  • Rocco averted his gaze for a moment before meeting Vittorio's eyes again. "Yes, but it was nothing more than that. In fact, she was with John Smith... He identified himself as her partner. Apparently, they're together."
  • Vittorio stood up from his chair abruptly, a mixture of shock and anger on his face. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Ellis was dating the cop who had been a constant threat to both Jason and him. Emotions churned within him, but he controlled his voice as he spoke.
  • "Are you sure about this, Rocco? None of our monitoring indicated that."
  • Rocco felt an internal conflict in his mind. Antonietta's words echoed in his head, but he also knew that the truth might be important to Vittorio. However, when he looked into Vittorio's eyes, he decided to follow the path Antonietta had suggested. He confirmed the lie. "I'm sure, Don Vittorio."
  • Vittorio stepped away from Rocco, his expression thoughtful. He couldn't understand why Ellis would get involved with John Smith. Perplexity was written all over his face, but he finally sighed and said, "Well, if that's the case, if that's true..."
  • Rocco nodded, relieved that Vittorio wasn't pressing for more information. "Yes, Don Vittorio. But if you want, we can continue monitoring."
  • Vittorio looked at Rocco for a moment, his eyes reflecting a complex mix of emotions. Then he said, "No, Rocco. We don't need to monitor her anymore. Leave her alone."
  • Rocco was somewhat surprised by the decision, but he nodded. "As you wish, Vittorio."
  • Vittorio gazed at Rocco for another moment and then, with a wave of his hand, indicated that Rocco should leave. Once Rocco exited the office, Vittorio closed the door behind him and approached his desk. His eyes were fixed on the engagement ring with the black diamond that was on the surface. He picked it up with trembling hands, remembering the night he had given that ring to Ellis, the symbol of their promise of love and devotion.
  • A lump formed in his throat as he looked at the ring. He thought of all the possibilities that had once existed between him and Ellis, of all the dreams they had shared. But now, in the face of Rocco's words, everything seemed to have irreversibly changed. With a heavy sigh, Vittorio opened one of his drawers and placed the ring inside, closing it with a slow motion.
  • He leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes for a moment. All the hopes he had harbored for a future with Ellis seemed to be buried along with the ring. In the silence of his office, he confronted the reality that things would never be the same between them again.