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Chapter 105

  • Gemma sat at her desk. It had been over a week since she had gotten her job and she had loved it. No one knew who she was related to. No one looking at her and treating her different because of who her parents are. This is exactly what she wanted.
  • When she worked at Knight Magazine everyone knew who she was. Everyone knew she was Harper Black and Caleb Knight’s daughter. So she couldn’t even go to the break room without people whispering around her. Holding their tongues thinking they could lose their jobs. Avoiding her and when they did talk to her they were extra nice, also skittish in their actions.
  • She hated it. And she refused to do that again. She loved her family. But she always hates the pressure of being their kid. It seemed different for her brother. He never is bothered by it. Never holding back to tell people whose kid he is. Using it for his advantage. Not that he needed too. He’s extremely smart and got their dads talent for photography.
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