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Chapter 2 Impersonating Anika

  • A young red-haired lady stands up to stand beside him and I'm assuming his wife takes the remote control from him scrolling through the photos on the screen to stop solemnly on alpha Callen's photos.
  • "We know you have rights but you're the only one that can do this. He's dangerous yes but we all know alphas are extremely weak without their mates' presence, Anika won't be harmed but we'll prolong her stay in the country giving you enough time to get things done. We're counting on you, Monica. We also know it's been fifteen years since you saw her and it'll be hard to impersonate her. l, assure you even Callan doesn't know her much " she finishes. I lean back on the chair trying to process all of this.
  • "I want to know everything about him, I want to learn everything about their relationship, from their first encounter to the last day they met," I say. This isn't going to be easy but I know I can pull this off. If Anika is the same person I know she'll be feisty, strong, and predictable, no doubt she became a luna just as my father wanted, it doesn't matter anymore. It shouldn't. He paid for everything when I took his life.
  • My father Patrick Beaumont that monster sold me to the highest bidder at ten, because I was weak and feeble-minded. He didn't care about me nor the dangers and suffering he was subjecting me to, his own daughter but again he has two daughters, Anika is the perfect daughter, the golden child and Stephen is the kind of son every father will be proud of.
  • Selling the weak one didn't matter to him, it was unknown to him that my wolf was already manifesting at ten though she never showed up. I can still feel her presence, I think it's because of the pain I went through, the tortures and beatings. She must have been scared, but that didn't mean that I didn't inherit the werewolf gene like speed, strength, intelligence, skills, and a heightened sense of hearing.
  • When I became an assassin, the first test I was given was to kill the son of a bitch that sold me. It was a test to initiate me into the organization. If anything I enjoyed forcing a bowl of wolfsbane down his throat. I felt relief as he gulped the whole thing, the terror in his eyes was satisfactory, I can never forget the look in his eyes when he noticed it was me. I know he wanted to say something but couldn't because of the wolfbane in his system. I wasn't the little girl he sold off anymore but an assassin. I didn't choose this, he did.
  • Impersonating Anika puts me in her shoes, miss perfect. I may not be perfect but I know guns. killing the alpha will be swift cos I didn't want to stay there for long.
  • "We'll do that" the meeting was over. So, I stand up to salute them before going. Cobra, my handler is waiting for me at the door post.
  • "Here's everything you need to know. Remember what they did to you, show no mercy " his word resonated through my ear. My eyes grew dark at the mention of the show no mercy. I'm known for showing no mercy.
  • I take the folder from his hands sauntering through the huge hallway while cobra follows behind. He has a gun tucked in his pants just like every other person in the hallway. My job was to take orders not ask questions but killing Anika's mate might end up endangering her life.
  • Anika!!!
  • "Yes sir"
  • "They have forgotten about you, nobody knows about your existence anymore. You were erased from their lives. You have nothing to fear" Cobra says as a matter of fact.
  • It was Sunset by the time I got home. I live in a penthouse alone, away from prying eyes though they keep tabs on me.
  • There's nothing to hide considering my status in the organization.
  • It isn't much but I can face my fears here.
  • Perusing the papers, I decided to look into Anika's biography. She has been able to remain the best by being a florist. really? It turns out she grows flowers for a living and so she gets invited to weddings a lot.
  • It must be a huge responsibility being a luna and a businesswoman. I turn the page to check for anything new besides the things I know about her that haven't changed after fifteen years.
  • She does charity work by visiting the orphanage every month. Luckily, she has done so already. I flipped through pages consisting of her encounter with the Alpha.
  • Surprisingly, they have spoken fifteen times since she became Luna. She became a luna about two years ago. How is it possible to speak to your spouse fifteen times in two years baffles me.
  • That reminds me, if they're mated, Callen should be able to detect something.
  • When mates are claimed they feel sparks, their mind links, and I haven't been able to find a way to fix that. Didn't they think of this?
  • They must have thought of this. There should be sparks between them, I dropped Anika's folder and pick up Callen's. It states Anika has been friends with callen since she was fifteen until he came of age and took over as Alpha. My brother is his beta, and a boy named Manasseh was his gamma; Anika's bodyguard.
  • Besides his cruelty, aloofness, and strength nothing else was written about him.
  • It says he has marked Anika, there's a flaw there but I don't have to get that far before I kill him.
  • All I have to do is avoid his touch or proximity. That could work, even if he has his doubt he'll never see me as an imposter. That's it.
  • There was an extra paper, I flipped it to see spa session cards and premium membership belonging to Anika, not just that I have to dye my hair blond instead of my natural honey blonde hair.
  • I'm guessing she dyed it too. Manicure and pedicure. That's the next on the list then a change of clothing instead of pants tanktops and the suit that I'm used to. Luckily she likes heels too. There were photos of girls who I assume were her friends, what baffles me was the absence of my mom. Did she pass away? I'm not looking forward to seeing her. I just don't want surprises.
  • A therapist's number was at the back of the profile for me to call in case I needed help adapting. There won't be a need for that. I'm sure killing my sister's mate will be thrilling. I can already imagine the gruesome look on her face when she finds him in a pool of blood and no other person will be blamed for it except her. It'll be her doing
  • alone.
  • Missions accomplished!