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Chapter 8 Get Me A Good-looking Whore

  • When they arrived at her house, Damon climbed out of his car and forced her out.
  • "I no longer need you as my contracted girlfriend. And yes, you will continue to work as my personal assistant for free as the repayment of my $10,000 I sent to you earlier. You continue your work tomorrow at the office." He said and slammed the car door and then drove away without a second glance. She stood there, feeling embarrassed and rejected, wondering why he was so angry about her being a virgin.
  • She didn't want her friend to see her crying so she wiped her face properly before walking inside and acted like she was already exhausted because of work.
  • She walked into the living room, relieved to see her little sister fast asleep and Emily sitting beside her, reading a book.
  • “Hey, how was the dinner?” Emily asked without looking up.
  • Alice shook her head, "It went well."
  • Walking tiredly, Alice walked into the bedroom to freshen up while Emily made sure the door was properly locked before carrying the little baby into the bedroom. She laid her on her little bed and then also went to have her shower and the moment she was done, she found Alice sitting on the bed looking moody and in the next second, Alice's question made Emily speechless.
  • "Even though you just met your boyfriend, would he still love you if you were a virgin?"
  • Emily immediately looked up at Alice, wondering why she asked.
  • "Is it a crime to be a virgin?" Alice asked again, making Emily more curious.
  • Emily was confused by Alice's questions.
  • "Being a virgin is a personal choice and it shouldn't affect someone's relationship. Any guy worth a girl's time would respect their choices and won't judge her based on her virginity but why all these questions?" Emily asked.
  • "I was rejected." Said Alice as she began to cry. Emily hugged her, trying to calm her and the moment she realized Alice's cry had subsided, she spoke.
  • "You were rejected by whom?" Emily asked, looking up at Alice's face and caressing her hair.
  • "He rejected me." The thought of it made her cry even more as Emily saw those tears dropping out from Alice's weary eyes.
  • Emily couldn't help it. All she did was continue to calm Alice down and decided not to ask her more about it at that moment so it wouldn't make her cry more.
  • Back at Damon…
  • As Damon drove up to his house in his sleek black sports car, his knuckles felt little pain from the intense grip he had on the steering wheel. All he wanted to do was to go into his house and forget about what happened a few hours ago but his plans were interrupted as he saw a car pulling up from the other end of the driveway.
  • It was his brother David, who was getting out of his car after just returning from work. Damon did not feel like talking to his bro especially since he always looked so tired, but David walked up to him with a welcoming smile on his face. "Hey, bro. How was your day?"
  • Damon ignored his brother's greeting and pushed past him, heading straight for the house without another word. He could feel David's eyes on his back, but he couldn't care less. He had more important matters to tend to at the moment.
  • Once in his room, Damon reached for his phone and dialed Anderson's number, his most trusted bodyguard. Anderson answered on the second ring. "Yes, sir," he said.
  • "I need you to get me a good-looking whore, someone who will be there for me whenever I want her and wherever I want her. And money is not an issue, offer her good pay."
  • Anderson's hesitation was barely noticeable. "Yes, sir. I'll take care of it."
  • "Good. Get on it right away," Damon ordered before hanging up. He leaned back on his bed with a satisfied sigh, looking out the window with dark eyes. He was going to enjoy his night, no matter what it took.
  • What Damon did not know was that his brother David had heard the entire conversation from outside his room. He stood there with a perplexed expression, his mind racing with different thoughts. He knew Damon was not exactly the nicest person around, but he never thought his brother would stoop so low as to call up a prostitute to the house in the middle of the night.
  • The thought of what he had heard was weighing heavily on him, and he knew he couldn't keep quiet about it any longer. Taking a deep breath, David walked into Damon's room without knocking, causing his brother to jump in surprise.
  • "What the hell, David?" Damon snapped, glaring at his brother.
  • David gathered all the courage he had and spoke up. "I heard what you just did, Damon. Calling up a prostitute to the house is like it's nothing? Is this what you've reduced yourself to?"
  • Damon's face went from surprise to anger in a heartbeat. "How dare you come into my room and talk to me like that?" You have no right to judge me, of all people..."
  • David stood his ground, his eyes catching the light in the room. "You need to get a grip, Damon," he said calmly. "Your lifestyle about not giving love a chance but rather choosing to go for a prostitute should end. You need to quit these destructive habits before they ruin you."
  • Damon's anger had reached its limit. He stood up to his full height, towering over his brother. "Get out." he growled.
  • David didn't move. "No. I'm not leaving until you hear me out. You are my brother, Damon, but I won't sit back and watch you destroy yourself."
  • There was a tense silence in the room, Damon's anger barely contained. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to calm himself down. "Fine," he said through gritted teeth. "What do you suggest I do?"
  • David stepped forward, his voice softening. "Talk to someone, Damon. Talk to me, talk to a therapist. Whatever it takes to get you back on track. You're better than this."
  • Damon didn't say anything, but his expression softened slightly. He knew David was right. He had been on a downward spiral for too long, and he needed to do something about it before it was too late.
  • "Okay," he said finally. "I'll think about it."
  • David smiled, relief shining in his eyes. "Good. That's all I ask."
  • The two brothers stood there in silence for a few more moments, the air feeling lighter now. Damon knew it was going to be a long road to recovery, but he was grateful that he had someone like David to lean on.
  • As the night deepened and still inside Damon's room, David got an unusual sense of calmness, a sense of hope that his brother was finally going to change for the better.
  • "I'm glad to know you will change for the better." Said David.
  • "I'll change after this night." Damon replied and walked out of his room, heading… heaven knows where. Leaving his twin bro David alone in the room.
  • In the next second, David walked out of Damon's room and entered his own room. The moment Damon saw David had left his room, he left the sitting room and entered back into his room and this time, he made sure his door was properly locked.