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Chapter 7 Please, Have Me

  • Alice sighed deeply as she walked out of her boss’s mansion and waited for a taxi and luckily, she found. As the car drove home, her heart felt heavy with the weight of her troubles and when she finally arrived home, she was happy to find Emily in her living room, playing with her little baby sister.
  • “Hey, Alice,” Emily greeted her with a smile, “how was work today?”
  • Alice shrugged, “Fine.” Said Alice as she sat.
  • “I have a business dinner tonight,” she told Emily. “and I need you to stay over to help take care of my sister.”
  • “Of course,” Emily replied without hesitation, “I’d be happy to.”
  • Alice felt a sense of relief flood over her. Since Alice trusted Emily with everything and knew that she could count on her to take care of her sister, she gave Emily a peck on the side of her cheek.
  • Emily on the other hand had always been like a second mother to Alice's little sis, and Alice appreciated her more than words could express.
  • “I’ll be back later tonight,” Alice said as she stood up, “thank you for being here for me.”
  • “Anytime,” Emily replied with a warm smile.
  • Alice then walked inside to freshen up and to also have some rest and eat as well.
  • A few hours later…
  • As she got ready for the dinner, she tried to push her feelings aside and focus on the task at hand. She put on a tight-fitting dress that showed off her curves, and applied makeup to accentuate her features. She looked in the mirror and barely recognized herself.
  • When Damon arrived to pick her up, she felt a sense of dread wash over her the moment she realized she never sent him her house address.
  • The moment she saw him, she pushed her thoughts aside and knew what was expected of her. She didn't know if she could go through with it.
  • As they arrived at the dinner, Alice put on a fake smile and greeted the guests. She played the part of the perfect girlfriend, laughing at Damon's jokes and flirting with him in front of the other guests.
  • The dinner was excruciatingly long, filled with small talk, business jargon, and Damon's constant gaze at Alice.
  • But as the night wore on, Alice felt more uncomfortable. She could feel Damon's eyes on her continuously, and she got confused if she had done what he didn't want her to do by mistake. She tried to avoid his gaze, but he was persistent.
  • Finally, as they were leaving the dinner, Damon pulled Alice aside. "I want you to follow me to my place tonight," he said, his voice low and menacing.
  • Alice felt a sense of panic wash over her. She imagined his reason, and she didn't know if she could go through with it. But she also knew that she had no choice.
  • As they arrived at Damon's apartment, Alice tried to calm her nerves.
  • As they entered the bedroom, Damon pushed her to the bed and climbed on her. Alice closed her eyes and tried to block out the view of seeing his face. She knew that this was the price she had to pay for her job, but she couldn't help feeling like she had made a terrible mistake.
  • "What?" Damon asked the moment he noticed the look on her face.
  • With weary eyes she spoke in a very weak tone.
  • "I haven't done it before. I'm… I'm a virgin." She said as tears dropped out from her eyes.
  • He immediately stood up from her body, pacing back and forth. He was furious. He was angry at himself and couldn't believe he had contracted this gorgeous young woman to be his girlfriend, and he had expected her to be experienced, to know just what to do to satisfy him. Only to discover she was a virgin.
  • He groaned continuously, using his palm to hit his head. She just stared at him with wide eyes, too frightened to speak. His anger simmering just beneath the surface,
  • "Sir, I'm sorry," she apologized, not as if it was her fault in the first place.
  • "You're sorry?" he snarled. "Sorry isn't good enough. Do you realize how embarrassing this is? I paid you and you can't even do the one thing I hired you for."
  • "I understand," she said softly, her voice trembling. "But I never meant to disappoint you."
  • He sneered at her. "Do you expect me to believe that? You're a liar and a fraud. I want my money back."
  • Alice knew that at this point, if she didn't please him, she might also lose her job as his personal assistance.
  • Her eyes widened in shock. "Sir, please, I need that money. I have bills to pay and-"
  • "I don't care about your bills," he interrupted. "You didn't live up to your end of the bargain. I want my money back and I want you out of here."
  • "I'm not leaving. A contract was signed and payment refund wasn't stated." She said.
  • He turned his back on her and began to pace again, his fists clenched at his sides. She stood there for a moment, watching him in silence as she stood up and walked towards him. Looking at him right in the face, she spoke.
  • "Are you afraid of virgins? Are you scared I can't meet your expectations?" She asked and he couldn't give her a reply. Her eyes were already turning red from the tears.
  • In the next second,she pulled off her tight gown and threw it to the floor and was now seen with just her bra and pants.
  • "Have me." She said, still looking up to him.
  • He left her standing and sat down on the edge of his bed, burying his face in his hands, feeling lost and confused.
  • "Please dress up. I'll drop you now."
  • All Alice could do was continue pleading for him to have her but he gave her no listening ears.