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Chapter 6 The Beginning

  • Crescent
  • She ran swiftly and soon saw her meal for the next few days. It was exactly what she had hoped for. The thought of venison made her mouth water. She crouched and as she was about to pounce a towering man who looked to be severely injured spooked the deer. She cursed to herself and hid in the brush to not be seen by him. She didn’t want to risk being hurt again. As she watched him make his way through the forest, he got closer and closer to her home till eventually he did, but she noticed he had only observed his surroundings up until now. She watched as he took a sip of water from her lake. She crept closer to get a better look at the male who had managed to make it so far into the forest by himself while hurt. She guessed that he was most likely about six feet and seven inches since he looked to be about the size of her true form. His hair is what really spooked her, it was red and curly just like the fire that had burnt her hands. She rubbed them instinctively out of fear, and to remind herself that the people that she had blessed were horrible. His eyes though reminded him of the fresh leaves around her. They held an air of dominance but gentleness at the same time. She noticed that his wound was worse than before and that he had unfortunately decided to take a nap next to her lake. Would she be forced to sleep outside until he left? Cresent hoped that would not happen, but after a while his breath ceased and a part of her suddenly started to hurt. She didn’t know what, but it was telling her to help him.
  • She was so conflicted with herself, as she was scared, she’d be hurt yet again, but she wanted the pain she was feeling to go away. She shifted back to her human form and walked up to him cautiously. She poked him first to see if he would wake up, and he didn’t, but the pain got worse for her. She quickly pricked her finger and drew a healing circle on his bare chest. The circle lightly glowed and the strange man started breathing again, but his wound was still bleeding.
  • She picked up his heavy body and dragged it up to her cave so that she could bandage him up before healing him more. She knew that he would be heavy, but he weighed a lot more than what she initially thought he was. She groaned and panted as she finally managed to lay him down on the floor of her cave and started tending to his wounds.
  • The man had a large gash on his side that was bleeding a lot, and she was forced to use some of her blessing on him to heal it enough that it would stop bleeding so much. The amount of blood the man had pumped out was outrageous. She didn’t even know how he was still alive after such horrible wounds. Even Lycans would have had a challenging time dealing with the pain of the wound.
  • She hoped that when he awoke that he would not harm her and would instead thank her for saving him and then be on his way back to his pack.
  • Ascelin
  • He took a gasp of air and heard crickets singing and the place that he was in was dark beside the campfire that was lit near him. He realized he was in a cave and not next to the lake like he last remembered. He looked around the cave and it looked well lived in, and he assumed that a loner must live here which was perfect. He would invite them to his pack and would get another diligent worker.
  • He heard the scrapping of nails and turned his head to see a small white she-wolf carrying a deer carcass. He silently cursed to himself that it was an omega that had saved him, but he couldn’t deny that for an omega her wolf form looked quite beautiful. He quietly waited until she shifted into her human form to show a pale, elegant, and soft woman with majestic long wavy black hair that reached to her belly button and blue eyes that would pierce the pitch blackness of night.
  • He didn’t know why but he felt an attraction to her that he had never felt with any before. Maybe it was just him feeling grateful for being saved. He shoved the feeling aside and saw her pass him with the deer that she had caught, and he watched as she gutted and skinned the thing until all of it was organized by what it could be used for.
  • “What would you like for saving me?” he inquired. He didn’t want to be in debt to an omega and most definitely did not want one within his palace.
  • He watched her stop cooking the prey and she twisted her head to look at him with those piercing cold eyes of hers, “Nothing… you leaving within in the morning is enough” she said with a stifled voice.
  • He shook his head no, “there has to be something that you want… I’m able to give you anything if it is within reason.,” he was a bit frustrated now. What kind of omega would say no to being able to ask to join a pack? This one certainly was not the brightest.
  • He saw her sigh and rub her temple as she brushed her hair behind her ears, “If you are going to insist then I shall request you take in five omegas with fur as white as snow” she said with a voice softer than feathers.