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Chapter 7

  • Lilian went down for dinner. As usual, all the maids had gone home. She walked quietly to the dining table but as she approached, she could make out the shadow of a figure just round the final corner. Maybe a maid was still around working or the chef was leaving her plate out for her? She entered and saw Damian seated calmly. Why was the world trying to punish her? Hadn't she seen enough of him for one day? She hesitated before she took her seat. Damian had a plate of food in front of him. Was he going to eat with her? Why?
  • "Nice of you to finally join me," he said expressionlessly. "Seems you like to eat alone."
  • Lilian didn't say anything. She was really tired. Even though she had been thinking about him a few minutes ago, nature always had its way. She didn't need this right now. What she needed was a good meal and sleep. If she was following him to work tomorrow, then she needed it.
  • Lilian took her cutlery and began to eat wordlessly. Damian watched her and after a few minutes, he began to eat too. There was silence and only the sound of the cutlery on the plates could be heard. After their plates were cleared, Damian drank some water. However, Lilian was still hungry. She wasn't a dainty eater and as always, the chef left some more food for her. She took what she could finish and continued to eat. Damian watched her intently but she didn't care. She needed a good meal and him watching her wasn't going to stop her from eating the whole plate if she had to.
  • Soon she was done. She took her plate and Damian's to the kitchen.
  • "So you do have good manners," he said as she came back.
  • Lilian simply rolled her eyes and headed to the stairs. She needed sleep.
  • "Come back here," Damian called out to her. What did he want now?
  • Lilian gave a frustrated murmur and came back. She had no time for this.
  • "What is it now?" she asked.
  • "Sit."
  • She forced her butt back into the chair and folded her arms crossly. Damian looked her in the face. She was devoid of her hard look and looked like a hot teenager throwing a tantrum. She had many sides to her.
  • "Okay, I'm sitting. Talk."
  • "Why did you steal from me?"
  • Lilian rolled her eyes. Not this again. She thought they had been over this already.
  • "I didn't steal anything from you. You have all your things and nothing is missing. You should even be thanking me."
  • "Thanking you," Damian scoffed. "For what?"
  • "For giving you a proper security check." Lilian had a smirk on her face.
  • "Excuse me?"
  • Lilian leaned in towards Damian. He could see her full cleavage from the top of her night dress and her nipples were hard against her dress.
  • "People being too obedient has made you think that you are untouchable. Everyone here is scared of you and it has made you careless."
  • "Careless?"
  • "Let me explain to the rich brain. The code to the front door–is 56783, the code to the back door–is 37986, code to the gate–is 79392, you keep all your car keys in the left drawer on the second row. Should I say more?
  • Damian was flabbergasted. How did she know all this?
  • "If I wanted to leave, I could have done that months ago. But I haven't. I may be able to escape here but I can never escape you. You will have the whole of America combing the country for me with a fat bounty on my head. I don't have the money to even out your playing field. So Mr. Richard's, have I answered your question?"
  • Damian couldn't say anything. His mind was rushing and he confirmed that all she said was true.
  • "Seems we're done here," said Lilian as she stood up. "Goodnight Mr. Richard's."
  • Lilian went upstairs and was soon out of sight. Damian was alone. He was lost in thought about this woman. She was different. Something about her tugged at his feelings. He wasn't going to take her to work tomorrow. He needed to up his security. He retired to his room and drifted off to sleep with thoughts of Lilian on his mind.
  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • Lilian was up late. She slept in which was weird because every time she wanted to stay longer in bed, one of the maids woke her up. The whole house was quiet. Lilian went downstairs. All the maids were gone for the morning. Only the guards outside could be seen from the window. She went to the kitchen and saw the chef cleaning up.
  • "Ahhh. Good morning Miss Mendez. Hope you liked yesterday's cuisine?" He had a bit of an Italian accent. Lilian was still confused.
  • "Uhmm...yes. Thank you. Where is everyone?"
  • "Right. Mr. Richard's said you will not be going to work with him today so he left and asked the maids not to wake you up. The maids have done all the chores and have gone for the day."
  • Lilian thanked the chef and went to the front door. She pressed the code but she was denied access. She tried again but she got the same response. She tried the back door as well and she had no luck. Damian must have changed all the codes after their discussion last night. Did he think she was going to run away? Lilian went back to the chef and he gave her breakfast. He enjoyed watching her eat his meal with much gusto. She thanked him and went upstairs to freshen up. She had the whole house to herself so she was going to do some exploring. She had been here for almost three months and she had still not seen the whole house.
  • After a refreshing bath. She went around the house. There were so many rooms. What did he need all of them for? He never had guests around. She finally found his library. It was enormous. She walked from shelf to shelf pulling out books and looking at covers and titles. Maybe she would find something she might like. She had no phone and it seemed like no one ever watched the TV. His books were mostly business and management. She did find a reasonable number of books on sex and male domination. Was obvious he was the BDSM type of person. Seemed she too had a secret kink for it. She even found all 7 volumes of the Karma Sutra. Wow! That was an unexpected find. She kept looking and found a book she had only read in her childhood at the orphanage, "Harry Potter and The Half-blood Prince." She opened it and a picture fell out of it. She picked it up and it was a picture of little Damian, all covered in smiles next to his beautiful, smiling mum and his less-than-happy dad. She had never seen him genuinely smile since she got there. He only smirked, frowned, or gave no emotion at all. She put the picture on the table and took the book to her room. She wasn't going to let boredom get the best of her in this enormous house. She got comfy in her bed and began to read.