Chapter 109
- Antonio peered into the darkness and suddenly, a masked figure jumped out and grabbed him by the throat. He struggled and tried his best to fight back. The masked figure pushed Antonio to the ground and grabbed a knife from the drawer and tried to proceed upstairs. Antonio grabbed his leg and pulled him to the ground. He managed to stand up and grabbed a frying pan and hit his assailant on the head. The man reeled on the floor and the noise made such a racket that Damian was alarmed and headed downstairs. He met Antonio in a furious battle with a robber and tried to jump in to help. He pulled the robber away from Antonio and unfurled a right hook which the robber dodged. Lilian rushed down and saw the men fighting and was unsure of what to do.
- Damian twisted the man's arm and the knife fell out of his hand to the floor. He tried to go for a choke hold but the robber used his elbow and hit Damian in the face. Antonio tried to grab the knife but he was too slow. The robber grabbed it first and stabbed Antonio with it.
- Lilian let out a scream as Antonio fell to the floor. He was bleeding terribly.