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Chapter 7

  • Nathan woke up the next morning and for the first time in a long time, he had the will to live and was in a bright mood, yesterday happened and it all still seem like a dream to him but he woke up in a VIP room in a big hospital that he would not have been able to afford on a norm on his own, that was enough proof that this wasn’t a dream and that he had a job that will seal his and his sister’s fate for life, his sisters would not need to witness a harsh life anymore and he would not have to work hard jobs to feed them anymore. his joy was kind of bittersweet, especially when he thought about his late mom, if only she was still here, his joy would have been complete, they took her away from him and now that he didn’t have to work tirelessly to survive, he would do his best to succeed and make those that killed his mom pay.
  • He didn’t like the fact that he has to pretend to be someone else but if that means he didn’t have to suffer anymore, then so be it, maybe this was the universe's way of paying him back for all the pains he has gone through. If he was being honest, this was not enough payment since the universe has been so unfair to him since he was born, he lived twenty-six years in poverty and witnessed the most brutal reality, he should get more and he will get more, he needed money all these while and now that he has a way to get that money, he would make sure to make good use of it so that not just him but his children and everyone that will come from his linage will not need to suffer anymore.
  • “You are awake? Good,”
  • Gianni said as she walked into the hospital room with two men following behind her, Nathan sat up at the sight of them, Gianni was one pretty woman, if she wasn’t to be his practical stepmother, he could see himself hitting on her, she had the best smile too, he remembered what he had thought she wanted from him yesterday and felt his neck redden in embarrassment.
  • “How are you feeling now?”
  • She asked him.
  • “I am good. good morning,”
  • he greeted feeling self-conscious as both the men and Gianni were staring at him.
  • “Good to know. this is Paul and this is Johan,”
  • She introduced and Nathan nodded still not knowing why they were there, he looked at the men and they were well dressed and looked well-presented which could mean they either work for her or Sabastian.
  • “Johan is my cousin and he is also one of the directors, and Paul is my personal assistant,”
  • She informed.
  • “Nice to meet you guys,”
  • Nathan said. He didn’t know what else to say to the men or how much they knew about him and the deal he has with Gianni.
  • “Don’t look so tensed, they are aware of what’s going on and are here as witnesses, if you haven’t changed your mind about what I asked for,”
  • Gianni said as they all took their seat on the comfortable chair in the big hospital room, Nathan got off the bed and walked to them, and also sat down too, the one she called Paul pushed a file to him and Nathan picked it up.
  • “That’s the contents of what you are to do and what you will benefit from it, starting from you and your sibling moving into the mansion and also paying for a six-month postgraduate course so that you can get that degree you couldn’t get,”
  • She explained. Just the initial benefits already looked so appealing, Nathan went through the file and realized it must be some kind of miracle, aside from the fact that he has to play Sebastian’s long lost son, he was basically getting employed only difference is that his pay is in millions, he liked what he was reading until he came to a particular clause that didn’t seat quite right with him.
  • “Hmm, what does this mean? If I pull out at any time, I will have to pay back everything in ten folds. I don’t understand,”
  • Nathan said looking at Gianni who nodded.
  • “Yes, this is not an easy task and a lot of money is being spent, we just want to make sure that you are totally in for it. There won’t be a problem with that if you have no intentions of quitting on us, I am speaking from experience here because we have been through it once with someone else and he got away after making billions off us,”
  • Gianni informed, Nathan wanted her to go into details but let it go and continued reading through, aside from that, everything else looked good to him, he wasn’t asked to do anything illegal, at least it was not stated in the contract and he wasn’t going to do anything not in the contract but he needed to let them know that.
  • “Aside from the ten folds pay back, which might I say is ridiculous, everything else is okay,”
  • he let out looking at all of their faces.
  • “As I said, you won’t need to pay back if you just do everything you are getting paid for,”
  • Gianni responded.
  • “Yeah, as long as I am not made to do anything not stated in this contract, I am good, but another question though, I don’t see a clause that states I have to give us everything once he is no more,”
  • Nathan stated suddenly realizing no clause states that.
  • “That’s because you are going to remain his heir, Sebastian is the one dying not his relatives, don’t you think they will realize something is fishy if you suddenly leave once Ulmer dies?”
  • Johan chipped in which made a lot of sense but that kind of gave him more power than them once he signs, he wondered why they were not scared that he might turn on them, not like he plans on doing so.
  • “what measures did you put in place in case I turn against you?”
  • He asked as he couldn’t keep it to himself, the look of shock on their faces made him realize they didn’t even think of him turning on them, how did they make a clause of him paying ten folds if he decides to pull out but never thought of him turning against them.
  • “Don’t tell me you made plans to make me pay ten folds back if I decide to leave but nothing planned out if I decide to switch ship yet once I sign this and Sebastian passes all he owns to me, I get all the power, don’t you think you need measures to keep me in check so that I will not kick you out along with the guys you are trying to keep the goodies away from?”
  • He asked facing Gianni, how could she be so careless about something as major as that? No wonder she got scammed by that person she mentioned, to be fair, even with all his business sense, he also got scammed once and he never recovered from it.
  • “Technically, we will both be co-heirs to everything he owes,”
  • she responded, if only she knew just how easy it was for people to betray each other.
  • “Yeah but that doesn’t mean I can’t turn against you, we may co-own what he leaves behind but you do realize I will have more power right?”
  • Nathan asked as if he was speaking to a toddler, what he meant seemed to finally sink in and she reminded silent, he waited and watched her.
  • “You won’t turn on us, right?”
  • Gianni asked after a long pause, the others seem to still be lost for words.
  • “Of course, I have no plan of doing that, I mean if I did, I would not have pointed out your lapses,”
  • he pointed out.
  • “Yeah, I did well choosing you, you seem to know more about these things than the lots of us, yes, there might be a lot more lapses because I am not a business person and Johan may be a director, but his focus is fashion, and Paul is only a year into the job, he is my personal assistant, not a business guru, we are all pretty much amateur in this but I don’t want all Sebastian worked for to go to his ungrateful relatives, they never deserve him, not after what and how they treated him in that family,”
  • “Oh, you have a beef with his family,”
  • Nathan said more to himself, he didn’t need to know the details of what his family did to him and she seem not to have heard what he said as she continued.
  • “More than ever, I want them away from what Sebastian owns and I don’t want them coming near it even if he is no more here, I can't do it by myself and I don’t know who else to trust with these except the lot of us in this room and Johan’s dad too,”
  • She explained to which the other nodded, there was no one else involved in this which means they didn’t have a legal team which led to a lot more questions forming in his head.