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Chapter 2 I - Sophie

  • "You are going to marry Mr. Carter and there is no more discussion, Sophie!" Charles's words were final.
  • I should have given up arguing and trying to convince him otherwise, but I couldn't give up so easily. It was my life, and they had already destroyed it for the past eleven years.
  • "But I can't marry a man I don't even know! I don't even know who the Carters are."
  • "That just shows how uninformed you are, darling," Magie, my uncle's wife, spoke with pure mockery, tossing her blonde hair back. "They are simply the wealthiest family in the country. Their jewels sell all around the world."
  • "Why would a man like that want to marry me? He can have any woman in the world. There must be another way to close this deal!" I stomped my foot, and Charles circled the table to face me.
  • Over the years, I had learned to fear the man. I had learned to lower my head and swallow the things he said, because it meant fewer beatings and punishments.
  • "Listen here, brat. We raised you for these eleven years, even after your thieving parents ran away and died in the process. We gave you everything, so now it's time for you to repay us!" I swallowed hard, wanting to scream that I didn't believe his words about my parents, but I stayed quiet. "You will marry Patrick Carter, give him as many heirs as he wants, and you will do it with a smile!"
  • Just when I was only a year away from gaining my independence, this couldn't happen. Just when I would finally see myself free from that hell, from those heartless people, I would be thrown into the arms of a man I didn't even know.
  • "Yes, sir," I reluctantly replied.
  • "Cheer up, cousin," Louis said, laughing from the sofa as he poured himself another glass of whisky. "I heard he's a recluse, living in a house in the mountains. I'm sure it will be just like in your silly books."
  • I wanted to punch and curse, or scratch that bastard's face like I did years ago, but just the thought of the scars on my back sent a cold shiver up my spine, reminding me that keeping my mouth shut there was a matter of survival.
  • "The wedding is tomorrow. The notary will come here, and you will sign the papers. After that, me and his father will handle the rest of the details."
  • "He's not coming? We're not getting married in a church?" I asked, perplexed that even that was being taken away from me.
  • My dream of walking down the aisle in a veil and wearing my mother's dress was truly going down the drain, and I couldn't do anything about it.
  • "Don't be foolish, girl! This is not a wedding full of nonsense and frivolity. This is a business transaction."
  • Tears filled my eyes as I realized that I was a commodity, traded off for a woman to bear a son, and my uncle was getting a lot of money for his company.
  • "I hate you!" I gathered all my anger and threw away the idea of being a good girl. If he was selling me, there was no reason to continue with it.
  • Charles raised his hand, ready to hit me, but Magie shouted, stopping him.
  • "The wedding is tomorrow. Do you really want her face to be marked and them to back out of the deal?"
  • - You're right, my dear, well remembered. - he looked at her, devouring her with his eyes, before dismissing me with a wave of his hand. - Go to your room and don't come out until it's time to sign the papers, I don't want to see your face anymore!
  • I stormed out, letting the tears stream down my face, and locked myself in my room.
  • I cried for a long time, until I fell asleep. I had gotten used to spending my days locked inside the room and sleeping to forget the hunger. They took pleasure in giving me that kind of punishment.
  • A knock on the door woke me up, and I grabbed the small knife I kept under my pillow. It had been like this since the day I woke up with my cousin on top of me, touching me.
  • - Who is it?
  • - It's me, girl, Rosa. Open up. - I sighed with relief when I heard the familiar voice of one of my favorite people in that world. - Quick, close it quickly so no one sees me.
  • The short and chubby woman entered, carrying a tray with what should be my dinner.
  • - You shouldn't have done this, Rosa. I don't want you getting into trouble because of me. - I reminded her, but I sat down to eat. - What will become of me if they kick you out?
  • - I don't think it matters anymore, does it, girl? Hugo told me everything he overheard the bosses talking about. - I quickly swallowed the still warm food just to respond.
  • - It will be my end, Rosa. I'm trying not to think about it.
  • She patted my hand and smiled sympathetically. Then she got up and opened the wardrobe, starting to take out the few clothes I had.
  • - Why don't you try to see this in a different way, my daughter? - I furrowed my brow in confusion. - You're finally getting out of this cursed house, you'll be able to have your own life, do whatever you want...
  • - You don't know how things will turn out, I don't even know what this man is like. - but it can't be anything good, since he wants to pay to marry me and won't even show up here to sign the papers.
  • - You have to try to be happy for the first time in your life, that's all. - Rosa closed the suitcase and placed it next to the bed, then sat down again and held my hand. - I may not know this man, but I know you, I know you're sweet and capable of touching hearts. I'm sure you won't give up and let him treat you as he pleases. Promise me you'll go there and win that man's heart!
  • Tears filled my eyes with her words, even though I knew everything could get worse, she was encouraging me. She had been my only mother figure since I was ten years old and my aunt and uncle sent Jenny away.
  • - Rosa, I love you. - I clung to her, feeling like it could be the last time.
  • I woke up the next day determined to do what she had told me. I would win over my husband, even if this marriage was starting off on the wrong foot, I would make it work.
  • I put on the dress that Magie had chosen, it was horrible and didn't flatter me at all, not even in a white shade that woman was capable of buying.
  • They only let me come downstairs when the notary arrived, so I was sure that my future husband's parents were already there as well. I entered the dining room, my uncle, the notary, and a tall man with white hair were waiting for me at the head of the table.
  • - You're beautiful! - a woman exclaimed, appearing in front of me. - Oh, I'm sorry, dear, I'm Audrey Carter, your mother-in-law.
  • "It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am," I murmured, still feeling awkward. I didn't expect someone so lively and warm, especially since the agreement with my uncle surely involved a large sum of money.
  • "Oh darling, call me Audrey. We'll soon be family," she said.
  • I smiled wider, trying to be polite and understand the whole situation.
  • "See, I told you. She's a calm, healthy, and young girl," Magie said, approaching. I wanted to slap her and show her that I wasn't calm at all, but I didn't want to ruin my chance of getting rid of her. "Sophie will give you many heirs."
  • "I'm sure we'll get along very well," Audrey said, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and leading me away from that disgusting woman. "This is my husband, James Carter."
  • The tall man with white hair, more wrinkles than I could count, opened a wide smile. His brown eyes stared at me, and he bent down to embrace me, surprising me even more.
  • "Look, they didn't tell me this girl was so beautiful. I'm very happy to meet you and even happier about this union. I'm sure you and my son will be very happy together."
  • I didn't even want to think about what his son was really like because they seemed too determined to be nice to me.
  • "I'm excited to meet him. Why didn't Patrick come, though?" I asked.
  • "Don't mind my niece's curiosity. She'll have time to talk about all this with her husband when they meet!"
  • Of course, my uncle would intervene and try to expedite the ceremony just to sign this agreement. I signed the paper, noticing that Patrick's part had already been signed. Apparently, he never left the house.
  • After that, they talked and we had lunch together, but before I could return to my room, my uncle told me to grab my suitcase because the car Patrick sent to pick me up had arrived.
  • I followed without complaining, like a sheep going to the slaughterhouse. It was a three-hour trip until I reached the small town and another hour to reach the top of the mountain where his mansion was located.
  • I stopped in front of the house, feeling the cold wind chilling me to the bone. The house was beautiful, surrounded by flowers and trees, but there was something sad about it, and I could see it. I looked up and saw someone in the window, but before I could get a better look, the person moved away.