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Chapter 2

  • The journey to Blackmoon pack lasted for a whole day. Each passing moment in the car intensified my fear and a wave of uncertainty swept through me.
  • There were series of incidents that made me question everything about the auction but I was left with no answers.
  • Arnold had instructed Martha to give me a dress before the journey. It was a long blue silky dress which complimented the color of my eyes.
  • As I examined the dress, I couldn't help but feel nostalgic. I used to be adorned in such dresses before my mother's death. But I only knew a life of rags and hand me downs since she died.
  • A thousand questions flitted through my mind as I stared at myself in the mirror with the dress. Why had Arnold gotten me the dress? If he truly wanted to sell me off to the worst place, why would he make an attempt to make me look beautiful?
  • I tried to come up with an answer during the car ride but I was left even more confused. As dusk was beginning to approach, we arrived at a place which appeared to be a bustling marketplace.
  • "Get out of the car!" Arnold barked, before pulling me out roughly. He held me tightly as we nestled between the busy crowd. "Don't even think of running away."
  • My eyes glanced around the marketplace slowly and a wave of dread crashed through me. My wolf became restless immediately and goosebumps crept up to my skin. Something was unnerving about this place and I knew it.
  • We stopped at a large house which looked like a warehouse. Before we walked in, Arnold turned to me. "You better drop your old habits and act like a lady here. It will help your chances of leaving this place soon. Do you understand me?"
  • "Yes." I said faintly.
  • The door swung open and we cautiously stepped inside, entering a dimly illuminated room where a strange man sat at a desk, engrossed in writing.
  • My wolf stirred with unease as I stared at the man. Danger lurked here, causing me to retreat in fear.
  • "How can I help you?" The man who had noticed our presence asked. "Any new goods?"
  • Arnold chipped in immediately. "Yes. I've brought the girl like I promised."
  • My heart began to pound furiously against my chest and my palms were perspiring. Like he promised? Had he made plans to sell me a long time ago?? But for what reason?
  • The strange man turned to me and his eyes raked my body from head to toe. "I can see she is a beautiful one." He said smirking and I was instantly nauseous.
  • "She's a lot of trouble. You have to keep an eye on her." Arnold replied, pinching his nose softly.
  • "Oh, don't worry. She's no trouble for us. She's good money." The man replied, still studying me intently.
  • "How much is she worth?" Arnold asked, greed etched across his face. I wanted to turn around and run. To run far away and never come back. But I knew I wouldn't get far and it was almost dark.
  • "With a face like that and some other properties." The man chuckled before he continued. "We're talking good money for you."
  • Arnold smiled and Martha sneered behind me. The man approached us and began to talk in low tones with Arnold. After a while, he walked back to his desk and grabbed a small bag of money.
  • I could hear my own heart beating as I realized that a successful trade had happened between them. Arnold had sold me to the strange man.
  • I watched in confusion, trying to understand what was happening but the man began to approach me.
  • I took unwilling steps back as he tried to hold me. "Please, don't touch me." I begged.
  • But Martha held me back to my position. "Stand still, you annoying bitch. Dad has gone through a lot to sell you. You can't make him lose the money."
  • The strange man grabbed my breasts forcefully and bounced them in an attempt to weigh them. I winced and closed my eyes as tears pooled up.
  • Then, he smacked my ass and laughed with satisfaction. "We'll take her. She's going to be good trade." He said.
  • Arnold chuckled. "You're not entirely useless like your mother. I hope your new master enjoys you."
  • His words rang in my head like a bell and the realization of my fate dawned on me. I wasn't being sold to be a house slave. No. Arnold had sold me to be used like a pig.
  • "No." I begged. "You can't do this to me."
  • "Seems like the excitement has finally washed away. You've figured it out already." He replied. "I thought it would take a week or two for you to get it."
  • "You can't sell me here," I pleaded with tears in my eyes. "I'll go anywhere else or do anything you want. Please, just take me out of here."
  • "You're worth good money here," he snickered. "Who could have thought that I would be paid handsomely for you?"
  • Fear, real fear gripped me for the first time. I rushed to him and grabbed his legs. "Mother loved you more than anything. You wouldn't do this to her, would you?" I cried. "Please take me back with you. I will be obedient and I will never try to run away."
  • "Dad, don't listen to her." Martha chipped in. "This is her punishment for running away. And I don't want to ever see her face back at home."
  • What seemed like a dagger pierced my heart as I heard her words. There was no going back for me and I knew it. I was doomed to suffer in this place.
  • My eyes blurred as tears streamed down my face. "I'm your step sister, Martha. Do you hate me this much?"
  • "Step sister?" She snorted. "You're not my step sister. I've always hated you and your stupid guts. I hope you face the worst treatment here. Maybe then, you'll appreciate what father and I did for you."
  • Arnold kicked my hands away from his legs and I fell to the ground. As I tried to get up, the strange man grabbed me, holding me down tightly.
  • I screamed loud, tossing my hands and feet in the air but no one was coming to rescue me. I watched as Arnold and Martha walked out of the door. I watched as they left without taking a glance at me. I was all alone, in this hell hole.
  • The man holding me yanked me up and shoved me into a small prison cell.
  • "Please, let me out of here." I begged him.
  • He smiled and shook his head slightly. "You don't get it, do you?" He asked. "There's no going back. This is your new home till you're sold off. Get comfortable." And then he walked away, leaving me in the dark cold cell.