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Chapter 8

  • The hall was decorated with lots of flowers, ballons, lightings and many beautiful interior decor that spiced it up, making it so unique.
  • The wonderful decorators were dressed in cute dresses, they standing out from the little crowd.
  • I had no idea what the planning committee had in stock for me, but I was marveled by the little I was seeing already.
  • There was this soft music playing and I saw myself moving and quietly dancing to the beat of the song. I walked calmly to one of the chairs.
  • Some of my colleagues who spotted me on time waved at me, while some took the bold steps to come around and congratulate me personally.
  • I was getting tired of replying, thank you, thank you, thank you, especially to people who weren't saying it from their hearts. Not like I could tell looking at their faces anyway.
  • I looked around for Jessica. She was the only one that could make my day a less boring one. I searched around for her with my eyes till it teared up to no avail. I wonder where she had gone to now, huhhh.
  • Perhaps, I should call her, I thought. Would she pick up? That's if her phone is not on silence be the way. I decided not to call her. We will still meet before the end of the inaugural event, or else I will have no other option than to call her finally.
  • I took my phone from my bag and thought that I should go through it to whole away time while I wait for the event to start fully.
  • I wonder why I wasn't so excited about everything. Probably because I'm not this party kind of person? I'm so happy that I was promoted, not just promoted but to the highest level of promotion in this company. That's one of the best news I've gotten in a while now, so definitely, I am happy. Though, it seems I'm not because of my lackadaisical attitude towards the ongoing event meant for me.
  • Well, it's not my fault that I'm not the party type either, so there's no need feeling so bad about it, I thought.
  • I was still on my phone when I noticed someone walk up to me. I looked up to see a lady standing infront of me, smiling.
  • "Hello, how may I help you?
  • "I'm Loniora, ma'am."
  • "Okay Loniora. That's a nice name you've got there."
  • "Thank you ma'am." She answers, still smiling. That got me nervous though.
  • "So Loniora, what can I do for you? I asked.
  • "Well ma'am, I'm part of the ushering team for this event."
  • I looked closely, that was when I noticed the ushering tag on her breast pocket.
  • "I was sent to usher you to a special seat, selected and specifically decorated for you for this event ma'am. Please come with me, while I take you to your special seat." She said to me, still having that mild smile on.
  • "Uhm Loniora, sorry, but I can't stand up from here. I'm okay with where I'm sitting." I replied.
  • "Ma'am, today is your special day and you need to be graced with special treatments atleast." She urged calmly.
  • "That's not a problem. You guys should be more concerned about giving me what I want than giving me what you want for me, alright."
  • She paused for a while, as if trying to digest what I had just told her. She stood there, looking like a confused squirrel who was in the middle of eating a nut and getting stuck or leaving a nut and crossing safely.
  • I came to the rescue. "Don't bother about me, just tell your leader or your boss that I politely declined the savory offer. Then focus more on important things." Just as I said that, I saw of of the guests walking in, "Oh yeah, this is what you should do, go and usher the guests in. Thank you."
  • She thanked me and left, by this time, i couldn't see any trace of smile any more. I guess it might have expired due to lack of return. I smiled at myself and continued with my phone.
  • Not long after the Loniora lady left, Jessica cane around. She sat just beside me, having a faked frown on her face.
  • "Hey Jessica. Where have you been? Been looking all around for you, tell me what you have been up to you gist lover? I asked with a little touch of sarcasm and a pinch of ridicule.
  • "Sonia, you know I don't have time for you today and your know that I'm letting everything slide because today is your day." She answered.
  • "Please, spare me that trash. Be real with me, forget whatever that's clogging your brain. Everyday is my day, I hope you put that in mind." I replied, then took my phone up again.
  • "Whatever! That's not my problem with you right now."
  • "So what's your problem? Definitely not with me."
  • "Tell me why you are seated here? Your guests have arrived and..."
  • "That's why there are ushers to attend to them okay. Besides the event is about to kickstart, I'm waiting patiently for the end of it though."
  • "Ohhh, not again. Sonia, I don't fancy this your lackadaisical lifestyle towards anything that concerns party. This isn't a club either, this is your inauguration party! The earlier that sinks into your head Sonia, the better."
  • Not wanting to start any argument with my friend, I just nodded at her.
  • "Good, just be a good girl. I know you don't fancy parties alright, but just for today, be a good girl."
  • "Yeah, uhmmm, I will be a good woman. But please, I'm not leaving this seat till I'm called up to swear an oath." I answered.
  • "So, if you're called, you'll stand up from the crowd and start walking to the stage? Jess asked quite amazed.
  • "Ohh that... I will find how I can manuevy my way to the the stage.
  • "You're really funny. I have a seat reserved for you. If you're ready, I will take you there." She said enticingly.
  • "I have heard you. Alright then, let's go."