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Chapter 5

  • “Please, Alpha, let me go,” Leonie’s voice pulled into my ears.
  • I glared down at her, standing in my throne room. The guards pinned her down to submission. I could see the veins in her hands as she fought against the brutal force that they exerted on her.
  • It gave me some sort of sadistic pleasure seeing her suffer. She deserved it because her kind had done nothing, but bring me complete pain. She didn’t deserve to stay a foot where I was.
  • “I’m researcher, and I honestly lost my way, and found myself in your territory. I didn’t do anything wrong,” she cried out.
  • “Enough!” I held my hand out, tired of her pathetic whining. “I will not spare you no matter how hard you try.”
  • She visibly whimpered, and her disposition changed visibly. The guards held her down even more, making a whimper to escape her lips, and it pleased me so much.
  • “Let me go, Alpha Gunnolf Royale,” she cried.
  • Her tears increased in tempo and before long the structure of her face caved in on itself, and weeds and weirdly cut horns slid out from them. The guards left her in horror, and I stared in shock.
  • “No!” I screamed.
  • My fingers grasped my bed sheet and I my eyes sprang open in shock. It was just a dream. My hands slid through my hair which slid down my back.
  • “Oh, moon goddess,” I mumbled slightly.
  • I slid out of my bed, and walked over to the boney windows that protects outsiders from peering into my chambers. This human was bad news. The moon was brighter than ever at this time of the night, and its energy calm. I didn’t feel it this night. All I felt was anxiety and it burned right into my soul.
  • How do I get rid of Leonie?
  • I knew next to nothing about her, and she already gave me bad vibes. I don’t really care for dreams, but I felt like this particular one was trying to tell me something.
  • I needed to get rid of her. The sooner, the better it would be for me. I hated everything that she signified.
  • “Moon goddess, I have always wanted a mate, but you gave me someone who makes me feel sad continuously just by thinking about her. Why did you have to do this with me? I can’t accept her. Her kind is fraught with bad luck, and that’s the last thing I want for my people,” he said softly.
  • A shaky sigh raked through my body. I pulled away from the window, and clicked my hands behind my back. My feet went through the length and breadth of my room.
  • There should be a way to get rid of her. Erika’s warning came back to me, and I frowned as I pushed it at the back of my mind. Nothing was going to happen. I will have to destroy her before she destroys me.
  • “Maybe, I should go through the old-fashioned way?” I thought out loud.
  • It was brutal, but it got the job done without any fuss. It would just 30 minutes of insane pain, and then, I would be fine. A sigh escaped my lips, and I stopped my frantic pacing, sitting back down on the bed.
  • I looked out of my window. The clouds were so beautiful today, belying the pain I was currently going on. I’ve heard about wolves rejecting their mates, and always thought it was cruel. But now, I really wanted to be cruel. The hate I felt for Leonie was insane.
  • I rose to my feet once more, and walked to my study table at the side of the wall, which was made of sawdust and gold. I sat on the chair, and took a book that talked about mates. I had always had it by my side because I wanted to be ready when I finally met her.
  • Now, I wished I hadn’t been so excited about it, and focused instead on the beautiful women in the pack. Well, I had one of them to sleep with when he pleased, but that was different.
  • Sighing, I opened the book, and searched vehemently for where the marking between a human and a werewolf was. For some reason, I couldn’t find it. I growled, and slammed the book shut.
  • It was at the same time, the sun seemed to shine low in the earth. It’s orange glow wasn’t out in full yet. I yawned. The damn human had succeeded in making me loose sleep.
  • Ugh!
  • I pulled my robe down, and the corals made a soft sound on the pebble stones which was so smooth on the feet. I slid into the bathroom, and slowly had my shower.
  • I was suddenly incensed with the way her body had fit into my arms. I closed my eyes as I remembered how her skin had felt against my lips when they slightly touched her neck just last night. The smell of her was more delicious than homemade strawberry...
  • My eyes sprang open in shock, and I looked down at myself. I blinked as I realised I was rock hard. I slammed my palm on the wall repeatedly, the pain a means to get myself back on track.
  • What was wrong with me?
  • The answer to that question escaped me. I had no idea what was wrong with me. In rage, I poured the whole bucket of cold water on my body. I shook it off as I tossed the bucket aside. It shattered almost at once. Grabbing my red towel from the hanger, I rolled it round my waist and walked back into my room.
  • “Ugh! I won’t think about that woman. I don’t even care if her names sounds like a piano. No, I don’t care. She is not going to creep her way into my heart. I must remember that I hate her.” I growled lowly.
  • I walked to my vanity, and grabbed my favourite coconut oil. My mother had made me addicted to the damn thing, claiming that though we were wolves, it didn’t mean we had to look like we were pigs. That had resonated, and now, I was obsessed.
  • I pampered my body with it, and then, suddenly, an image of her applying it on him greeted me from my mind’s eye. My hands trembled as I almost dropped the oil on the floor, but caught it just in time.
  • “Oh, moon goddess,” I cried in horror.
  • My heart was suddenly beating faster than normal. This bond wasn’t normal. I was so sure of it. It was driving me half-mad. I took a deep breath, ordering my wolf to be calm, because he was sudden prancing around in excitement, and went over to get my royal coral blue outfit, and a crown, which was befitting for my reign as the Alpha of the Twilight Pack.
  • Dressed, and ready for the day, all I could think about was the human. The urge to see her was growing, and I hated it. I was right, there was nothing normal about this bond, and it was driving me insane.
  • I walked back to the study table, and grabbed a hold of the mate book. I took a deep breath, and tried to find out the truth about my bond with a human, and what could be done.
  • After fifteen minutes of fruitless searching, I tossed it aside. I honestly had no patience for this. I stood up and made my way out of my chambers, and onto the throne room. I had a lot to do today, there would be no time to waste.
  • I pulled my hair into a tight bun as I went, and the sudden urge to have the human do it for me was overpowering. What was that? I needed to get a grip.
  • “Eh…” I was about to call for a guard when I realised what I had wanted to say.
  • It was still about Leonie. The woman was literally hypnotising me with something. I had to see her, maybe I would stop thinking of her at every passing minute, because it was starting to feel creepy.
  • “Good morning, Alpha Gunnolf Royale,” one of the maids mumbled as she passed by me.
  • I grunted in response, and then watched as her face morphed into Leonie.
  • “Aren’t you supposed to be in the dungeon, Leonie?”
  • “No, I’m not Leonie,” she said politely.
  • The haze was gone, leaving a pure rage behind. I glared at her, and without saying a word, stormed out of the palace. The dungeon was in the castle, and was built underground in order to block all parts of escape.
  • Today, I wasn’t thinking about any of that. Instead, I was thinking about one thing, and that was Leonie. The closer I got to the cell, the more the urge to see her seemed to overshadow my senses.
  • I arrived at the cell, and at the place she was, and informed the guards to let us have privacy. They bowed in respect, and left us alone. I could see Leonie crushed in her cell two rows down, and it made my heart pump hard.
  • Taking a deep breath, I walked over to her, tapping the silver iron twice, and pulling my hand back before I had a reaction.
  • She looked up to me, and all I saw was a blank stare from her brown eyes, and no emotion in them.