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Chapter 4

  • Dani tried not to let the loss of her job get to her but it was next to impossible, she had everything planned out and if there was one thing she hated the most, it was her plans not going the way she wants them to, getting a new job, for now, was totally out of the question, not only was she sure no company will employ a possibly pregnant woman but she was also sure Luciano would really leave a bad review on her resume, so it was just impossible not to be sad, she spent the rest of the morning just thinking about what she would do but nothing seems to be clicking, when it got really bad, she decided to call Keira who promised to show up once she was done with the client she was attending to.
  • Dani knew she needed to think fast, she hadn't made any financial backup plans because she didn't ever think she could be fired, it all happened so suddenly, and so unjustly, how could he be so heartless and inhuman? He lost money because of her? That wasn’t true because it was his fault, not hers, and she earned that break, he always make her work full time and the extra time and she never complains, not even late nights at his mansion or the endless weekend business trips, never once had she said no and the one time she chose to take a break that she earned, he called her clumsy and useless.
  • “I hate him so much and wish him the worst,”
  • She let out as her emotions got the better of her, it was hard not to feel sad or angry, if she had the power to at least drag him to court for firing her unjustly but that would cost her money and she doesn’t have any of such money.
  • She couldn’t even take alcohol to calm her raging heart because she didn’t want to put her baby in harm's way, even though she dishrag know if the procedure was successful yet, she still believed she was already with child, if not, she won’t have money for another shot seeing that she was out of a job, she honestly hoped for the best, she fell into a dreamless and restless sleep after a while and was woken when Keira came in.
  • “Darling? My baby, who made you sad?”
  • Keira asked coming to hug her, erring her best friend brought the tears that she had been keeping out and she started crying so hard.
  • “It is okay baby girl, it will all be fine,”
  • Keira said patting her softly on the back, at least she had someone on her side, at least Keira would always be here for her.
  • “I feel so heartbroken, I didn’t expect him to do that, he is so inconsiderate,”
  • She said wiping her tears.
  • “He doesn’t deserve you,”
  • Keira injected.
  • “I know, but I needed that job, I shouldn’t have lost my job like that, it is so unfair,”
  • “Life is unfair,”
  • Keira replied and Dani wondered if life would ever be fair to her, never once have the universe been on her side, not even once since she was born.
  • “I wish life isn’t so unfair to me, I deserve better,”
  • She said wiping the tears off completely.
  • “Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on, you don’t know how grateful I am to have you with me K, you are the best,”
  • She said hugging Keira again.
  • “Of course, anything for you darling,”
  • Keira responded and the house went silent for a moment.
  • “So? What are you going to do now? You need all the money you can get and I don’t think getting a job will be possible with the possible pregnancy, right? Because you won’t be eligible for a maternal break since you would barely be starting before your due date,”
  • Keira said the obvious after a king pause.
  • “I know K, that’s why this is all so sad, I guess I would have to cut my budget and spend money on only important things that I can’t do without, like food, light, and phone bills,”
  • She said even while knowing that even if she does cut her budget, she would have to be back working a year after her baby is born to be able to fend for both of them.
  • “Yeah, but how long will that work? Maybe you should try apologizing to your boss again,”
  • Keira suggested.
  • “Did you not hear anything I said K? He blames me for losing a major contract, he hates me and was going to send security to send me out if I had not left on my own, I am sure he told everyone at the company not to let me in and I honestly don’t want anyone to lose their job because of me, some already did,”
  • She responded bitterly, she felt bad for her former coworkers who were fired too.
  • “Well, why not wait till he is less angry, people act out when they are pissed, your boss can’t work without you, and you are too good at what you do to be so easy to replace,”
  • Keira said and Dani shook her head, K didn’t really know who Luciano was and how easy it is for him to replace people, he had no value for people and she has seen people move in and out of his life a lot of times and he never cares.
  • “K, this is Luciano we are talking about, he doesn’t care about people and never cares if they leave, in fact, he would not even remember I existed by the end of the month.”
  • Dani responded.
  • “Well, it is his lose then,”
  • “Not in this case K, I am the one losing money, where would I find another secretary job where they pay as much as Luciano pays? Nowhere, I lost not him plus he said he would write a bad review for me, that’s bad for my career, I might not get a job in a good place again if he really does.
  • She said bitterly, she honestly hopes he doesn’t write a bad review about her, it had been hard for her to get the job what more if he decides to make her out to be unprofessional.
  • “I don’t think he will do that,”
  • “I hope so,”
  • She responded.
  • “Well, let’s keep the sad events aside, when can you check to be sure you are really pregnant?”
  • Keira asked in excitement which was kind of weird to Dani because Keira had been strongly against her being a single mom, in fact, she had given Dani an ear full of reasons why being a single mom with no dad in the picture was a bad idea and how it would be her biggest regret in the future, she had talked her into looking for ‘love again’ but even that so-called love had ended in just three months when Dani found out the bastard was two-timing her and wanted her because she worked for Luciano, yes, he not only cheated on her, turns out she was his side chick and his visa to a better job, thinking about him still lives bitter taste in her mouth and after that Keira had sort of come in terms with her birthing a child on her own.
  • “I am trying to not rush anything, but hopefully, by the weekend, I would check, I hope for the best,”
  • She responded holding her flat tummy.
  • “I am sure it would turn out fine, I am sure everything would turn out fine for your bestie,”
  • Keira said encouragingly.
  • “I hope so, I am honestly tired of not getting what I want and losing what I have, I deserve to be happy and I am going to be happy,”
  • She said the last part more to herself.
  • They spent the whole afternoon talking and making plans, they even went as far as looking for jobs that she can do that doesn’t require her stressing herself and still make enough money, nothing much came up but she didn’t let that get to her, Keira left at about six pm because she had a date and left on her own, Dani decided to clean up even though it was late, it was a major stress reliever for her and by the time she was done cleaning her whole house, it was past ten in the evening and she just took a shower, ate dinner and went to sleep, she fell asleep pretty easy because of how tired she was.
  • The next couple of days were pretty much the same for her, she spent most of the time sleeping and when she wasn’t sleeping, she was either surfing the internet or reading books, she did her best to block out every negative thought but once in a while when she does let her thoughts take over, she ends up being so sad and feeling hopeless. She wished she could get out of this phase soon and hoped that her next move would be one of healing and happiness.