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Chapter 3

  • Dani was once again woken by the ringing of her phone.
  • "I am going to swear at him!"
  • She let out as she checked her phone and it wasn't him calling but her best friend, Keira.
  • "Hey, girl?"
  • She greeted still sleepy.
  • "You are still in bed? By this time? You didn't go to work?"
  • Keira asked and Dani rolled her eyes getting off the bed and going over to her restroom to pee.
  • "It's my week off dummy, I told you before,"
  • She said and heard Keira laugh, K has been her best friend since uni and was the only constant in her life right now, her one true cheerleader.
  • "Aha, I thought you were capping because you barely take any break even when you say you will,"
  • "That's right and it is all thanks to that jerk who is my boss,"
  • She let out remembering her phone call with the damn man, she just wanted to pinch him hard.
  • "Him being a jerk doesn't stop you from crushing on him though,"
  • Keira said with a knowing laugh, yeah, Dani had made the mistake of telling her about the crush she once had on her boss even though she told her she no longer liked him, Keira wasn't just buying it.
  • "K? Shut the fuck up, I don't like him, and I am off work, don't bring him up, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth,"
  • "That's right, have you done that stuff?"
  • She asked and Dani nodded before realizing that Keira wasn't with her.
  • "Yes, I did it last night, and to be honest I don't know if it will work out fine the first time but I do hope it does,"
  • She said as she flushed the toilet and washed her hands before exiting her restroom, she lay on her bed.
  • "Don't worry, I think it will work out just fine, I will come around to see you, I have a client, bye,"
  • Keira said and ended the call before Dani could say anything else, Keira was a stylist and owned her own business, unlike her, she hated working for people, Dani wished she was as industrious as her friend, but she wasn't, and that was it, she would ruin a business if she ever tried to start one.
  • "Shut up,"
  • She told herself as she got off the bed and went to her kitchen to make herself some late breakfast.
  • Dani spent the rest part of her week at home, not that she couldn't leave the house, she just didn't want to leave, her best friend Keira came around as promised and they had fun together.
  • "Wish I don't have to go to work,"
  • She said out loud and she checked her reflection in the mirror one last time before walking out of her apartment, all through the week, she had tried not to be tempted into carrying out a test to find out if it had worked, it will take up to two weeks or more before it shows anyway and she didn't want to bother herself with it even though it was damn hard, she told herself she would wait the two weeks no matter what and hoped for the best, she had been careful enough not to do anything that would ruin her plans and so far, she could say she was doing well.
  • Walking out of her apartment, she rushed to the car and started it immediately, she didn't want to be late on her first day back at work, she already knew Luciano would be mad at her and she already prepared herself for his ranting, as long as she doesn't answer to him and just keep apologizing then everything would be fine, she deserved the rest that was certain.
  • The energy in the office when she got there was kind of cold, no one spoke to her other than brief greetings, she was so tempted to ask if something was wrong but just let it be, it was Monday and people always act out on Mondays especially when they have to work with a man like Luciano, she focused on getting the works she had left hanging during her break done.
  • "Why are you in this office?"
  • She heard Luciano's voice and shot up in shock, she hadn't even noticed when he had entered the secretaries office.
  • "Good morning sir,"
  • She greeted promptly politely, one look at him showed that he was angry and she looked away.
  • "Keep your greetings to yourself, I want you out of this building right now,"
  • He said to her.
  • "I am sorry, did I do something wrong?"
  • She asked as politely as she could, he was already pissed, she didn't want to do anything that would annoy him more.
  • "You are asking me that? Dani? Really?"
  • "Yes sir,"
  • She answered wondering why he was so pissed, he took a few steps close to her and she could feel the energy radiating from him and it wasn't a good one at all, it got her scared.
  • "I told you not to come back here right? You are trying me? You wanna see what I can do?"
  • Luciano asked her in a super pissed voice, she took a few steps away from him.
  • "I am sorry if I offended you sir, but it was my week off and I was stressed out, I needed to rest,"
  • She said politely.
  • "Well, we all need to rest that's why there is night and there are weekends, don't make any excuses for your laziness, I won't accept it and I don't want to talk about it!"
  • He responded, he was so inconsiderate, he made her work over time, even as far as spending some night at his place where they work to the late hours of the night and she never complains, one week to herself and he wants her gone?
  • "Sir, with all due respect, I earned that rest, I have been working tirelessly for months now, not even taking a break, weekends? I barely know what that is because I also work during the weekends, the night. I stay up late too!"
  • She let out doing her best not to raise her voice over his.
  • "Well! You don't have to do it anymore, you are fired!"
  • He said to her and walked away, she couldn't believe what she just heard, fired? She didn't even do anything, he couldn't just up and fire her, okay technically he could but still, she wasn't going to have it, she followed behind him and got into his office in time before he could slam the door in her face.
  • "Get out of my office right now while I am being nice Dani!"
  • He said to her in an angry voice.
  • "I haven't done anything that I should be fired for, it is not fair, you can't just fire me,"
  • She said as the reality of the fact that she might be out of a job dawned on her, she wasn't ready yet, yeah, she was going to quit but not now, she still needed the salary for the next five months, she couldn't be out of a job now, she knew no company would employ a pregnant woman.
  • "Dani, you are fired! This is my company and I can fire whoever I want to and you are out!"
  • This was bad, so bad, what makes it worse was that he was calling her by her name, she was so used to him calling her anything but her name that the mention of her name just made this all worse.
  • "I don't deserve this, all I did was take a break!"
  • She cried out.
  • "No, not just take a break, you did way more than that bitch! I told you to come back to work, I waited for you and because of you I lost a deal that would have made me millions, you should leave while I am still being nice,"
  • He yelled at her pointing at the door.
  • "What? How would I do that?"
  • She asked shocked beyond words, what did he even mean by that? She was aware of all his ongoing deals and knew just how important they were to him but she didn't ever think he would lose money because of her, no way was it because of f her.
  • "You are asking me, Danielle? Really? I told you to come here and fix things but you stayed away and your coworker made a mess of everything, I fired her and since you are the reason this happened in the first place, you are fired too, get out of my company right now!"
  • He yelled at her angrily.
  • "You can't fire me, I didn't do anything wrong, this is not right, I need my job, especially right now, you can't do this to me,"
  • She cried, she didn't expect things to go this way, why was he making everything about her when it wasn't even her fault?
  • "If you don't leave this minute, I will call security on you, just so you know I am going to leave a bad review on your resume and make sure you don't get a good job elsewhere, you deserve to suffer for what you did!"
  • He yelled at her, at this point, she knew nothing was funny anymore, she couldn't stand losing her job now, or she already did, she hated to beg but she didn't have a choice, how was she going to start looking for a job right now? That would be next to impossible.
  • "I am sorry sir, it won't happen again, please don't fire me, I need this job please, I can't be out of a job, especially not right now please,"
  • She pleaded, going against her will and kneeling down.
  • "Begging won't help you, Dani, I made up my mind already, I have tolerated your nonsense attitude enough, one would think with how well I pay you that you would do a good job but you are always slacking and always so forgetful and clumsy, I refuse to let you be here anymore, you are practically useless,"
  • He barked out, his words were hurtful but she couldn't even blame him, she was sure it was because of the pain of losing so much money, she didn't know how it was her fault since he wasn't telling her the full details.
  • "I am sorry, I promise I will do better now, please, I can't lose my job,"
  • "You already did bitch, you already did, if you valued your job you would have shown up when I told you to, I pay you for your time but you waste it and make me lose a deal? Kneeling won't cut it, woman, get out,"
  • He said as he picked up the office line and spoke to security, she didn't want to be led out of the office by security so she got up, wiped off the tears that gathered in her eyes, and silently left his office, she found her other coworkers panicking, she didn't bother to speak to them, just went to her table, gathered up her stuff just as the security people walked into their shared office.
  • "No need to say anything, I will leave on my own,"
  • She said and walked past the men, they followed silently behind her as she walked to the elevator and out of the company, she got into her car and drove off in sadness...