Chapter 191 Crossed
- Mavy smiles at me and I attempt my best polite smile but I’m sure it comes out a grimace. Customers I can do, but new people I’m forced to interact with out of my circle? I internally cringe and want to crawl into a hole and die. I suck at girlfriends, I’ve never had them and the way she’s looking at me like she’s craving affection is sending me into my fight or flight response. I take a deep breath to steady myself. I don’t want to come off as a bitch, I just really suck at making friends.
- “We’ve already been here longer than we normally stay in a single place, so I’m hopeful this is our final destination,” Mavy said cheerfully. The hope in her gaze made me feel like I had to say something.
- “Fingers crossed you can stay. Auburn is a sweet little town. I don’t have plans on ever leaving,” I said.