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Chapter 6

  • I don't like Zero and it's obvious that he doesn't like me either so I don't know if it's a good idea to go to a show where he'll be with his friends, where one of them goes out with my best friend and the other two are quite weird? And also in his element, I hesitate walking to my bed and I lie down looking at the ceiling, my eyes drift to the drawing once more and I sigh.
  • "That idiot shouldn't act like that with people," I whisper to myself. I close my eyes and sigh – I'll go to that touch and put it in its place – I conclude to myself.
  • An hour and a half later Sarah and I are in her room doing our makeup, when I look at her reflection next to me, her outfit makes me smile, it's so her that I inevitably remember Charlie's words
  • "Sarah Charlie mentioned something about you wearing something like this" I say pointing to her short, low-cut dress
  • - What was that he say? – she says, touching up the mascara on her eyelashes a bit.
  • - Don't wear anything short - her brow furrows and she turns to see me
  • Why the hell couldn't she wear anything short? - I shrug
  • - but he seemed worried about it - she rolls her eyes and whispers something that I can't understand
  • "I already got dressed and I'm not going to change just because Charlie says," he adds moving his lips when he finishes painting them. She looks at herself carefully and smiles broadly, winks and blows a kiss making me laugh - I'm ready, here - she says, holding me a matte burnt red lip - put on this charm as that lipstick looks like on you - she smiled widely and seated.
  • Once I look at my reflection, I repeat my best friend's actions and we both laugh, we stand up and pick up the few things that we are going to take with us to the bar, she takes her car keys and smiles at me
  • - You are the designated driver tonight friend - I roll my eyes and blurt out fun
  • – As if you were really going to come home with me – she laughs mischievously and answers me as we used to do as girls
  • - Well said bug - we both laugh as we descend to the parking lot.
  • The way to the venue where the show will be is not as long or as tedious as I thought it would be, it's Friday night and we're in New York, something told me it would be much more annoying, but it has been quite fast. We stop near a corner, my best friend parks the car and we get out, the place is a few meters ahead, there are several people queuing to get in and I frown when I see their appearances.
  • Sarah also frowns and gives me a sidelong look.
  • – Sarah, what kind of music does Charlie's band play? He asked quietly, walking next to her.
  • – honestly friend – he says, standing behind a boy who is dressed all in black, spiked studs decorate the leather collar on his neck and his whole appearance screams rocker – I don't know, but I think I can deduce that they are rockers? – she asks quietly to avoid the boy in front of us hearing her
  • - Sarah I'm going to kill you - I whisper looking at her appearance, she looks much more formal than me.
  • I look at myself and it's not exactly that I'm wearing a short and tight dress like her, but if I'm wearing tight jeans, heels, a blouse that hugs my body and it's not that I look very extravagant but ultimately we'll both highlight a Lots if everyone inside the bar looks like the guys in front of us.
  • When it's our turn, the guards look at us curiously
  • "Pretty, I think you're in the wrong place, the party for pretty girls like you is a couple of blocks away," one of the subjects kindly tells Sarah, who looks at him badly.
  • - Being beautiful does not detract from our intelligence, we are in the right place, this puts Madness here very big and it is the place where the band of the boy I am dating will perform - the subject frowns and laughs with amusement
  • – Seriously a beauty like you goes out with one of The Nightmare? - Sarah turns to see me clearly lost and I understand that she has no idea even what the name of the band in which Charlie plays
  • - Excuse me but they are waiting for us inside, could you let us in? – I intervene before he gives me more reasons to hang my best friend
  • - Hey Bill, what is this, did they get lost or are you flirting at work? – Zero's deep and sexy voice reaches behind me and I curse under my breath having to run into him immediately.
  • - They don't say they're here to see them at all - adds the subject in front of us, Sarah turns and is surprised to see Zero behind her
  • - oh Z, hello - says my friend smiling, surprised, he sees her from top to bottom devouring her body shamelessly and then with a slowness that leaves me attentive he fixes his eyes on me
  • - Great, seriously this is incredible - he lets go of bad, looks at Sarah again and sighs
  • - What are you doing here? I doubt very much that they listen to the type of music that Nightmare plays - his eyes drift to me and that mocking smile appears again on his lips
  • "Charlie," Sarah answers simply, and Zero rolls his eyes.
  • – They will look ridiculous if they enter like this – he says pointing to our outfits as he walks past us and enters the premises,
  • My best friend and I look at each other thinking about what to do, the corner of Sarah's lips tremble and I know very well that means one thing, it doesn't matter what she's wearing, she's going to have an incredible night, after a few seconds she He turns and pulls the door, stops for a moment, looks mischievously at the subjects, and then looks at me.
  • - Let's leave these rocket with their mouths open - and with an overwhelming conviction and attitude she enters the premises, I laugh while I follow her as soon as I do I immediately regret it
  • The noise is thunderous, heavy rock is playing in the background and everything is blue and dark, everyone is dressed in black and I honestly can't understand a single word the guy in the background is singing. Sarah looks at me in surprise as she walks by and of course we immediately earn glances, after a few minutes they're already whispering about us, Sarah seems to enjoy the attention but I'm starting to feel uncomfortable
  • - Hell, I told you to tell her not to wear anything short - I hear Charlie's voice in front of me who seems upset but delighted at the sight of my best friend, she smiles at him mischievously and walks up to him, leaves a kiss very close from the corner of his lips, which makes him smile even more.
  • - I warned him, but he didn't listen to me - I shout over the noise and he laughs
  • – She never does – she answers letting me know that she knows my best friend more than I think – come on, we have a private room over there – I see how her hands intertwine and she smiled.
  • We walk through the crowd away from the entrance and the thunderous noise of the incessant and unintelligible shouting of the band's vocalist playing in the background, as soon as we reach an area full of tables, I immediately notice several things, there are only guys here who look like rockstars and that it is a kind of VIP area. My eyes scan the place and stop right at the table that Charlie points out to us a few meters ahead.
  • Looking at the faces on the sofa against the far wall, I immediately recognize Thomas and Kyle, both of them engaged in a lively conversation with a redhead as tattooed as Kyle and Zero, as I think of the last run through the rest of the faces but I don't find him until I see a mop of green hair move over something or someone.
  • When we reach the table, Charlie begins with the introductions.
  • - guys, this is Sarah and her best friend Brook - she says pointing at us - you already know my brother, that's Kyle over there, she's Lily, the one with green hair - she pauses as if trying to remember something and then continues - I don't remember his name, but the guy he's doing the tracheotomy on is Zero – immediately my body tenses up, everyone greets us except of course the green-haired girl and Zero, both of them are very busy with their own thing.
  • Sarah greets everyone very excited and then turns to Charlie who sees her entranced.
  • – Why didn't you warn me that the band was rock? Charlie laughs and shrugs.
  • " You never asked" she rolls her eyes and leaves a kiss on his lips, earning a mockery from Thomas
  • - They just turned my brother into a honeycomb - loose fun. Everyone laughs except of course Zero and the green haired girl who keep kissing, which I find awkward.
  • After a few seconds that the boys use to mess with Charlie and Sarah, the kissing finally deigns to stop, the girl comes down from Zero's lap, thus allowing me to finally see him, his smile widens when he sees me and turns his eyes to the girl before directing one of his hands to her buttocks and spanking her, the girl laughs mischievously while he stretches and drinks a beer.
  • His arrogant attitude is too much for me so I take a seat on the other side of the table next to Kyle, as soon as I do, the redhead next to him extends her hand to me
  • - Nice to meet you, I'm Lily - he says while I take it and smiled
  • "Brooklyn" I add smiling, Sarah and Charlie have sat on the other side of the table very close to where Zero is with his girl. My eyes drift to him for a moment, but his eyes are no longer looking at me, they are fixed on the screen of his phone.
  • – Are you in Columbia too? Lily asks, bringing me back to the conversation I'm about to dive into.
  • – Yes, I study chemical engineering – her eyes widen as saucers and she comments amused
  • – Then you must be a very intelligent girl, I'm terrible at chemistry – comments the tattooed girl while smiling
  • - maybe for chemistry that is studied in a laboratory but you are very good at doing chemistry with the opposite sex - everyone laughs at Thomas's comment while Lily turns and stamps her hand on his chest although she also laughs with them
  • – Idiots – then she looks at me again – well, I'm more of a rhythmic thing – Thomas makes a comment in a low voice that she listens to and blurts out – leave it alone, I'm not going to fuck you Tom – they all laugh again.
  • I notice that everyone is very close, but for some reason Zero seems apart from everyone, his eyes are still fixed on his phone while the green haired girl kisses his neck. God, can't she see that the guy is completely ignoring her? I seriously don't understand girls who are like her, she doesn't look like a girl who needs to be on top of a guy, much less like him.
  • Zero takes his eyes off the screen of his phone and our gazes meet, his cold and impressive eyes looking at me for a moment before moving his eyes to his friends.
  • – It's time guys, go get ready – he comments without speaking to anyone in particular, the others begin to stand up and laugh talking about how great the touch will be.
  • After a few minutes, we are only at the table the green-haired woman who continues kissing Zero's neck, him and me, Sarah was kidnapped by Charlie to take her to the stage and show her instrument.
  • He averted my eyes from the spectacle taking place in front of me, bothering me, I knew that something like this would happen and from what I see, Kyle was wrong because Zero is looking at me with that mocking smile on his lips. I take the beer in front of me and take a long swallow before taking a deep breath.
  • – your name is Zero right? - I ask filling myself with confidence, I have to do this.
  • Her eyes divert once more from the screen and she looks at me but after giving me a cold look, she looks at her again and I take a deep breath, besides being stupid, rude.
  • - I just want to clarify that... - but he doesn't let me finish, he whispers something in the ear of the girl who smiles mischievously, stands up, gives me an amused look and leaves, the next moment Zero is lying on the table with his hands clasped over she.
  • - listen to me Jake - he begins emphasizing the nickname he decided to give me - I don't like you, okay? In fact I think you're a fucking nuisance and it would be great if you took all that Disney princess demeanor and moved out of my sight, your friend is over there near the stage now if you don't mind get out of here okay? – My mouth opens in surprise, I really can't believe that this boy is behaving like he is, who the hell does he think he is?
  • – What the fuck is wrong with you? - I loose totally indignant
  • – no, the question is what the hell is wrong with you I just told you that I don't like you that I want you to disappear and you're still here, what else do you need to hear from me so that you can just get your fucking ass out of the chair and get out?
  • "Look, you walking piece of shit, if you're used to treating people like garbage around you, you made a mistake with me," I blurt out, standing up, in the process and due to the suddenness of the movement, my thigh bumps against the table and it falls. moves noisily causing the beer bottle that is near him to tip over and the liquid that remains inside spills on the
  • - DAMN IT - he yells standing up and cleaning his clothes, sorry for what just happened I move quickly until I'm close to him and I start trying to clean up the mess.
  • Immediately the aroma of her perfume fills my nostrils, god it smells delicious, it smells like a man, as soon as I put my hands on her flannel her body tenses and my hands feel the hardness of her torso under the cloth.
  • - What are you doing? - loose suddenly looking at me intensely
  • - I'm really sorry I'm clumsy but I'm really sorry - I say trying to clean or dry his flannel with my hands, he moves away from me and our eyes meet
  • – after what I just told you, do you still come and try to help me? - He says looking at me somewhat surprised, I see it would be a moment getting lost in the intensity of his beautiful eyes.
  • One of them looks much darker than the green, the blue on the other hand looks clear and the contrast makes me lose the thread of the conversation for a moment
  • - It was my clumsiness, the right thing is that I try to help and amend it, you can be rude and an idiot but I ruined your shirt, I'm supposed to take responsibility for it or at least apologize - the mocking smile is drawn again on his lips, which I take advantage of detailing.
  • He has nice lips, they're not too thick or too thin, but the reddish tint to them looks nice, his smile widens as soon as he notices I'm looking at his lips and I huff away from him, which he does next throws me off base , completely in one piece, he takes the hem of the flannel and pulls it out over his head, exposing his perfect, defined and sculpted torso, his abs are white chocolate bars, ripped and well defined, his marked pecs stand out , the cream color of his skin stands out with the dark tone of the ink of the tattoos, I am gawking looking at him when I hear him laugh
  • - my face is up here Jake - he adds, leaning to the side pulling something that is under the table, he takes out a black bag and places it on the table he takes out a black flannel and puts it on, then returns the bag to its place and runs her hands through her hair, which looks amazing in that mohawk.
  • – And in theory your balls are down there – I add ironically, he smiles mischievously and takes the flannel again
  • – you are quite daring Jake
  • - My name is Brooklyn, can you stop calling me that? - He puts his hand to his chin as if he were thinking about something and sighs.
  • - Jake suits you better, here - he says throwing the flannel towards me which falls on my face obstructing my vision for a moment, I take it roughly and I see it badly - you said you would take responsibility, wash it - then he turns and walks away leaving me completely stupefied.
  • When I finally react I can't see it around me, I look at the flannel in my hands and curse under my breath, this didn't go as planned at all. Zero is a first class idiot, I can't deny that he is incredibly handsome and sexy and I never imagined that he had so many tattoos and only managed to spot a few on his torso.
  • I had already seen the triangles on his neck and the number two in Roman near his right eye, besides the ones I saw the day I first saw him in the parking lot, his hands are also covered in ink. The little that I managed to make out of him that was next to his body also had a triangle, I suppose it must have a meaning. I sigh holding the cold boy's flannel in my hands and walk towards the stage. Where a very smiling Sarah is standing very close, Charlie is a few inches from her talking from the stage, their eyes shine and I don't know if it's due to the alcohol or the fact that they really like each other.
  • When I reach it they both smile at me he stands up and I see the instrument in his hand, it's a very nice black electric guitar with white lines, he series and winks at me, walking towards Kyle who at that moment is holding a bass and holding it up. passes over his head.
  • Lily on the other hand also has a nice red guitar, on the drums I see Thomas, who is playing with the cymbals, in front there are a couple of microphones, Kyle walks to the front, placing himself in front of one of them and speaks to the crowd.
  • – good night Madness – everyone begins to scream hysterically and I realize at that moment that the band is quite well known – thank you very much for coming tonight, I hope you enjoy the show with us, that many and many would like to see our vocalist once again on stage singing with us like he used to, but we will continue to have his unpleasant company from the wings - he says pointing to the side of the stage, my eyes wander to the place and to my surprise Zero is standing with a beer in his hand, he raises it in the direction of the public that goes crazy and I notice that this band must have been doing presentations for a long time.
  • – I love you Z – a girl shouts from somewhere and Kyle laughs
  • - He loves you too beautiful it's Friday remember that, on Fridays he loves you all until dawn - everyone laughs and I turn to look at Zero who only raises his middle finger towards Kyle with a half smile on his lips - well let's leave the fucking Z's egocentric side and let's talk about really important people - everyone laughs again at his words and Kyle continues - let's give a big round of applause to our sexy, beautiful and sinful Apple, Lily - he says pointing at her, the redhead with a huge smile approaches the microphone
  • – GOOD NIGHT MADNESS – her shout startles me, but everyone goes crazy – thank you very much for being here tonight, the support you give us every day in our presentations has brought us here and I want to thank you for all the support you have given me me and these stubborn ones - he says pointing to the boys and they all laugh again
  • – Apple you are burning – a boy shouts above the crowd and she laughs
  • - thanks handsome
  • – Lily let's see how hot you are – Kyle comments smiling, she holds the guitar and gently strums the strings, immediately the amplifiers delight us with a fast guitar solo presented by the redhead
  • "Yeah, the apple's on fire," Kyle says, amused, then turns and points at Thomas.
  • – over there is Thomas – the boy raises his drumsticks in the air and shouts a yeah and then begins to show his drumming skills, it's quite good, after a few seconds he stops smiling broadly – and that's how to play drums Gentlemen - Kyle adds after taking a sip of his beer - this sweet and sexy stuffed animal - he adds pointing to Charlie - it's Charlie - as soon as he says his name, an endless number of girls begin to scream in a frenzy and I turn to see Sarah, who She looks so calm like they're talking about the weather
  • – Hello precious, thank you very much for coming tonight – she adds, looking at no one in particular, after a few seconds she turns her eyes to my friend and winks at her with one of her pretty eyes and this time my friend is the one who smiles widely – it's too soon to drive us crazy but I assure you that tonight we will have an incredible time - he assures, taking a sip of his beer as well, he points to Kyle with his index finger and at that moment they both begin to play.
  • Soon they are joined by pounding drums and then Lily is bobbing her head up and down in time with the music, they are very good and even though I'm not a metal lover I know it right away and can say they sound great, the voice of Kyle floods the speakers after a few seconds and I'm blown away by how strong and melodious he is, Lily joins him on the backing vocals of the song and I have to say their voice combination is amazing.
  • After the third song I'm as animated as the rest of the audience, although things have already gotten quite heated, there is a pot behind me where the boys enter and hit each other while the rhythm of the music possesses them, Nightmare has his great amount of followers and I must say that they are well deserved, they sound incredible. It shifted my eyes to the end of the stage where Zero is sitting on a bench, one of his feet moving to the beat of the drums and his free hand drumming on his thigh in time to the music, his head bobbing slightly as he sings softly. the lyrics.
  • His features look totally different right now, I get lost in them because right now, he looks more like Niko, and a shiver runs through my body when he smiles broadly and I see it in him. My eyes widen, they are identical, Zero is an exact copy of Niko, I know it is said that somewhere in the world, we all have a double, but getting me both is something that really surprises me.
  • His eyes shine with intensity and it is at that moment that I notice, that the music moves him, that this band means a lot to him, his eyes drift from Lily to Kyle, who at that moment approaches to sing the chorus of the song and just at that moment his eyes fill with sadness he stands up, turns and leaves the stage, my brow furrows at the reaction and I look for him in the crowd. I see him go down the steps some girls run to meet him, but they are all rejected immediately, he continues his walk away from the crowd and I see him get lost in the front door.
  • Once again I look at the boys on stage and my best friend who is now a fan of heavy metal, she shakes her head like crazy and her hair moves uncontrollably, I can't help but laugh when I see her and after a few seconds the last chords of Lily and Charlie's guitars rip through the amps and the show ends.
  • “Thank you so much,” Kyle says, breathing a little fast, everyone yells and bras start raining down from somewhere behind me, my eyes widen and Sarah starts laughing as one falls on Charlie's microphone and he smiles. widely takes it in his hand and moves his eyebrows up and down
  • "We're already crazy, but I'm sorry, tonight this stuffed animal has company," he says, diverting his eyes to my best friend who can't help but smile, Charlie winks at him and then withdraws to the side, followed closely by Kyle, Lily and lastly Thomas.
  • Many people run to talk to them and they laugh, shake hands and talk to their fans, I chuckle at all the attention they get, I look at Sarah who seems as fascinated as I do. As we walk to the VIP area to wait for them, I see how Niko, I say Zero, enters the premises once more and also walks in the direction of the VIP area. His eyes fixed somewhere in the crowd where his friends are.
  • When we are about to run into him, a guy stops in front of us and gets too close to Sarah.
  • - Hello beautiful - the smell of alcohol invades us immediately and I see how my friend tenses up, I look among the people for Charlie who immediately notices and between pushing tries to catch up with us, another subject joins the first one but he approaches his great height intimidates me and I take a step back, the guy stumbles trying to get closer to me and comes face to face, as he can, he stays upright but in the process he extends his hand and grabs me by the waist sticking to his body.
  • Fear invades me when I turn my face and place my hands on his chest, to push him I watch as the other boy tries to kiss Sarah who moves with revulsion, after that chaos breaks out.