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Chapter 3 The Brother

  • Serena's POV
  • I froze and swallowed hard when the man's piercing eyes settled on me. I could see the annoyance written on his face but that doesn't make him less gorgeous. I bit the inside of my lips when I saw how he clenched his jaw as his large hand tightened around the body of his cup of coffee.
  • “I–I'm sorry, S–Sir…” I startled. I immediately tugged out my tissue from my bag and was about to wipe his shirt off when he threw my hands away from him. I bit hard and stared at him. Cursing under my breath.
  • What have you done, Serena?!
  • “Watch where you going next time, nerdy,” snubliness is in his voice. “Now, get out of my way.” Unaware, I step out of his way and just watch his broad figure pass through my side.
  • When he finally stepped out of the cafe, I let out my breath. The one that I was holding when he was towering over me earlier. I roamed my eyes, only to find out that almost all of them were staring at me. And only if my friend didn't call my name from behind, I would rather leave this cafe too. This is too early in the morning for embarrassment.
  • “I've been texting you, what took you so long?” I didn't answer, instead, I dragged her out of the cafe. “Our foods are already served, Serena,” she protested but I continued to drag her away from that place.
  • “Let's go another place, Hazel,” I said, still thinking about that man. “Shit!” I silently cursed, I doubt that Hazel heard me.
  • ***
  • “What do you mean?” Hazel asked, chewing her croissants. She sipped on her coffee and then asked again, “You're going to marry your mother's ex so she can't go to jail?” Confusion is shown in her face.
  • I rolled my eyes before slicing my pancakes, taking a big slice of it. “Of course, I won't marry that old man. That's why I am asking for your help. Can you lend me some money? Or just help me find another work. You know, two jobs aren't enough,” I said, hopeless.
  • “Eh?” Hazel's forehead creased. “Well, with your mother's debt, two jobs are indeed not enough. But with your body? And now, asking for another job? Are you kidding me? How are you going to work when you're working full-time tutor and a stripper at night?”
  • “Shh!” I stopped her. “Can you lower your voice?” Thankfully, there are only a few of us in the cafe and our table is quite isolated from the rest.
  • “Lend me some money, then?”
  • Hazel chuckled. “If only I have. But with that ‘work’ part, I think I can help you find one.”
  • “Really?” I asked, quite enlightening. “I can take any job just so I can't marry that bastard,” we both laughed.
  • ***
  • Damon's POV
  • “What happened to your shirt, Dam?” Mom asked.
  • I heaved a deep sigh and placed my gift for her and my sister at the nearest table. “A four-eye stupid girl spilled a coffee on me,” I replied, still annoyed by what happened earlier.
  • Well, at least she apologizes but what her sorry can do? She already ruined my Armani shirt. Bet she can't even pay me for the damage. How stupid.
  • “Never mind,” Mom said, opening my gift for her. “By the way, your sister's been waiting for you. She's so excited to see you again,” she added.
  • “Where is she?”
  • “In her room, preparing for her today's tutoring.”
  • “I'll see her first,” I replied before heading upstairs. When I was a few steps near her room, I heard her singing a Disney song.
  • I silently peek at her in the opened door and see her with my other sister, Leah. She's fixing our little sister's hair, braiding them into two. I knocked to get their attention and when both of them threw their eyes on me with excitement and elation.
  • “Damon!” They called in unison, throwing themselves in my direction. I have to be on my knees just so I can hug my little sister.
  • “How are my princesses?” I asked.
  • “It's so nice to see you again, Damon,” Leah said, hugging me.
  • “I miss you, Damon!” Lizzy, my little sister, buried her face in my neck and soon, I heard her sniffs. “Don't leave me again, please,” she added, with a slightly broken voice.
  • “I promise.” Rubbing her back. “Damon won't leave his Lizzy again.”
  • We ate lunch in the pool area together with our mom. Dad's out of town for a business meeting just like usual. Later on, when we were on our dessert, Mom hurriedly left for another business matter again. It's just me and my two younger sisters, just like before.
  • “I heard from Mom that you have a tutor, Lizzy. Are you home-schooled?” Lizzy nodded, taking a spoonful of her custard dessert.
  • “You should meet her, Damon,” she said. “Teacher Siren is so pretty,” she added. I saw how her eyes glittered as she mentioned her teacher's name. I bet, my little sister really finds her tutor pretty.
  • However, with her name, Siren? I cursed inside my mind. Of all the names, why on earth it should be the same as hers?
  • “Oh, she's here, Damon!”Lizzy emptied her seat, running towards someone wearing a khaki loose long-sleeved top paired with a long skirt. “Teacher Siren!”Lizzy embraced her legs while the woman just patted my sister's head.
  • Lizzy dragged her towards our table and when they were finally close enough, my eyes then settled on her tutor's face. And guess what?
  • Looks like my sister's tutor's soul just left her body.
  • “Huh, stupid,” I murmured.