Chapter 8 Demon King
- Alaric had sensed presence combing the forest behind him and he mustered his strength to teleport to a farther distance. Right now, he was standing at the edge of the woods and he stared at the rolls of houses in front of him. The human settlement, he made it. He was happy that he found it and also the fact that he was able to escape Aspa’s mate and their son. He will stay in the human realm for some time till he recovers, he believes they won’t come looking for him there, at least for now.
- At the moment, he needs to find an inn to rest for the night, food to eat and a bath to wash off. Having not bathed in ten thousand years, of course he stinks. Also, he needs to change out of this tattered robe, it adds in tarnishing his image. He really wondered what Mariah must think of him seeing him in it. He shook his head, now was not the time to wonder what Mariah thinks, it doesn’t matter what she thinks of him. He has no plan of accepting her anyway, so it was fine if she sees less in him. He staggered into the streets, trying not to wince at each step he took. Almighty, it hurts to walk with broken ribs, hell, he has never been in this condition before. Not even when he fought against gods.
- As he passed by each house, he kept staring at the entrance in search of an inn signboard. It surprises him that he couldn’t perceive the dung of horses. Could it be that the people here don’t have stables? Then could they be the peasants of this kingdom? No way, their houses were moderate and some even lavishly built, there was no way any peasant can afford such house. Also, there was always these strange looking things in front of the houses. He approached one and touched it and it felt cold. Surely, no breathing thing can be this cold. So definitely, his senses were not lying to him, they were not alive. So, what could they be and why does all these humans here have it? Different shapes and colors.
- The more he thought about it, the more he frowned. He perused the one in front of him and gasped when he saw himself on it. Wait, could they be a new form of looking glass? He stared at himself with the aid of the moonlight. His hair looked rough, no doubt it needs decent washing and combing. Oh, how he longs for a servant. Even one, just one would be okay. He can’t continue to travel like this. He means look at him, who would ever believe he is the dragon king?
- He strutted away from the looking glass thingy and continued walking, searching for an inn. But to his dismay, he never found one. Eventually, he came upon a busy area and started seeing some humans. The streets were bright like day and he wondered if the humans have developed another sun, how can they be sun in the night? Even though he could see perfectly well before, it was still surprising to see so many lights. The humans that passed by him looked at him strangely, some even laughed to themselves, but he didn’t mind them. Right now, he just needs to find a place to eat. After walking for what felt like a while, he finally saw some people eating inside a place though a glass.
- “Oh, thank Almighty,” he praised and hastily walked across the street but then a bright light fell on him and he glanced at it and to his surprise, it was the looking glass thingy. He frowned, how was it moving? He was sure that the one he touched was unalive and even now, he could still sense that there was no form of life in the one charging at him.
- A loud screech was heard and then a human poked his head out of it. Alaric’s eyes widened in shock and he rushed immediately, despite his pain, to save the human. Without thinking, he broke the glass and yanked the man out of the thing. Hell, he can’t believe that it can eat humans!
- “What the hell man?” The man he had pulled out of his car yelled at him. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
- Alaric stared at him in shock, he just saved his life and this is the thanks he gets? More of the looking glass beasts started arriving and humans started coming out of them. Wait, hold on, the humans seemed to be the ones getting into the beasts themselves since they can come out. He stared at the humans now cornering him, wondering what he has done wrong. He had actually meant good!
- “Hey, what’s your problem man? Is your playing pretend getting in your head?” Another human asked.
- The human he had saved rushed to punch him but he swiftly evaded the punch, making the man stumble and fall. He turned to glare at Alaric as the humans’ started whispering.
- Loud horns blared as the commotion had caused hold up on the street. Everyone was talking and some were shouting at the top of their voices, urging them to move out of the way. Alaric was confused, even the commotion was giving him a headache and he just wants to get out of there but he would always remember the rule. Humans must never know about their existence, if not, he would have directly teleported out of there.
- “I apologize. I did not mean to cause any harm. I only wanted to save him,” he said, pointing at the man still glaring at him.
- “Like hell,” the man shouted. “You stood in the middle of the road dammit. If I hadn’t stepped on the brakes, you would have been crushed to pieces by now. So save me from what, yourself?”
- “Listen dude, just pay him for his damages and get the hell out of the way.” Another man said.
- Alaric turned to the man. “I do not have any money.”
- “What the hell? Dude, will you cut it out? Just because you are dressed in tattered costume doesn’t mean you can shy away from responsibility. Do you have any idea how much his window glass that you shattered is worth? Just give him the damn money and get the hell out of the way.”
- Alaric turned to the man that spoke harshly to him. He can’t believe that a mere human had the guts to talk to him like that. But even though he was angry, he has to control himself, the humans mustn’t know about their existence and the last thing he wants is Ramiel knowing that he is awake should he react now. He took a deep breath and said, “really, I have no money on me. I do not lie. I was on my way to that inn to have a meal when I saw him. I thought he was in danger and I tried to help. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that I must have caused.”
- “Is this guy being serious?” He heard the humans discuss among themselves.
- “I don’t know, I mean, look at the way he is dressed. Is he playing a cave man or something?” Another laugh.
- “Hey, what if he really is without money? I mean, the way he is dressed, he clearly looks like a hobo.” A girl said and some started thinking on that aspect.
- “Hobo or not, he damaged my car. For crying out loud, I just finished paying it off.”
- Alaric could hear them discussing about him and he hate the fact that this was the second time he was being humiliated on the same day. How could this really be his fate? He that the very place he stepped on is being worshipped. Even the human kings would bow to receive him and here he was, being talked down by some measly humans. He wanted to do away with them, all of them, but then remembering he was still in hiding from the gods for now, he reigned in his anger. One day, oh one day, he shall deal with these humans. But for now, he needs to get out of here before a god would come to supervise what was happening.
- So sighing, he took off his ring, it was the only thing of value on him and he was actually hoping on exchanging it with a meal for the night and then get it back tomorrow when he would get some money. However, right now, he would rather do away with it for now and save himself from this disgrace. “Would this cover your damages?” He showed it to the man.
- Seeing the pure gold ring, the man’s eyes widened in surprise, pawning that would even buy him another car, talk more repairing just the window glass. He hastily took it from him before he changed his mind and acted righteous. “I will manage this, you should count yourself lucky that I’m in a good mood tonight.”
- “Very well. I am happy that it is enough. But know this human, I have marked your scent, you shall be seeing me again when I have something else to exchange the ring with. At this point, I bid thee farewell.” He nodded and started walking off as the humans watched him.
- “Hey, you sure you haven’t been conned? Do you really think that is a real gold?” A man asked the man.
- “I’m pretty sure it’s a knock off, I mean, if he has such a treasure would he be dressed like that?” The girl earlier said and the rest supported her.
- The man in question didn’t say anything, he knew it was real. After all, he worked in a jewelry store and can tell real from fake. He just can’t believe that he would hit such a jackpot tonight and from a homeless man. However, something the man said haunted his mind but he shook it away, he would be selling the ring first thing tomorrow morning so he has nothing to worry about. He apologized to everyone around and got into his car and drove off. Slowly but steadily, the traffic cleared right before the traffic officers arrived.
- Alaric stared at the restaurant he had been going to from outside the glass and could only sigh. Even if he is not of this time, he knew there was no way a meal would be given to him without something to tread with. Guess he would end up sleeping hungry tonight and also on the street. Hell no, he shook his head, he would never submit himself to such treachery. How could he, a King, sleep by the roadside like a lowly peasant? He would rather return to his cave and be captured by the demon king than to lower himself to that station. Heaven forbid that he should rub such on his ego. He sighed and turned away from the restaurant, walking away without a destination in mind again. Finding himself in a dark alley, he decided to stay there for a while till he was sure the demon king has left his cave so that he can return. This was the highest embarrassment he has ever lived in his life.