Chapter 1 Prologue
- Millenniums ago, long before the existence of Nightwalkers and Night Howlers, only four clans of creatures existed in the world. The human clans, the witch clans, the demon clans and the Dragon clans.
- While the human clan was considered the weakest clan, they were protected by the witch and demon clans. And the Dragon clan, known as the Sky Demons, protects the air creatures. And in general, they were all protected and supervised by the gods and goddesses, —Mystic beings that were created along with the creation of the world to help manage and look after the creatures—. The Gods and Goddesses lived in a world high above the Dragon castle called the Gods land. They are the closest being to the Almighty and they are the ones that speaks directly to him. While the humans, witches, demons and dragons have life spans that they can live, the gods and goddesses do not. They forever exist with their numbers neither increasing or decreasing.
- They reign supreme below the Almighty as the strongest creatures and nothing can kill them. After the gods and goddesses, the Sky Demons —Dragons— follow as the second strongest, then the demons, the witches and lastly, humans.
- For ages, the world has been like that, each clan living with respect to their superior, with the humans the only ones that are not fully aware of the other clans as their life span was the shortest. The gods travel around to supervise and make sure that everything was in other and each clan was living harmoniously with the others, with the exception of the humans who must be in the dark about the existence of the rest.
- Peace reigned among them and one morning, a beautiful prince was born to the reigning king and queen of the Dragon clan. It was a joyous moment because the King and Queen had searched for a child for over five thousand years. The Dragon clan’s reproductive method was the slowest among the other clans as the Dragons starts mating from a thousand years old and sometimes, they could go up to three to five thousand years old before finding a mate. Making them the smallest of the clans.
- The beautiful prince had golden orbs that mimics the sun, so enchanting and mesmerizing and his birth had called together the top rank clans, making his mother give him the name, Alaric —Ruler of all—.
- Prince Alaric grew up to follow his name. With his long, white hair, beautiful golden eyes, he was respected wherever he stepped foot and when his dragon scales appeared, they were golden that the sun reflects on them. Not only was he a handsome being, he was the strongest of all. Already stronger than his father and without the dragon king’s fire. On his two thousandth birthday as per the rule of their clan, he was crowned the Dragon king, and therefore, inherited the Dragon king’s blazing fire. A fire so strong that it can scorch one third of the world if let loose.
- It was a joyous day, however, the joy was not meant to last as the Goddess of Darkness, Aspa, appeared before Alaric and demanded to be made his mate. Everyone was shocked when King Alaric refused, rejecting her as the one and only for him. The Goddess got angry and challenged him to a duel. Alas, Alaric was too strong for her and he had her begging at the mercy of his blazing fire. However, right before any heavy damage can be done on her, Namiel, God of light appeared, taking the blow. But right before everyone’s eyes, he evaporated.
- Nothing can kill a god. Nothing was supposed to kill a god. However, the blazing fire, under King Alaric’s command evaporated a god. It was a bad omen and it came calling the rest of the gods. A heavenly war ensued in a world that has been at peace for ages. King Alaric ended up evaporating two more gods and the fight didn’t end until the Almighty intervened.
- For starting the war, goddess Aspa was banished to the underworld for millenniums and King Alaric, now known as a god killer was weakened and buried alive. His kingdom was frozen into statues along with the survivors. To make sure that he never sees the light of day again, Ramiel —God of Thunder— prophesied that only his mate can ever release him. And with his kinds frozen to statues, there was no hope of his mate ever being born.
- And then, over two thousand years ago, the goddess of love, Selene, created the Nightwalkers and Night Howlers, making new clans. However, they were creatures of their own and so the God of Thunder had nothing to worry about. As long as the Dragon clan remained frozen, there was no hope of the Dragon king ever rising.
- But then again, millenniums ago, the first pure blood witch, Latoya, had prophesied that the Dragon king shall rise again and when he does, he shall burn the Gods Land to smithereens with his wrath.
- Or so the legend says.