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Chapter 2

  • Jake left the house soon after that with dad and when my father returned late at night, Jake wasn’t with him.
  • My father and I have had a routine ever since I was a kid. He is a very busy man with running his company and dealing with clients. Sometimes he would be late to events at school and sometimes even miss them.
  • But every single day, we eat dinner together at 9 p.m. in front of the massive home theatre while watching a different movie. It was his way of making up for it and he only ever misses it when he travels.
  • Last night was his turn to pick a movie and he picked a bloody slasher movie. I couldn’t tell you the name even if I tried. I spent the entire movie bitching about the characters and ridiculing their actions which led to dad telling me to shut up which then led me to telling him to pick better movies.
  • Then he threw popcorn at me, then I threw some back, and from there, we just ended up talking about a bunch of crazy things before he threatened to shove a sock in my mouth if I didn’t let him watch the movie.
  • I feel asleep after that and woke up when my alarm rang. He carried me into my room.
  • I got ready for the day and put on a black work pants, a fitted white blouse and nude heels. I tied my messy curls into a ponytail, grabbed my purse and was out of the house.
  • As I walked into the office I was greeted by Charles with a cup of coffee in his hand.
  • Charles is a fresh out of law school intern. He is working under one of the bigger lawyers and he has made it known not once and not twice that he thinks we would make a cute couple.
  • He’s a pretty boy, I’ll give him that. He is twenty four, has perfect golden locks with bright blue eyes and a lean body but he’s not my type. My type is more dark and rugged and maybe just a tad bit older.
  • “Thank you for the coffee,” I took the cup out of his hands and forced back a cringe as I took a sip. He got me plain black coffee; I always take mine with a shit ton of milk and sugar.
  • “You’re welcome,” he offered a smile as I made my way into my office, “I was wondering if you’re free this weekend then maybe we could grab a drink; there’s a pretty cool bar downtown.”
  • “How do you know I even drink? Maybe I’m a recovering alcoholic or I’m on a diet.”
  • “You had a glass of champagne last week when we celebrated the new deal. I gave you that glass.”
  • “Touché,” I said finally, “But I can’t.”
  • “It’s just one date,” he stepped closer and I raised a brow, “All I need is for you to give me a chance and I promise you will not regret it.”
  • “The answer is still no Charles,” I lifted my hands to inspect my nails, “I’m not interested in pursuing a relationship in my workplace. Not only would that end terribly but it is also an inconvenience.”
  • He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. I knew he was frustrated but it is not my fault that he kept on pursuing me even after I had said no countless times.
  • He opened his eyes and stepped even closer. The hair at the back of my neck stood on end and my skin crawled from his proximity.
  • “Now would be a good time to step back,” I said slowly but he didn’t move.
  • “All I’m asking for is one chance; just one-,”
  • “Am I interrupting something?” I let out a sigh of relief when I heard the familiar drawl.
  • Charles jumped back almost immediately and stumbled over his words as he tried to make up an excuse. He looked to me for help but all I did was raise a brow in his direction.
  • When he saw that I wasn’t going to say anything, he kept his mouth shut, turned on his heels and walked out of the room.
  • I noticed he didn’t shut the door behind him, and so did Jake because he walked over and pushed it shut.
  • “Don’t you know that it’s scandalous to shut the door when you’re alone with a woman?” I asked teasingly and Jake gave me a bored look.
  • “Cut it out.”
  • “Cut what out?” I asked with a bat of my lashes and he exhaled deeply.
  • “I came here to talk to you about something. I need your help.”
  • I gestured for him to sit down and he eyed the chair with obvious disdain but finally sat down. I took the chair opposite him and marveled at how nice it was to have him in my office.
  • As big as my office is, his presence somehow made it feel small. It felt more intimate than it should have and I selfishly enjoyed it.
  • “Can I interest you in a cup of coffee?” I asked gesturing to the cup Charles had brought from me, “It’s just the way you like is, black like your soul.”
  • He scoffed, “The boy brought you black coffee.”
  • “I know,” I sighed, “I was just as surprised as you are.”
  • He took the cup from my outstretched hands and took a sip from it, coincidentally his lips landed just where mine had been and I did a happy dance in my head. Take that Jake, we just indirectly kissed.
  • Well you indirectly kissed me and unless I drink that same coffee- which yuck- then I wouldn’t have indirectly kissed you.
  • “I need you to draft a special contract for me.” his voice cut through my lustful thoughts.
  • “Don’t you have lawyers for that?”
  • “I do but this is different,” he handed me a slip of paper and my eyebrows rose as I read the words. “It’s like a normal contract but I want that as a clause.”
  • I cleared my throat and handed it back to him.
  • “You want me to draft a contract blackmailing the mayor.” I whisper yelled and he shrugged, “Are you fucking crazy?”
  • “Language Hayley,” his voice dripped with boredom, “You don’t get to where I am today without making tough choices. I don’t trust my lawyers, but I trust you.”
  • “You trust me now that you need me,” I scoffed, “I thought I was just a child.”
  • “You were never just a child,” his voice dropped to a whisper and I turned to him, “But you are my best friend’s child; are you going to help me or not?”
  • “I’ll get it done and bring it to your office.”
  • He nodded and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but at the last minute he shook his head, decided against it and walked out of the office.
  • I was left staring at the place he sat longer than I should have. Even when I started on his contract, I was still thinking about him.
  • All thoughts of Jake flew out of my head the moment my phone beeped with a reminder of a meeting.
  • ***********************************
  • If there is one thing I hate more than stupid clients, it is stupid lawyers. The meeting was supposed to be held between all the lawyers my father works with and of course- my father. As I walked into the room, I caught a few disdainful eyes.
  • A few of the older men have made it clear that they don’t think I deserve to be here. They think I got to where I am because of daddy’s influence. I won’t disagree that my father helped a lot; but I am a damn good corporate lawyer and I will be damned if I allow any of them make me feel less than welcome.
  • The meeting lasted an hour and a half but if you asked me what was being talked about, I couldn’t tell you. It was basically just a pissing contest between the older lawyers.
  • Apparently, father was hearing some news about people treating other unfairly- basically adult bullying- and the older lawyers were trying their best to discredit the sources and make us, the younger ones look incapable and like snitches.
  • Finally, the meeting was over, and I was able to make my way to the lunch room for my break. I had picked a donut and was making a cup of iced coffee when someone stood by me.
  • I recognized him as Greg; one of the older lawyers. He pretended to be looking at the coffee cups but I knew he wanted to speak to me.
  • “You know,” he began, “You don’t have to cry to daddy about everything. You have to earn the right to be treated the way you want.”
  • “If you had half a brain cell then you would know that I don’t run crying to daddy about anything.” I said without looking up, “I can handle you and your insecurities and fragile masculinity on my worst day.”
  • I finally looked up at him and he had turned a deep red. I’ll have to admit, he looked cute. He reminded me of Anger from Inside Out.
  • “Don’t start fights you can’t finish Greg,” I gave him a small tap on the shoulder and stalked away.
  • I have had my fill of Greg for the day and he is welcome to file a complaint to my dad- which I know he will. It is his MO; he starts fights with people and whenever you put him in his place, he runs to my dad and plays the victim. Yet he has the audacity to call me a daddy’s girl.
  • I was making my way to the break room but I saw Charles at the door and I quickly turned around before he could see me and made my way back to my office.
  • The last thing I need to do right now is to deal with Charles and his incessant need to ask me out. I locked myself in my office and busied myself with Jake’s contract.
  • It isn’t as complex as one would think it is considering the fact that he is asking me to blackmail someone. I could finish it up tonight if I take my time, but I don’t want him to think I’m too desperate so I’ll finish it up tomorrow- it’s a Saturday and I don’t have to come in to work.
  • As soon as the clock hit 6, I was out of the office quicker than anyone could say my name. Charles tried to invite me for drinks with the other younger lawyers but I refused. I went once and all they did was bitch about work. I don’t want to talk about work when I’m out of the office. That defeats the entire purpose of going out.
  • My dad wasn’t home when I got there so I spent my day with Alana. I made spaghetti and meatballs while she gave me all the gossip that was happening with her grandchildren.
  • Her only daughter died a while back and apparently the grandchildren are all assholes. Every day there is one new problem or the other that they can’t seem to handle by themselves. Today, they are fighting over an old locket of their mum’s that they think is worth millions but in reality was gotten from a pawn shop.
  • She was right at the climax of the story when my dad walked into the kitchen. She went silent as he greeted her.
  • “Hayley,” he said and I turned to him, “Can I talk to you for a second?”