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Chapter 19

  • Ruby decided to leave the hospital early since she didn't have anything to do, she did her rounds and had given out instructions to the ones doing night duty and decided to go home to the apartment before it gets late, even though she knew the possibility of what happened the night before repeating itself, she didn't want to take any chances, she left the hospital by three pm in the afternoon and decided to stop by the supermarket to get some of the things she knew Kristen needed, there wasn't much that she needed since Liam was an attentive father and always made sure she had everything she needed, Ruby didn't suspect anymore that Liam was Kristen's father and she respected him for taking responsibility of her, that goes a long way to tell that Liam was a good man and Kristen who might she say loves Liam alot was lucky her mom made the right choice for her, no one else would have taken care of her like Liam did, not even Ruby herself, she didn't know how to handle children other than her medical experience, she wanted to have a motherly experience too but fate choose not to give her that now though she could say she was experiencing it from taking care of Kristen and the other kids in the hospital too.
  • "Can I get two of those please?"
  • She asked the seller using the island local dialect which she had learned from living here for more than a month, she knew if she stayed longer she will learn more.
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