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Chapter 8 (Michael's Pov)

  • “Where have you been for so long? You were the one who insisted on coming here for Christmas and then you leave me alone with your folks for hours! So at least you could tell me where you have been?” Do I even need to explain things to you? Yes. Kelly was once again throwing a tantrum. I sent her a message letting her know I was going for a walk and when I came back mom told me she went up to bed as soon as she received my text. While my mother thought she went to sleep, I knew better. She went sulking because I was not with her or asked her if she wanted to come with me.
  • But years of this relationship made me realize that when there was walking involved or pretty much any other physical activity besides shopping was a no go in her book, so lately I stopped even trying to ask her let alone convince her to come with me whenever I had to clear my head and went for a walk. But still, whenever I went out for my walks, she threw a temper tantrum as soon as I was in her vision. I know I sound like I am yawning and moaning but not doing anything about the situation I managed to get myself into, but honestly, it was just getting to exhausting.
  • Let me tell you one thing, I was never known to be a quitter. I always tried my hardest and even know I was not willing to give up on her. Why? Because I went into this relationship willingly and I was not about to throw it away because we ran into a few little bumps on the road. Well, ok they were not little bumps but still, you know what I mean.
  • “Sorry. I just needed a moment to myself. And I promise it will not happen again, ok? As long as we are here, I will stay stuck to your hip like a glue.” Now I know what you might be thinking. What is wrong with me, or maybe how would I manage to get to that coffee date I had planned with Sidney, but just wait like 3, 2, 1, “Oh, no. I did not mean it like that you know honey. Just when we are at your house try not to leave me alone. You know how I feel when I am alone with your parents. It is as if they just wait for an opportunity to be alone with me, so they ambush me with all their questions about our future and all that.” I sincerely doubted that, but I never got any evidence that would point in one or the other direction, so I was not about to accuse any side. I decided a long time ago to be neutral territory on this subject.
  • But you see, she wanted to know where I was but at the same time, she did not want to be stuck with me at all times, which I completely understand, but let’s be real here, being stuck at the hip all the time was not a sign of a healthy relationship. What I wanted to prove though was how contradictory she could be at times.
  • With her answer I only gave her a nod and went to my suitcase to get my clothes and get that shower, which I honestly needed since we came to my parents, but everything just followed like domino effect and there was no time to get one. And since I thought, we were done talking for tonight I went to grab my clothes and get ready for bed, but oh, how wrong was I.
  • “So what? That’s it? You are just going to turn your back on me and walk out of the bedroom? What happened to you on your walk Michael? You were never like this, you never turned away when we were talking!” At the end of her little speech, she was pretty much screaming, and I had to do damage control as fast as possible or my parents would come knocking and making things even worse.
  • My eyes closed of their own accord and a sigh escaped my lips before I answered her, “Nothing happened Kelly. I am just tired from everything. And I thought we were done talking for tonight, so I took that as my cue to get ready for bed. I have said my part and you said yours, so what else do you want from me? I have already apologized for leaving you alone with my parents for more than half an hour, what else should I do? Should I get down on my knees and plead for your forgiveness? I am sorry but my mistake if I can even call it that was not that huge, so I see no reason to dwell on it or keep apologizing. How many times did you leave when we were out together and not once did, I question you or attack you like you attack me as soon as I come home from a short walk, where I am alone with my thoughts. Now if you will excuse me, I am taking that shower and then going to bed. We can pick up this conversation tomorrow, but for tonight I am done.” And with those words I left the room, the only thing that followed my speech was her frustrated grunt and as soon as I closed the door something smashed against it, but like I said, I was tired and for tonight I was just done. With everything.
  • Earlier I felt happy when I saw Sidney, but as soon as I stepped a foot back into my childhood home, all that happiness got sucked right out of me, and then this conversation was just the final drop of shit pile put in front of me to dampen my mood even further. At this point I started sincerely doubting my decision to come home for the holidays, or at least my choice to bring Kelly with me.