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Chapter 3

  • "Hello?"
  • Jordan let out as he tried to wake himself up, he hadn't even bothered to check who was calling him, he rubbed his eyes to fight off sleep looking around to make sure he slept in his bed, okay not his bed, he was still at the hotel, he had a terrible headache and he knew his hangover would be even worst, thank God it was a weekend, he was just going to spend it nursing his hangover, he checked the clock and it was past ten am.
  • "Jordan? Are you even listening to me?"
  • The voice on the other end shouted, he moved his phone off his ears, his mom was always so loud in the morning, and having to hear her voice when his head was pounding wasn't the best kind of moment.
  • "Mom, what do you want? I am trying to sleep here,"
  • "Oh, you annoying child, where did you spend the night? I am at your apartment,"
  • "What?"
  • He yelled getting up, bad idea because his head started spinning her had to sit back down, his mom always shows up at his house unannounced, and always when he is not around, wait, fuck! She didn't know he moved.
  • "Mom, I moved,"
  • He said waiting for the outburst and it came, he moved his phone from his ears to reduce the impact.
  • "You crazy child, how can you move without telling us? Are you crazy? And you ignored your dad and me at Katrina's wedding, who does that?"
  • "Mom, I didn't ignore you, I was busy,"
  • He lied, he had ignored them, since he broke things off with Kelvin, his parents especially his mom has been on his case about finding someone else and have even set him up on dates, not to be ungrateful, he was happy his parents were supportive and did their best for him but they could be very controlling which he didn't like one bit, he was a full-grown Twenty-eight years old man yet his mom still expect him to show up home every weekend and also be present at every family gathering, heck the height of it is that his parents still expect him to have a curfew.
  • "So? What do we do? We are at your former place, can't believe you moved without telling us, that such a disgrace attitude son,"
  • "Mom, Katrina moved out of her apartment and it's bigger and closer to work that's why I moved here, I haven't told you because I have been busy, this is why you should have called me that you were coming over, that way you don't have to stay out,"
  • "Whatever, so where is the new apartment?"
  • "Mom, can't you just go home? I don't feel like moving right now,"
  • "You better get your ass off where ever you are and come running here if you don't want me to do something you won't like,"
  • "Yes, mom,"
  • He replied getting off the bed, one thing is to be a grown-up and another thing is to disobey his mom, he won't hear the end of it, he started pulling on his shirt when his phone rang again, causing understand his breath, he picked up, it was his director, wondering why he was calling him on a Sunday, he picked up.
  • "Sir?"
  • "Jordan, sorry I am disturbing you but it can't wait, I think there is a mix-up with the pattern sent, I got a call and no one else from our team is close to the office, so I was wondering if you can just help us go through it and send the right one, it can't wait till Monday, in case you are going to say that."
  • "Okay sir, I will go do that,"
  • He responded, he didn't want any long talk, since he knew he would still be the one to do it, the only problem was his banging head, he went to the restroom and took a cold shower, it didn't help his cause, another reason why he should really quit drinking, the morning after wasn't always pleasant.
  • He made a stop at the reception and asked the reception there a few questions hoping to get a hint of the guy he spent a night with but she seemed not to have any record of anyone aside for him and his name was the one they had, so his mystery lover was really mysterious, which made it even more that he should find him, he needed to find that do and get even with.
  • As he left the hotel, he suddenly remembered that his parents were waiting for him at his old apartment, well they are just going to have to wait for him longer. He dialed his mom's number as he hailed a taxi.
  • "Where are you Jordan Darius Bach?!!"
  • His mom yelled into the phone, Jordan moved his phone out of his ears to prevent him from going deaf, his mom was a screamer, and adding to the fact that she was pissed, he felt guilty for making her wait even though it wasn't his fault.
  • "Mom, I have to go somewhere real quick so I am texting you the address, I will meet you there,"
  • "Wait what? Are you out of your mind?"
  • His mom yelled again.
  • "Mom, calm down, I was called, I need to get to the office real quick, okay? I will be there shortly, just stay in the car mom, I love you, bye,"
  • He said and ended the call, he knew his mom would probably kill him this time but he didn't have a choice.
  • "Please, take me to Evans cooperation,"
  • He said as he boarded a taxi, going to the office.
  • "Why are you going to work on a Sunday? What kind of work do you do?"
  • The taxi driver asked, Jordan looked at him but he couldn't make out his face because of his mask.
  • "Is that a problem? Why are you asking? Don't you think it is rude to ask?"
  • "Why? What's rude there? Can't I ask questions? It's not really normal to go to work on a weekend, so I don't see how asking is rude,"
  • Okay, Jordan didn't know who the driver was but he concluded he didn't like him, as he didn't have the strength, not the time to pick a fight, he choose to keep his mouth shut and choose to use that time to think about the event of last night, he still felt sore so it definitely happened but the big question was, with who did it happen with? He couldn't come up with a face no matter how hard he thinks, he didn't remember talking to anyone the night before, and didn't remember leaving either, whoever it was must have paid with cash which would explain why the hotel receptionist didn't have anything, he almost thought he paid with his card until he had checked his bank statement and account number, not a penny was missing.
  • He walked fast into the office and did what he came for as quickly as he could, the whole building was silent as everyone was home for the wicked, only a few workaholics were seen around, he greeted them as he made his way out, he was surprised to see the nosy taxi driver waited for him, he happily got into the taxi again and instructed him to drive to his apartment.