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Chapter 204

  • Liam returned home to his apartment after one miserable week at his parent's house, it was worse than he could imagine, there were things he needed to find out which is why he was home right now, his mom had told him that she had told Jordan to pack out of the apartment before his return from the hospital, which could explain why there wasn't any trace of them living together in his apartment, but he wanted to be completely sure that there was nothing there, maybe he would find a photo of them together or something, they had lots of those.
  • After looking around and turning his apartment upside down with no sign of Jordan being there before, he gave up trying to find anything, what was the point anyway when he remembered everything that happened? It was his fault Jordan left, it was his fault, everything went wrong because of him and he handled everything wrongly even when people around him kept telling him to do the right thing, he hadn't listened, and now the pain he was dealing with was the consequences of not listening to anyone and doing what he wanted and saw fit.
  • "Dragged me into this,"
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