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Chapter 16

  • “This was the best place you could bring up?” I asked as the waiter got me the fries I had ordered more than fifteen minutes ago.
  • “If you have a problem with it, then I suggest we call the deal off,” Taevon said with a stern look on his face but I wasn’t threatened by it.
  • “You can’t get rid of me that easily dear future husband,” I laughed which cringed him immediately. “No, sir. I am here to stay until I’ve gotten what I want from your brother.”
  • “Then don’t insult my favorite hangout spot.”
  • I almost choked on the drink I was having as I wagged my finger around, “This run down place is your favorite hangout spot?”
  • “Yes,” he affirmed, getting me to laugh out loud as I almost choked again. “I actually wished you choked on that drink for real and had complicated issues which would lead you to another phase of your second coma.”
  • “Oh come on,” I laughed while tapping my chest to calm myself down. “It was just a joke. Besides, I ordered my food fifteen minutes ago. They are slow as fuck. It’s the morning rush and they are not even serving the entire world.”
  • “They will need to get you fresh food.”
  • “And what if I don’t want fresh food? What if I wanted something else that was filled with lots of butter and…”
  • “That would mean certain death and clearly what you’re eating is a gateway to that.”
  • The waitress appeared with the salad he had ordered as he thanked her with a polite smile. I looked her over like she was made of trash as she saw my look and shuddered, leaving as fast as she could.
  • When she was gone, he threw me a nasty frown.
  • “Okay, what did I do?”
  • “You were rude to her,” he said, picking up a salad with his fork to munch on.
  • “I didn't say anything.”
  • “Your eyes did.”
  • “The fuck is wrong with you. I didn’t say anything.”
  • “Like I said, your eyes did.”
  • “She was smiling at my man, what was I supposed to do?”
  • “I’m not your man.”
  • “Hush, don’t say that out in public. Besides, you're not my man… yet, but sooner than you think we would be married and I would be having my revenge…”
  • He dropped his fork on the plate as he rubbed his hands over his face.
  • “Are you okay?” I asked, worried that he was getting frustrated by my constant wordings and I was right, for he gave me a look which told me to shut up.
  • “No, I’m not alright. First off, you’re talking too much and it’s really disturbing to think about.
  • “Secondly, we get it, you want to make sure my brother sees the gate of hell by you marrying me but you are making it too damn obvious by saying it out loud with every little chance you get.
  • “Listen Charlotte, I haven’t forgotten the plan if that’s what you’re thinking I have done by reminding me every second of it.
  • “You keep reminding me every single second that we are getting married and I get it, but seriously right now you need to stop. I can’t stand your wordings. Now I can’t really enjoy my salad with your words getting on my nerves.”
  • “Jeez, relax, I get it,” I sighed laying back in my chair as I took up a fry to eat. I watched him get back to his food. He seemed to be enjoying it. “Are you vegan?”
  • “Oh my God,” he sighed, dropping his fork again as he rolled his eyes in frustration.
  • “I just asked a question.”
  • “I’m not vegan, Charlotte. I’m just tired of eating meat so I decided to eat something else. It’s not that hard to eat something else that doesn’t include meat. I’m a doctor and I eat healthy.”
  • “So you’re trying to tell me that what I’m eating right now is unhealthy?”
  • “Ding, ding, ding,” he imitated a lottery bell. “And we have a winner.”
  • “Well,” I chuckled. “At least if anything were to happen to me, I’ve got a doctor in the house.”
  • “I’d leave you here choking and go back to the hospital.”
  • “Nope, you won’t,” I chuckled. “Something tells me you’re a good guy and good guys don’t leave their ladies choking at the table.”
  • “That’s because you don’t know me.”
  • “I know enough to work with.”
  • “Alright batgirl, I’ve seen how smart you are, but how about we cut to the chase. We still haven’t concluded on our business.”
  • “Come on,” I sighed, enjoying the way I was taunting him. “Loosen up a little. It’s not that bad to have someone I can play with. Right now I don’t have any friends and my sister is not on speaking terms with me.”
  • “Maybe it’s because you’re over here trying to create ways to make sure my brother, who happens to be her husband, pays for abandoning you for her.”
  • “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that I need him on his hands and knees.”
  • “Why don’t you go hang out with your parents?”
  • His question got me throwing a fry back on the plate.
  • “I can’t believe you’d say that.”
  • “What? They are your parents.”
  • “Yeah but which adult hangs out with their parents?”
  • He gave me an intense look before looking out of the window.
  • “You’re lucky to have parents like that, you know,” he said, playing around with his food. “Not everyone has the luxury of having a wonderful mum and an overprotective father like yours.
  • “Your mother and father stayed at your bedside everyday for an hour until you woke up. You should be thankful for them.”
  • His eyes had a distant look in them and I could feel that he had a lot of story to unburden.
  • “All I’m trying to say is that I can’t hang out with my parents because they won’t understand my struggle. That’s why I’ve got to hang out with you, my accomplice.”