Chapter 80 Loosen Up
- It was past noon and all I could think of was the shopping date I had with Alessandro when I closed from work in the next five hours. I didn’t know why I had agreed to what he suggested but at the same time, I found myself looking forward to it. Picturing myself being romantically involved with Alessandro again was kind of hilarious but Alessandro seemed determined to make it happen and I couldn’t change his mind no matter what I said or did. The look on his face when he failed would be comedy and I couldn’t wait to see it because I knew it was going to happen and I’d be here every step of the way.
- “What’s making you smile, Gianna?” Tiffany said as she stopped in front of her desk jolting me out of my reverie. She’s been trying to understand the whole situation but I’ve been devising means to get her off my back until I was ready to open up Tiffany wasn’t going to relent and I knew it was only a matter of time.
- I blinked severally, trying to register what Tiffany had just said.