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Chapter 7 An Exchange For Power

  • “You’re going to have to do a lot better than that, Don Alessandro.” I chucked. “That’s not enough—not for me anyway. My father and brother would be delighted with it, but I’m not.”
  • “I thought you came here to set your brother free at any cost?” Don Alessandro asked, puzzled at first.
  • “Yes, I did. But, I’m not going to sacrifice my life for him. I need something that would benefit me in the long run. Simply put, I want to have your power, Don Alessandro. If you can guarantee me that, I’ll accept your terms and be your wife.” I said.
  • “Power isn’t an item to be traded, Gianna. You’re going to be a lot more specific about what you’re asking from me.” Don Alessandro said as watched me. He was confused.
  • “I want to wield your power and your influence because I’m going to take over my father’s position as the head of the mafia when the time is right,” I said.
  • Don Alessandro’s eyes widened in shock but he quickly masks his surprise.
  • “Coups aren’t surprising as they happen now and then but it’s unheard of for a child to spearhead one, much less a daughter.”
  • “I gave my father my life, my sweat and blood. I did everything he wanted, even the things Miguel failed at, I made sure that I excelled in them because I wanted to prove that I could handle the mafia when it was time for him to step down and despite my sacrifice, my father pushed me aside like I didn’t matter and handed everything over to Miguel.” I said, feeling incensed all over again.
  • “Miguel is your father’s son and it’s his birthright to take over from your father, Gianna.” Don Alessandro pointed out.
  • I wasn’t surprised to hear him say this. They were all cut from the same cloth. It was the same reason he wanted me to give him an heir when he had a daughter my age who was already involved in the family business.
  • “Don’t get me wrong, Don Alessandro. I love my brother dearly but frankly put, he’s stupid and he doesn’t have the first clue on how to lead a mafia. If he had, we wouldn’t be in such a precarious position right now.” I stated.
  • “Your family is going to fight back, Gianna. Salvatore is as tough as nails and you know this.” Don Alessandro said.
  • “You’re not going to sit back and let my father hurt the mother of your son, are you?” I challenged him.
  • I was biting off more than I could chew right now but I had no choice. If I didn’t take any risks, I would be left with nothing and that wasn’t how I envisioned my future.
  • Don Alessandro drummed his fingers on the table as he stared at me while I held my breath and waited for his response.
  • There was every chance that he could halt all of these and move on to the next girl that caught his fancy and wouldn’t demand the same crazy terms as I was.
  • “You’ll have my support until I say otherwise,” Don Alessandro said after a few minutes of silence.
  • I felt relief course through my veins as I leaned back into the chair. I was making a deal with the devil himself but I didn’t care as long as I would get what I wanted, nothing else mattered.
  • A baby for a mafia? I would make the deal all over again.
  • “Is there anything left for us to discuss?” I asked.
  • “Well, yes. You’ll stay here with me until you give birth to my son and after that, we will go our separate ways. We don’t have to act married because I’m very much certain that we’re both free birds and free birds aren’t meant to be caged.” Don Alessandro said.
  • I had no issues with his offer, my dream has always been to become the head of a mafia and not a wife. We were both using ourselves as a means to an end and that was fine by me.
  • I wouldn’t be here if my father had done the right thing from the start but it didn’t matter anymore because I was going to grab my birthright from the usurper’s grasp.
  • “You’re right when you called us free birds, I would like to fly free without being restricted. So yes, I accept your terms but I’ll give my approval on one condition.” I began.
  • “You’ve been making a lot of requests, Gianna.” Don Alessandro’s eyebrows shot up as he fixed me with a stare.
  • “I think I have the right to see my child, Don Alessandro. Don’t you think so?” I asked.
  • “Are you asking for joint custody, Gianna? My terms were clear from the start. Your role in this marriage is to give me an heir and that’s all I require from you.” Don Alessandro’s voice was getting harsh.
  • “I’m not asking you for that. I only ask that I see my child regularly. I believe that I’ve earned the right to ask you for that. I do not intend to take him away from you, I know better than to do that.” I said, clarifying my position.
  • “When you give birth, you’ll be afforded three days a week with my son and that’s the best you’re going to get. Don’t push it, Gianna.” Don Alessandro said.
  • Three days a week was perfect for me and I couldn’t dare ask for more. Within three days, I had gone from being in pole position to become the underboss to being cast aside and now, I was going to get married to the most powerful mafia lord in Los Angeles.
  • I barely had time to process everything that’s happened and it still seemed so surreal.
  • “That’s fine by me, Don Alessandro,” I said.
  • “I’ll have my lawyer draw up the contract now we’ve both concluded.” Don Alessandro said with a note of finality.
  • “I guess it’s time to head back, they’d be wondering where we went.” I pushed myself up to my feet and as I attempted to move towards the door, I felt his hand on my arm as he pulled me towards him.
  • I found myself being slammed into his broad chest.
  • “They can wait for a few more minutes,” Don Alessandro said as he stared at me.
  • “Is—is there a problem?” I forced myself to speak as my knees began to wobble.
  • I could feel his breath on my face, making my heart quicken.
  • He kissed my earlobe, tugging on it lightly. “I found the way you handled our business conversation quite hot, but at the same time, you were being too naughty and I like it when my women are submissive and you aren't. As soon as our marriage is finalized, I’m going to punish you, Gianna. I’m going to fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to walk straight for weeks.”