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Chapter 3

  • "Is that correct, but regardless of how intolerable it is. With the mistress who seeks to destroy other people's marriages, it's still unmatched."
  • Vivian was surprised for several seconds by Stella's lifeless comments before she responded. Her face turned pale, and she lifted her hand in an attempt to slap her.
  • Without hesitation, Stella grabbed her wrist and slapped her hard across the face. "Because you are the one who conceived Clarence's child, I didn't quarrel with you earlier, but that doesn't mean you can use this as an opportunity to continuously gloat in front of me. Why do you think that superior is having an affair?" Stella's slap had drawn a lot of interest from those nearby.
  • Vivian's cheeks simultaneously turned pale and flushed. She tried to get her hand back, but Stella's strength was too great for her.
  • "Don't you make baseless accusations against me; I'm not a mistress. It's you who is so shameless as to refuse to let go of your position as Mrs. Conrad,"
  • "Don't you think that your statement is a little nonsensical? Whether I like it or not, I am still legally Clarence's wife. Since the child in your womb is proof that he cheated on me, I must also thank you. Do you think I'll be successful in suing both of you? I'll see to it that he is unable to take any belongings with him when he exits the marriage. Would you like to place a wager?"
  • Vivian's eyes were wide with incredulity. "Don't you dare..."
  • "Try it." The man's voice came from behind her, and although though it was July moving into August and it was a scorching summer, it was so cold and frosty that it made her back hair stand on end.
  • Startled, Stella gradually released her hold on Vivians wrist. Vivian sprinted over to Clarence's side right away. Tears were streaming from her eyes as she covered the area of her face that was being struck. She sobbed bitterly.
  • With a sudden expression of attention, Clarence lifted his head to stare at Stella. There was no warmth in his words, and his eyes were chilly. "Should I introduce you a lawyer?"
  • A corner of Stella's mouth quirked. "No, thank you."
  • Was he making her laugh? How could she afford to pay a lawyer to represent her in a laborious and time-consuming legal battle? Her sole intention was to frighten Vivian.
  • Clarence moved up a step. In a voice that only the two of them could hear, he cocked his head to the side and said, "So that's what you meant by “leaving marriage without taking any property” in the divorce agreement."
  • Stella looked up, seeing the obvious frigid glare in his eyes. She understood his meaning right away and tried to clarify, saying, "No, I..."
  • "Money could no longer satisfy you, what you want is the Conrad Group, right? If not, what is the purpose of you putting up a divorce show this time?" he asked without waiting for her response. It was intended to swiftly finish the two repulsive couples.
  • "Have you overestimated yourself, Stella Radomil? Should I truly have signed it, the cost you incur would be very high. Please, offer me a relief as soon as possible and be honest like a woman. Put an end to your insulting remarks.”
  • Stella greeted his sardonic gaze with a smile. "Then, Mr. Conrad, kindly sign as soon as you can. We are going to cross paths in court."
  • With a tone of indifference, Clarence said, "What are you going to do once I sign? Sue me and use the divorce settlement as proof?"
  • "You've thought too much, Mr. Conrad. Could we make it quick and free ourselves from this agony?" Stella asked, her grin still intact. “Should you remain concerned, I am able to compose a letter of guarantee on your behalf. I swear that I won't use any title or purpose to blackmail you for any money after our divorce. Is it acceptable if I add my thumbprint to it in order to make it legally valid?"
  • It's likely that Clarence was surprised by her extreme determination, as if she was desperate to get rid of him. His thin lips pursed just a little, and his eyebrows moved imperceptibly.
  • As soon as Vivian realized they were chatting too much, she moved ahead. "Mr. Conrad,...Let's go, I'm a little under the weather."
  • Stella turned to face her once more and gently reminded her, "Miss Sean, I think you should refrain from donning such heavy makeup, high heels, and potent perfumes going forward. You and the unborn kid in your womb will be the only victims of those awful individuals taking advantage of you."
  • Clarence couldn't express his feelings. To whom was she alluding?
  • Stella ended, regaining her cool appearance and walking out. Vivian's friends who had been enjoying the festivities approached her as soon as Stella left, flattering her with, "Vivi, Mr. Conrad really defended for you, that woman's expression just now was too amazing."
  • “ Yes, Mr. Conrad is excessively attractive. I'm very jealous that you have a lover that is prepared to go above and beyond for you."
  • "Vivi is right, that woman is quite shameless, I have to admit. Even though Vivis is already pregnant, she won't get a divorce."
  • Glancing at them, Clarence slowly regained his gaze. He said, "Is there something wrong with your brains?" He would never go to the lengths of cheating in a marriage that would become his scandal, no matter how much he despised Stella.
  • Everyone present, even Vivian, was taken aback and was unaware that their words had hurt him.
  • "Give me an explanation for the pregnancy issue," said Clarence.
  • Vivian was the target of their remarks. After a while, Vivian stumbled clutching her dress anxiously, "I heard that Mr. Conrad has always disliked that woman, so I found an excuse to let her divorce with you,"
  • With a somewhat melancholic expression, Clarence cut her off, saying, "Don't think that I don't know what you are planning. Using this as an excuse to have me wed you—having Stella Radomil by herself suffices. You know what will happen if I hear this kind of thing again in the future."
  • Vivian bit her lip, afraid to say anything. When Clarence left, her pals just let out a sigh of relief.
  • "Vivi, isn't Mr. Conrad your boyfriend?" they enquired.What made him speak to you in that manner?”
  • Vivian had a pallid face. Recently, Clarence had taken her to a number of banquets, and he did nothing to stop the rumors about their relationship from circulating. She had therefore assumed, very reasonably, that she was the one by his side.
  • Because of this, she went to the Conrads' home on purpose to pressure Stella into resigning, even going so far as to fabricate a pregnancy test report.
  • However, based on Clarence's most recent remarks... That evening, Vivian finally asked a question regarding Clarence and Stella's marriage.
  • Stella was sold to the Twilight Club by her father, who owed a significant amount of money in interest. After making her getaway, she ran into Clarence and pleaded with him to save her. To everyone's amazement, two months later Stella visited the Conrad family after picking up the pregnancy test results.
  • Being a very prominent family, the Conrads took great pride in maintaining their reputation. Clarence was allowed to marry Stella because they refused to allow the situation worsen and tarnish their reputation in addition to the fact that Stella had become pregnant.
  • However, the child vanished out of nowhere after less than two months of marriage. Stella was the one who put on the show from the start. She was drugged at the Twilight Club, met Clarence, and forced him to wed her under false pretenses because her only goal in life was to marry into the Conrad family.