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Chapter 72 Burden Of Love

  • After my conversation with Diego, I decided to heed Leandro's advice and return home. I approached my two guards and informed them of my intentions. They promptly prepared my vehicle, ensuring my safe journey back home. As we left the headquarters earlier, I noticed a few vehicles following us. Initially, I raised concerns and promptly alerted my guards. However, they informed me that these were De Angelis' men.
  • I breathed a sigh of relief. Despite their strict surveillance and occasional feeling of confinement, I managed to endure it. I understood why the heightened security was necessary. Leandro didn't want a repeat of past events, and he might also be cautious about potential traitors, as Diego had mentioned.
  • I couldn't help but wonder who the potential traitor might be. If there was one, who was it, and what drove them to such actions?
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