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Chapter 121 Facing Demons

  • "I can see that, son." I looked up at Dad when he spoke. "Even if you don't notice it, I can see you're trying to be good... for her. No one's perfect, Leandro, and even if you want to be perfect for your wife, you can't. You are bound to make mistakes, and that's normal for us. You don't have to force yourself to understand everything because every day you'll find yourself discovering a new part of you. None of us truly knows ourselves yet, but you know what matters most?" Dad looked at me and smiled warmly. "We may lose battles, but we can still win the war. It's not over until it's over. Bella's still alive; she's fighting hard to live. So, you should believe in her. Even prodigies sometimes stumble, but they get up again."
  • Dad tapped my shoulder, and I felt lighter, just like before. We left the rooftop, and I had a small smile on my face. I couldn't wait to see Bella again and share the news that she's pregnant.
  • My mind was filled with positivity after talking with my father, but that changed as soon as we returned to the waiting area.
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