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Chapter 80

  • Lilith pov
  • That night feels like the longest one of my entire life it was like this endless tunnel of darkness that will never cease and anytime I opened my eyes expecting that day would finally come it seemed so far away, I had a decided to sleep in the hospital with my best friend and my mate offered to stay with me initially I had refused telling him that he needed to rest but I knew that I needed him them his company was the only thing that was keeping me sane through all of this.
  • Earlier listening to his calm voice had been enough to put me to sleep now however, I had abruptly woken up and there was nothing that was making me dizzy enough to go back to sleep instead they were a million reasons that we're going through my mind about why I should not even think about sleeping after all what gave me the audacity to think about rest now that my friend was literally fighting for her life?
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