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Chapter 19

  • As I gradually began to lose consciousness I look around and I saw my pack members following one after the other and they're their blood pooling up quite immensely, truly it felt like a dream no one would not even call this a dream but rather a horrible nightmare I tried to drag my body up to pull myself away from the position that I was in and to continue fighting and protect my pack members as I was supposed to but every time I tried to pull myself up to pick myself from the position that I was inside grinding my fingertips into the sound on the ground and forcing the little bit of energy that I have inside of them I felt the injury on my side gets even worse and its tongue at me as if somebody was singing a million needles into the side of my body at the same time.
  • whatever this tail of this monster possessed it was something that was indeed horrific because just one blue from it and it felt as if I was going to die and yes I was struggling or battling with it my eyes were shaking and my vision became his e as the figure of the creature coming close to me made my heart pound the bar is out of my chest as if it was going to simply jump out from my mouth all together.
  • I was sincerely wondering how all of this happened in the first place just moments ago I had been in the library kicking my seat back and forward as I talk to me to my best friend and I thought that after this moment I would be able to work things out with Dean she had given me this could advise something that I did not even think about by myself again.
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