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Chapter 2 The Surprise

  • "We are gathered here today for the marriage between Mr. Karl Arnold Sullivan and Miss. Lavinia Carlon."
  • The priest clears his throat and continues, "Miss Carlon. Do you accept Mr. Sullivan as your husband in accordance with the laws of marriage? To love and protect, through health problems and financial hardships, until death does you part?"
  • It didn't take me more than a second to give him a response that indicated my agreement. "I do!" I answered with a broad grin on my face.
  • The priest then addressed the same inquiry to my soon-to-be husband.
  • Karl smiled at me for a few moments with an expression that I was unable to interpret before he turned his attention back to the priest and responded, "Yes, I do!"
  • It sounded like a round of applause was going on while I had the sensation that my heart was going to burst out of my ribcage from its extreme happiness. It was pounding so hard that I felt as though everyone could hear it.
  • "You are now permitted to kiss the bride." The priest announced with a warm smile.
  • Karl's reaction to that sentence was to aggressively pounce on my lips, which caused me to groan in pain. Even though it was the first time we had kissed, it was pretty passionate.
  • Initially, I was taken aback, but I argued that he had been holding back a kiss from the beginning of our relationship until now.
  • He moved away after licking the corner of my mouth.
  • This man's actions never failed to take me by complete surprise at any given time.
  • I stared at him absentmindedly, trying to make sense of his behavior, but I was unable to do so once I saw his smile, which whisked me away to another place entirely.
  • The music started playing and it was clear that it was time for our very first dance.
  • Karl hugged my waist while I clasped my hands around his neck and our eyes met in that romantic way that couples do to each other before they make out.
  • He leaned in and whispered, "I can't wait to go home," into my ear.
  • I flushed when I felt his hot breath on my skin.
  • He was aware of it, and in response he smiled devilishly at me. "When we get home, a surprise will be waiting for you. I truly hope that it satisfies your requirements." He added in a low voice, which further piqued my interest in the subject.
  • "I would really appreciate it if you could just explain it to me because I really do need to know. You are well aware that the insatiable curiosity that I have is going to lead to my downfall. I beg you, my darling, please divulge the information to me."
  • I tried to convince him by subtly pursing my lips, but he was unmoved and insisted on not giving in.
  • "Be patient with me for a short while, my most precious love. You are going to find out very quickly."
  • A sigh escaped my mouth, and I nodded my head in defeat.
  • After the ceremony, we made our exit and drove to Karl's brand-new mansion, which he had explicitly bought so that the two of us could start our lives together there.
  • I have never been there before and couldn't wait to get there and check it out.
  • I was able to get into the car thanks to Karl opening the door for me, and then he joined me inside before we started driving in the direction of our new home.
  • Not only has my tension not decreased, but it has actually increased.
  • Karl was focusing all of his attention on the trip, and he hardly ever glanced in my direction.
  • I had no idea what it was that was causing me to react in this manner because I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
  • It was possible that the anxiety I'd been feeling since the wedding was the only thing causing it. I sighed inwardly.
  • The car came to a stop in front of a large, luxurious home that was approximately the same size as ours. The color of the mansion was so dark that it overshadowed everything else in the neighborhood.
  • I was aware of how strongly Karl felt about the utilization of dark colors.
  • Karl got out of the car and walked around to my side in order to open the door for me like a gentleman.
  • I had a hard time controlling my long wedding dress, so I was relieved when Karl offered his hand to me so that I could take it and use it to assist me in lowering myself to the ground.
  • "I am grateful to you, honey." I said while lowering my head to cover the blush that was appearing on my face.
  • "I'd do anything for you, babe," Karl responded as he led me to the entrance.
  • As I waited for him to open the door to the house, I tensely curled my fingers into a fist to distract myself from my anxiety.
  • He entered some codes on the lock panel to unlock the door, and then he moved aside so that I could go through it.
  • "Are you ready for something that you haven't seen coming?" He said while we stopped in front of one of the doors, which I believed leads to our bedroom.
  • I was unable to contain my excitement, and I gave him a vigorous head nod to show my agreement.
  • I was met with a crooked grin from Karl as he quietly opened the door.
  • The entire world seemed to stop at that instant as my mouth dropped open in surprise and my eyes widened in response.
  • I made an effort to make sense of what I was seeing, but I found that I had to keep blinking multiple times.
  • Karl gave a wicked grin when he saw the look of shock on my face and then quickly averted his gaze.
  • "Welcome to the red room, my wife!"