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Chapter 2

  • I open my eyes, and darkness greets me. I sit up on a hard concrete floor where I am laying. Feeling a wall behind me, I rest my back against it. I pull my knees to my chest and look around the dark room, wondering where I am. I can tell I'm underground, as the place has no windows. Other than that, I can't say anything about the room.
  • My mind drifts and thinks about what Thomas means by doing it the hard way. I'm curious if the rumors about men like him are true. Goosebumps spread out on my skin as I think about it. If they are true, things don't look very good for me.
  • Thinking about Thomas has me thinking about what my life would be like if I didn't steal his money for James. I would've had a better life. Because of my passion for helping people, I would be attending school to become a nurse. I would've been able to throw it in the faces of those who kept saying I could only get by using my looks. I would be happy because I'd be with Thomas.
  • I sniff and wipe my cheeks. I want to fix the past, but I know there's nothing I can do.
  • Recalling the day I met Thomas, a sad smile settles on my face.
  • A Year ago
  • "James, you told me Justin was the last one. I don't want to do this again," I whine, tears pooling in my eyes.
  • James is my husband, but he forces me to trick men into falling in love with me so we can con them out of their money. I don't want to do it, but with James I don't have a choice.
  • "I know I said that, honey, but I promise you this is the last one.
  • After this one, we'll have all the money we need," James says, caressing my face. His touch causes me to flinch. I force a smile, hoping he doesn't notice it.
  • "Promise?"
  • "I promise," he says, kissing my forehead.
  • "Can you show me what he looks like again?" I move closer to him on the couch. He shows me the picture of the new man he wants me to seduce. I smile as I look at the handsome man. James is stunning, too, with his blond hair and blue eyes, but this man puts him to shame. The smile on my face drops at the thought of James. I hope he didn't see me smiling at the man's picture. My hands unconsciously move to the new scar on my arm, rubbing it as tears fill my eyes.
  • "His name is Thomas Costanzo. He's one of the richest men in Italy and the US," James says, his voice dripping with greed.
  • "How sure are you that the plan will work?"
  • "Trust me, you are irresistible." James' eyes roam my body. I move back, feeling a little uncomfortable.
  • "I don't think I'm that beautiful."
  • "Trust me, you are." James grabs my hand and places it on his growing bulge. I slowly pull it away, hoping he doesn't want intimacy right now. I'm still recovering from last night.
  • I release the breath I'm holding as James takes the remote and switches on the TV. Our living room is lovely with gray couches
  • facing our smart TV that hangs on the white wall. A beautiful plant sits beside the TV, bringing some color to the room.
  • James lifts his legs and rests them on the brown coffee table that matches the TV stand. Standing up from the sofa, I walk to the bedroom of the luxury apartment. I want to get away from him before he changes his mind and demands intimacy. Our bedroom is beautiful with gray painted walls and vintage art hanging above the king size bed. I lie down on our bed wondering if a day will ever come when I don't have to worry about such things. I don't deserve to live in fear.
  • Later that night, James and I leave our house for the party Thomas Costanzo is hosting. I hope everything goes as James wants so I suffer no consequences. I smack my lips together and check myself in my hand mirror, ensuring I look perfect. The car pulls up in front of the Costanzo Hotel.
  • "You look perfect; let's go." James gets out of the car, and I follow behind. He's wearing a black tux as I wear a sparkling champagne-nude-tulle gown with shiny handmade embroideries. He grabs my hand, and we walk to the ballroom hand in hand.
  • We walk around greeting a few familiar faces. I mainly scan the room for Thomas as we walk around. It's been an hour now since we arrived at the party, yet Thomas is nowhere to be found. Feeling a little tired, I decide to leave the crowd to go sit down. I don't take more than a step before James stops me.
  • "Where are you going?" he asks, grabbing my hand.
  • "My feet hurt. I want to sit down for a while." I resist the urge to pull my hand out of his as that will only make him angrier.
  • "Rest for ten minutes, then come back here." James releases me and turns back to the group.
  • I massage my wrist, hoping a bruise doesn't form by tomorrow.
  • On my way to the sitting area, a friend of mine from high school approaches me.
  • "Hi Melina." Claire pecks my cheeks and hugs me. I'm not surprised to run into Claire here since she moved to LA from Chicago after we graduated high school. Claire is the one who introduced me and James to most of the people we know in LA.
  • "How're you doing?"
  • "I am doing well; how're you?"
  • "I'm—" I get cut short as someone wraps his arm around my waist. My body becomes rigid as I recognize his touch. James turns his face away from Claire after giving her a fake smile.
  • "Didn't you say you were going to sit down? Why the fuck are you here talking to Claire?" James whispers through gritted teeth.
  • "Claire, could you excuse us? James and I have something private to discuss."
  • "Sure, see you guys later." Claire walks away from us. "She—" I try to explain that Claire stopped me, but James
  • interrupts me again.
  • "Follow me." James takes hold of my arm and drags me away from the party. I wiggle to get my hand free but fail. James tightens his grip and digs his nails into my wrist.
  • The color on my face drains away as I see the ballroom entrance. I struggle harder to get free, digging my heels into the ground.
  • Suddenly, James lets go of my hand. I turn to face him, wondering why he let go, and see him looking at someone. I recognize the person and find myself staring too. It's Thomas. His
  • piercing blue eyes are more beautiful in real life. His long, full eyelashes fan his face when he blinks. His nose is long and pointed. He has a well-defined jaw that's sharp and carved. The one thing that stands out the most on his face is his lips. I wet my lips at how beautiful, plump, and light pink they are.
  • I yelp as James suddenly pushes me to the ground in front of Thomas. I turn to ask James why he did that, but I find him nowhere to be seen.
  • "Are you okay?" Thomas asks, his voice deep and husky. He bends down and helps me stand.
  • "Yes, thank you." I dust off my dress and hands, wincing as I do.
  • "It seems you bruised your elbow." Thomas takes my arm, and I feel a spark as our skin touches. I pull my arm back, but Thomas pulls it forward and inspects my wound. "You need to get it checked out."
  • "No, there's no need for that. It's just a small scrape." I drop my arm, wincing again.
  • "You're flinching because it hurts. Admit it, I'm right." He smirks, staring at me.
  • "I guess so."
  • "Come with me." He takes hold of my hand, and I feel the sparks again. I lock eyes with him, and I can tell he feels it too. He stares deep into my eyes. He only looks away when our hands start to feel sticky from sweating, but he doesn't let go.
  • "Let's go." Thomas walks us toward the exit. "Where are you taking me?"
  • "To get your elbow treated."
  • "Oh."
  • "What is your name, Bella?" Thomas asks, pressing the elevator button.
  • "Melina. Melina Davis." We step into the elevator as it opens. "Hello, Melina Davis. I'm Thomas Costanzo. Nice to meet you."
  • He smiles, staring at me.
  • "Nice to meet you too."
  • I look down at our still joined hands as we stand in the elevator. I wonder why he won't let go. I won't lie, though, I'm happy he hasn't. His hands are warm, and his touch is calming. I smile for the first time tonight and allow myself to enjoy this moment with Thomas Costanzo. I wish the elevator would never stop.