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A Second Chance

A Second Chance

Amal A. Usman

Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1

  • I adjust my bag on my shoulder and pull open the restaurant's back door. Walking inside to the employee changing room, I see the place is painted gray with blue lockers. Putting in the code for my locker, I pull it open, take out my apron, and tie it around my waist over my uniform. I'm wearing a white button-up shirt and a black skirt. Pulling my beautiful blonde hair into a tight ponytail, I walk out to the kitchen. A sigh escapes my lips as I remember what time I'd be clocking out tonight.
  • The sweet aroma of Italian food hits me as I enter the kitchen. I say hi to my co-workers as I approach the door that leads inside the restaurant. Someone beats me to open the door and steps into the kitchen.
  • "Hi Melina," Jane says, smiling. Jane is a lovely twenty-one- year-old with brunette hair and brown eyes. She's the same age as me, and we work together.
  • "How're you doing today, Jane?" I smile back at her. "I'm good. How're you?"
  • "I'm good."
  • "Get any sleep last night?" "Yeah, why?"
  • "You have some pretty serious bags under your eyes." "Really?" I put my hand in my apron and fetch a hand mirror. I
  • am positive the bags under my eyes weren't visible when I left the house. I check the mirror to see if that's still the case. My face doesn't look bad, but I can still see them.
  • "Had a nightmare last night?" "Yeah, I couldn't go back to sleep."
  • Jane and I have grown close working together for the six months since I moved to Portland from LA.
  • "Sorry to hear that; how long have you been up?" "Since three a.m." It's now five p.m.
  • "Wow, you must be exhausted."
  • "I'm used to it," I say. I hardly get enough sleep anymore because of my recurring nightmares. It's been six months, but I still dream about the accident every night.
  • "I heard talking about it helps," Jane prompts. She's tried to get me to talk to her about the nightmares since the first day I told her.
  • "I know. Hopefully, one day, I'll be open enough to talk about it." I feel too ashamed to tell Jane what happened. I also avoid talking about it because it brings back a lot of pain I've managed to heal from.
  • "I hope so. If you feel too ashamed or guilty to talk to me, there're professionals who can help."
  • "I know." I smile softly at Jane, grateful to have a friend like her.
  • She really cares about me and it's hard to find good friends like that.
  • "That's good. I wanted to ask you something." "What is it?"
  • "My mom is flying in today and needs me to pick her up from the airport. Could you cover for me at the bar and lock up afterward?"
  • "Sure."
  • "I knew I could count on you, thank you." She pecks my cheeks. "You're welcome." I smile.
  • ***
  • I rest my chin in my palm, waiting for the last customer to finish his drink. I lean across the bar, looking at the man. What troubles him? He drank a whole bottle of Jack Daniels and cried silently in the chair. Was he heartbroken? I can sympathize with him as I'm still healing from my own heartbreak.
  • I let out a breath of relief as the man stands up. I push off the counter, smiling because I finally can go home. I wait for him to walk out before heading to the locker room to get my bag and phone. I can't wait to go home and call it a night.
  • I walk back into the restaurant to find all the lights switched off. My brows pull together in confusion. I don't remember switching the lights off. I shrug my shoulders, thinking maybe I forgot, and walk to the door to be on my way. I freeze as I'm about to turn the doorknob when I hear a voice. Suddenly, the lights in the room come back on.
  • "It's not time to go home yet, principessa." My eyes widen as my brain instantly recognizes the voice. "I'm thirsty; get me something to drink."
  • My heart starts to pound as I begin to tremble. I look down at my shaking hands, unable to hold the doorknob anymore.
  • "There's no need to be scared, principessa. I'm just here to get what's mine." Even with my back to the man, I can still picture the evil smirk on his face.
  • "Tho-m-m-as," I stutter. Tears fill my eyes as an ache settles in my heart from saying his name.
  • "Turn around," he commands. "I can't."
  • "You can, and you will. Turn around and look at me!" he yells.
  • "I'm sorry." I try to apologize for what happened six months ago.
  • It comes out as a whisper as tears escape my eyes.
  • "I said fucking turn around, Melina!" Thomas bangs his fist on a table.
  • Startled, I jump in my spot as more tears fall down my face. I slowly turn, fearing the worst will happen if I don't. My heart sinks and my knees weaken. I fall to the floor, staring at him as he sits on one of the restaurant chairs with his legs crossed. Two scary- looking men stand beside him. I recognize one of them as Thomas' bodyguard, Leo.
  • I lock eyes with him, and a knot forms in my stomach. His beautiful ocean-blue eyes once only held love for me. But now, they're burning with rage.
  • "Come closer." He puts his hand into his breast pocket, removing a cigarette. His associate reaches over with a lighter and helps him light it. He takes a drag and waits for me to move.
  • I shake my head no. Thomas raises his eyebrows, throws his cigarette to the ground, and stamps it out.
  • "I don't know what made you think you fucking have a choice.
  • Fucking get here now," he growls.
  • "I'm sorry, I swear I didn't want to do it. I didn't have a choice.
  • James forced me."
  • "Really? You didn't fucking have a choice?" "Yes, I swear."
  • "That's odd considering you're his fucking wife. Get your goddamn ass over here now."
  • I do the opposite and try to get away from him. Standing, I turn to open the door behind me. Unexpectedly, the door is locked. I shake the handle, trying to open it. I panic as I hear footsteps approaching. Turning, I see Leo walking toward me. I scream as someone grips me by the hair. He drags me away from the door and throws me in front of Thomas.
  • "Did that kill you?" Thomas asks, sarcastically. "You still look the same as when I met you." He lifts his hands and traces his fingers down my beautiful face. He touches my pointed nose and high cheekbones. His hands linger on my trembling lips as my cheeks become slippery from my tears. He stares into my green eyes and pulls his finger away.
  • I shut my eyes and wait for him to smack me, but the blow never comes. Fluttering my eyes open, I find him staring at me.
  • "Where's my money?" "I don't have it."
  • "Do I look like I have time to waste, Melina? Tell me where my money is, and I'll make your death less painful."
  • "I swear I don't have it. James took everything."
  • "It seems we have to do this the hard way then." "What do you mean?" I ask, eyes widening.
  • "Leo, grab her and take her to the car. Get Kimberly on the phone. Tell her I have a gift for her." Thomas smirks as he stands. He buttons his Valentino suit and moves to the back of the restaurant.
  • I start crawling toward the front door, forgetting it's locked. Leo picks me up before I reach it. I'm screaming and kicking as he throws me over his shoulder, walking us into the kitchen.
  • "Shut the fuck up!" Thomas shouts in my face.
  • "Please let me go; I swear to you, Thomas, I don't know where the money is. James has it. Please believe me."
  • He doesn't say anything and walks out the back door. We step outside, and two vehicles pull up beside us. Thomas gets into a car while Leo puts me into a van. I open my mouth to scream for help, but my words get choked as I feel something poke me. A second later, my eyes feel heavy. I see a syringe in Leo's hand, but my head starts to spin before I can comprehend what's happening. My body gives out, pulling me into darkness.