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Chapter 2 Unknown

  • Chapter 2
  • Unknown
  • It was by chance, I was in the exact location of the undesirable guests. So I watched these human borns approach from the edge of the trees. Human borns have been known to exercise and wander the woods during excellent weather.
  • On occasion, human borns will relax near the lakes and fish. Some take the fish home for consumption, while others release the fish back into the waters. Funny thing for a human borns to do, catch and release; they call this relaxation. Regardless, it is the hunters that I keep an eye out for; they are the ones who think they can stay on my land, taking what they deem as their own. I also have to mention the campers; they are the most destructive of all; hunters and campers are the ones I detest. Human borns are generally violent and lack any genuine manner; some are tolerable, though not by much! The next thing I loathe is vulgarity!
  • The first to get out of the vehicle is a male, average build, clean shaven; his hair is brown, a little longer on top but shortened at the back of the head. He stands just a little over six feet tall. He is dressed in blue jeans and a black shirt with boots on. The wind blows in my direction, and I wrinkle my nose, despising the odour that comes off of this male.
  • The next is a female with long wavy blonde hair; she is short and plump. She has blue jeans, a black top, and running shoes like the male. She smells of desperation! I watch her as she sprays her clothing with what appears to be bug spray; this will not stop what is coming her way. Insects are the last thing she has to worry about.
  • There is another male who steps out of this vehicle. He is well built, with long brown hair, much longer than the first male. I can tell they are kin; their eyes and lips are similar in features. They are the same height. This male is wearing black jeans and a shirt. His exposed skin has been coloured, a tradition many human borns have, yet I am sure he has not earned one of those tattoos. I smell the air, focusing solely on this male … obedience … spineless … omega! Even an omega has a purpose. They tend to follow orders without complaining. Hard-working and always willing to impress their master.
  • In the second vehicle, a male and female emerge with a dog.
  • The male is muscular with long black hair that reaches his hip. Unlike the other males, he is very tall and has facial hair. Contrary to the other males, this one appears to know what he is doing here. I smell the air, focusing on the odour he admits … a hunter! I wrinkle my nose, not liking what is stepping onto my land. Again the wind blows and I can gather more information on this human born. He isn't just a hunter, by nature he is a killer.
  • A wicked smile crosses my facial structure, it has been a very long time since a killer has strolled onto my land.
  • I ripped my eyes off the male and started to study the female. The wind blows! She is tall and athletic with long curly red hair. Her hair was pulled back into a simple ponytail. She wore camouflage pants, a long-sleeve top, and proper footwear like her male companion. She looks affectionate towards the dog as he is with her. The fragrance tickled my nose, wildflower with a hint of mildew.
  • This creature is different from her other companions. While she was glancing around the location, I could not help but notice how her eyes changed colours. I hold the air in my lungs as her eyes scan the area I am in. Could it be? NO … it isn’t possible! I snapped my finger! I watched as her head snapped in the direction that I had made. It appeared she could not see me, yet I felt she had the gift. Judging by the expression on her face, she isn’t comfortable being here. I sniff the air; she has a mixture of fear and anxiety. If this creature were clever, she would leave and never return, but I know they will stay. They always stay!
  • I overhear the conversation between this male and woman; they are the ones I am more interested in. The male is Pierre, and the female is Merna; he tells her they will leave at the first sign of danger. This makes me smile! I have yet to decide if I will kill them; they interest me. The corner of my lips turns upwards; it has been a while since I could go hunting.
  • The dog starts to bark at me; I give it a toothy grin; animals are cunning like that. See things that human borns do not. human borns should pay more attention to their pets; they would find that their animals are correct in forewarning them of threats.
  • I watch the last creature crawl out of her car. She had blonde hair though it is not her natural hair colour. It is straight and cut short to her jawline. She is average in height for a female. I had to shake my head in disbelief at her clothing. Who wears high heels with a dress to the woodlands. Maybe she is not part of this dinner group!
  • “Master, forgive me for my tardiness!” My minion whimpered.
  • “Keep an eye on this group, let me know when they start to set up their dwellings!” I give my order. “My intuition tells me they will find the first location that is appealing to them and they will camp there.”
  • My minion glances over the group. “As you wish, master!”
  • Before I left the location, I studied the human borns named Merna, “keep an even closer eye on the redhead; report everything about her to me!”
  • "Yes, Master!" My slace bowed