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Chapter 76 Fishing

  • Serena woke up early to the sounds of her mother making something in the kitchen. Her parents had been overwhelmed with joy when Serena asked if she could come stay with them for a while. Since she’d arrived, she’d spent more time with her brother than she had since she was a child, and her parents had kept the kids occupied almost every minute of the day. Serena had nothing but play time with them. Thomas and Charlotte took care of the cooking and the house, and her mom even did her laundry! Part of her felt like she was a kid again, herself.
  • She was greatly enjoying having the quality time with her whole family, not having to worry about the pack or emergencies, or when Logan might do something else strange. Stretching, Serena looked out her bedroom window. She groaned. The sun had barely started to rise! Dragging herself out of bed, she went down to the kitchen, finding her father with his fishing pole and tackle box. The kids were at the breakfast table eating and there were two new kid’s fishing poles next to them.
  • “Oh good, you’re up,” Thomas said, winking at her.
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