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Chapter 236 Felt Unwanted

  • Jasmine breathed a sigh of relief as she finally finished her workday. Navigating the bustling streets, she walked towards the bus stop. She sighted a pharmacy just along the streets. her mind consumed by the events of that morning. The morning’s awkward incident haunted her thoughts, and she cringed at the memory of her attempt to apologize which had ended. up in a disaster.
  • “His impression of me must be even worse now, she thought, replaying the Incident in her mind.
  • As Jasmine stared at the pharmacy, her thoughts dwelled on the aftermath of the morning incident. Sympathy filled her as she imagined the extent of his injuries caused by the glass shards. The image of his wounded fingers was one she couldn’t get out of her mind Deciding to do something thoughtful, she entered the store. Emerging moments later, she made her way home.
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