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Chapter 296 Coincidence

  • I couldn’t get the door open, so I left to get help. I told someone; I can’t remember who, to go get them out. Then there was this smell, gas or something, I don’t know. I passed out; I don’t know how, but the next moment my eyes are opening, I’m lying far away from the wreck of what was the factory. The place exploded before I could even get out. I don’t know how I turned up unscathed. My father was badly hurt; there were chemicals there, you know. Mr. Hale, Derrick’s dad also didn’t return; his sister too,” Ethan added. A profound feeling of sadness hit him when he thought of that girl that had died as well.
  • Axel sighed, taking it in.
  • “He probably blames you for that,” Axel said thoughtfully.
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