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Chapter 31 Housemate

  • Staying with Logan had been interesting from the start. Serena should have suspected that much! The kids had taken it upon thernselves to terrorize Holly. Serena couldn’t exactly be upset about that, but she scolded them when she found of.
  • It wasn’t that hard to tell, shrill screams through the old house were always a good indication that Holly was being scared or tricked by the twins. The house was comfortable enough. Serena had her own room down the hall from Logan and Holly. The twins had the bedroom on the far side of the house, next to Flo. She liked having them around, always doting on them and making excuses for them.
  • Holly was not pleased with the new arrangement, but Serena had trusted Logan when he said that he would handle Holly. She had yet to have any altercations of her own with Holly, other than a few snide remarks about keeping her kids under control. Serena was folding her kids’ laundry in their room. She heard them giggling in the closet. They loved finding new hiding spaces to get sneak up on people in. “You two better not be causing trouble in there,” she called to them. More giggles came out of the closet. “No trouble, mommy,” Olivia said back. Serena wasn’t going to believe them. She put the last stack of Oliver’s clothes into the dresser and went over to the closet. She pulled the door open only to find a secret tunnel in the walls that the kids had disappeared down. “Great,” Serena humphed, putting her hands on her hips. Serena went in search of Floor Logan to see if she could find out where the kids vanished to.
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