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Chapter 40 Renovations In Action

  • Back in pack territory, Serena went back to her life and her routine. The kids continued to talk about their journey for days, always bringing up the park and their trip to the zoo with Logan. The Alpha had been a little concerned about all the animals in captivity, but he hadn’t made a scene or done anything that was too suspicious.
  • With her newly acquired resources, Serena busied herself with making deals and getting the equipment ready to update the hospital. Adriana was busy with handling the renovations of the rooms and offices, all the interior work. The exterior had been repaired, the interior had been painted, and Adriana had gotten the furniture and appliances in the lounges and offices updated. She was still trying to plan when the lighting systems could be updated, which was harder to orchestrate. “These renovations are interfering with every day patient care,” Adriana whined, coming up to the nurse’s station. Serena was checking the boxes on yet another order form for updated monitors and lead lines. “It is more work,” Serena admitted. “But the two of us can work it out.”
  • “You have practice, being a single mom and a med student and everything,” Adriana pointed out. Serena chuckled. “Maybe, but you’re a doctor, used to the stress of emergencies,” she said. “You can get it done.”
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