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Chapter 203 Involved

  • Ethan went to the hospital the next day. He had struggled to concentrate throughout the day; his mind filled with worry. He left after his meeting, canceling his last engagements and heading to the hospital in the guise of taking care of other concerns there. He had to meet.
  • with the Director.
  • As he read more about Daisy’s condition, the more restless he became. What if Dr. Gomez also couldn’t perform the surgery, and what would happen next? Even if they were to have the surgery, with the risks, Daisy’s life might change permanently, and if they didn’t, she would have to live her life in the hospital on support for years to come. The two choices were unpalatable. He slammed his laptop shut and left his office. He needed to seek professional consultation on the issue. Also, he would see if it was possible to take a peek at the little girl.
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