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Chapter 154 The Medical Board

  • “Serena, there is a call for you on the outside line,” Adriana said, approaching Serena at the nurse‘s station. Serena had just finished her rounds for the afternoon. “Thanks,” she said reaching for t he nearest phone. “You might want to take it in my office,” Adriana said. “The outside line means a call f rom the human world.” “Right, good call” Serena said with a nod.
  • She headed to Adriana‘s office and picked up the phone. “This is Serena,” she said to answer. “Serena, it is Dr. Jensen from the Medical Board,” the person on the other line said. “Hello, what can I do for you , Dr. Jensen?” she asked. “I was going over your residency forms, and it looks like you exceeded the a mount of time you can for your residency hours where you are,” Dr. Jensen said. Serena creased her b row. “I don‘t understand” she admitted. “The doctor overseeing your residency wrote down that you wo uld be working at a religious retreat compound,” Dr. Jensen explained. “While working on religious com pounds is acceptable, it can‘t exceed six months of your residency term. Otherwise, we won‘t be able t o approve your medical license.” Serena rolled her eyes. Adriana must have listed the pack as a religio us retreat compound so no one would try and follow up with her. If they dug too deep, they might discov er that she was a werewolf working in a werewolf pack. “Thank you for the call,” Serena said. “What are my op tions, going forward?” “To complete your residency and get your medical license, you‘ll have to transfer to a hospital. It can be a teaching hospital affiliated with a school or it can be a hospital with no educati onal affiliations. It does need to be an accredited facility,” Dr. Jensen explained.
  • “Alright, thank you,” Serena said. “Can you email me the transfer forms and I’ll get them filled out?”
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