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Chapter 4

  • It is now almost noon and Cassie’s mobile phone is buzzing non-stop. She usually wasn’t used to being in bed this long on weekdays such as this. However, staying up to chat with the boys had completely worn her out. She had also got up just after 6 in the morning to make an omelet for her dad and Alexander. Her dad had informed her that he and Alexander had plans to go into town for a brief shopping later that day. He also reminded her make available a set of spare keys for the boys
  • She had made some coffee and toast and served her dad with his favorite mug. She was sure that the boys had woken up from the noises she heard from their room whilst she was coming downstairs, so she hurriedly left breakfast on the dining table for them and returned to her room
  • She blurts out every curse word she has learnt over the years, shaking her feet angrily underneath the duvet. She entertains the thought that it may be a life and death situation that was making Brandon call her by this time. She finally rolls over to where her phone is plugged in by her bed table
  • “Brandon! You better be dying!” Cassie shouts into the phone
  • “Can’t baby, you would miss me” he replies her in between a sarcastic laugh
  • “What the hell do you want for fuck sakes?” she asks angrily
  • “You are so lucky my parents like you, I would’ve gotten rid of your rude ass back in high school”
  • “am gonna hang up now, douche”
  • “Well then, I was going to tell you that Mr. Parks is back in town, but well, bye” he says, but stays on the line without hanging up, knowing it would bring a reaction out of her
  • “Hold on, what? Mr. Parks?” you are not fucking kidding me, are you? Cassie asks sprinting out of bed in an instance
  • “obviously not spider man, get your ass here with your edited work. He came to see my new bosses; I can’t say how long he’ll be here for” Brandon says and hangs up
  • In one swift move, Cassie takes off her pajamas, grabs her bath robe and dashes into the bathroom. In a little over ten minutes, she is running out of the house. she notices the boys had gone out as their car wasn’t parked outside. She had not given the boys their own keys, but she was hoping she’d be back before they returned. Right now, she had to make it to Brandon’s office.
  • Mr. Park was the CEO of Cassie’s favorite publishing firm, Park Publishers Ltd. She had been dreaming of the day when she’d get the opportunity to show him some of her works, to no avail. She remembers sometime in February when she had to drag Brandon out of town, because she had heard from her dad’s friend that Mr. Park would be at the Grande de ball for the launch of Antoine Beauchene’s best seller which he had recently just published.
  • They had found a list of guests and successfully impersonated a Swedish professor and his wife who couldn’t make the event for reasons best known to them. And with Brandon posing as the scholar, they planned to secure a few minutes to speak with Mr. Park during the event. She recalls how Brandon complained all through about the risk they were taking and how he was too young and handsome to die in a jail. She smiles as the thought crosses her mind of how horrible his Swedish accent was and wondered how on earth, they had pulled it off.
  • After driving for over four hours and successfully navigating security at the entrance, it is announced that Mr. Park had sadly sent word that he would not be attending the event any longer due to a bout of flu he had come under. It was a devastating moment for Cassie, but it didn’t stop her from doing everything in her power to get a moment with him. So, this was it, she wasn’t going to fuck this up at all. She’s suddenly pulled back to reality as her phone vibrates loudly
  • “Where are you?” Brandon yells in whispers
  • “You do realize your office is on the other side of the country, right?” Cassie tells him as she parks in front of this huge building
  • “The meeting’s is over Cas!”
  • “Stop yelling, I’m right in front of the building” she says pressing the lock button on her keys as she walks hurriedly into the building, saying a quick hi to Sarah, her favorite security guard by the entrance.
  • “They are in elevator 4, tell me how it goes, bye” Brandon says before hanging up
  • With marching feet, she finds her way to the elevator and watches as the light on the buttons of the elevator changes, indicating each time it reached a lower floor. This was finally her moment; she is too excited to even consider the possibility of things not going as planned. She quickly adjusts her hair, her purple dress that hugged her body tightly and checks her white flats, making sure they are no smudges on them. She breathes into her cupped palms to see if her breath stank and brings out a mouth spray which she gently presses twice into her mouth to satisfy her paranoia.
  • She watches as the elevator reaches the floor just before the ground where she was, her pounding heart somehow feels like it has now jumped into her throat. She takes a deep breath and exhales, hoping it would magically help her nerves, and as the elevator clicks indicating the doors are about to open, she puts on her brightest smile, the one her dad always said gave a welcoming feeling.
  • Just as the doors fly open, the huge smile on her face fades immediately and she looks bewildered for a moment, was the universe using her life to have some fun? Or had she done something wrong in the past that was now hunting her? Either way, whatever this was, it was using these two bundles of lustful sin as its instrument