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Chapter 6

  • Ryan's POV
  • I had Logan meet me on the way home since I had to visit a neighbor pack to discuss security. The meeting thankfully lasted just an hour and we were on our way home. Logan kept grinning at me the whole way and it got me confused.
  • "Spit it out" I told him as he wouldn't stop staring at me like he knew something I didn't know.
  • "What?"
  • "Whatever it is that you know"
  • "We are home already and there is a surprise for you"
  • " I hate surprises"
  • " You will love this one"
  • As usual the pack members were gathered round as I stepped out from the car. Since my parents died two years again and I because Alpha, everyone in the pack had been loyal and respectful to me. Sometimes I wondered if it was because they feared me or because I was a good Alpha.
  • After talking to some people, Logan and I headed to the main house. The house was home to my family and occasionally some visitors. Grace , my youngest sister was the first person I met inside the house. She screamed as she launched herself at me and I caught her.
  • "Did you bring back any toys?" She asked me immediately she was back on the ground.
  • "Yes, in the car"
  • "I have a present for you too" she told and I looked around for it.
  • " Where is it then?"
  • "Not a it but a person"
  • " A person?. You can't gift me a person you know"
  • " I got you a tutor so you can stop being dumb like nana says you are" she said staring at me like she actually thought I was dumb.
  • "That's a lovely present Grace and is my cloth somewhere close?"
  • Since I entered the house, there is this lingering smell like my smell but a little bit different. My nana walked in and I gave her a hug as she checked me over to see if I was fine like usual.
  • "See I knew it wasn't because of the room upstairs" Logan said and my nana glared at him shutting him up immediately.
  • "We will discuss the smell later, I am sure you are hungry. Let's head to your office so we can discuss and Logan will have someone bring food upstairs for you"
  • I went upstairs to my office with my nana and Grace would decided to tag along. It was a mystery she wasn't outside with the other kids trying to build an army.
  • "Where is Lily?" It was strange for my younger sister not to be the first person I would see when I arrive since she would want to conduct tests on me.
  • "She is kind of busy but she will be here soon"
  • I told my grandma about all the meetings and she told me about how it was just a flu she caught on her trip since I was worried. Being a pure breed wolf made us immune to sickness but occasionally we would randomly catch a cold or the flu. Logan came in with one of the pack members who worked in the kitchen. After eating I decided to go upstairs so I could change and take a walk around the area until Lily came into the office.
  • "Why do you look so scared and angry?" I asked her as she hugged me and that same smell from earlier was stronger on her.
  • "Something is wrong and Lauren please come in" she dumped some files on my table as she took a seat beside my grandma.
  • Someone entered into my office and I focused my attention on her. The smell from earlier was very strong now and I could tell it was coming from her. My wolf growled and began to pace, startling me. Lauren wasn't someone I had seen before or else I would have definitely remembered her.
  • "Is just me or you smell like I do just a little but not as intense" I watched her sniff her wrist looking confused.
  • "I smell like me, Gloria already explained why I smell like that and there is something very urgent to discuss"
  • " Yes, Grace please go and play outside" Lily said as she locked the door after Grace.
  • "You know we thought you had the flu a while ago?" Lauren told my nana who nodded.
  • " Someone tried to kill you but the dosage wasn't enough that's why we thought it was the flu" Lily finished and the whole room went quiet for a while.
  • "Poison doesn't work on werewolves" Logan said breaking the silence.
  • " Yes but a good amount of wolvesbane and silver will kill an ordinary wolf , a large amount of it will kill a pure breed as long as they don't shift midway"
  • " I should have been able to smell it " Gloria said looking confused.
  • " To be able to kill you with that potion, they need to make sure you don't get suspicious and try to shift since it would give you a chance to heal. So they gave it to you in small dosages in your tea" Lauren informed Gloria.
  • " So whoever it was expected you to spend exactly six months and it would have been enough to kill you" Lily concluded.
  • " The tea was a new tea the staff in the penthouse introduced to me and it had a strong smell to it so that's why I didn't notice it" Gloria said as she stood up and started pacing.
  • "Do you remember who it was? Then we can make a sketch and have people go back there to find them?" I asked her picking up my phone.
  • " Yes"
  • I called my head enforcer and Gloria gave him a description in order to find her. Someone had tried to kill my grandma and whoever it was knew her schedule, I couldn't think about any enemy she had since she was loved by all.
  • "Let's leave the investigation at Daley and let's discuss why you two have a similar smell" Gloria said causing everyone to turn to her.