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Chapter 3

  • I hurried to my feet after hearing those words and I asked what was next.
  • "So I am going to sneak you out through the back of the house since right now everyone is in the hall for a meeting"
  • "But won't your smell linger here when they find out I am gone?"
  • "Your mom toke care of that already "
  • Blake led me to the back and we continued to walk into the forest until we got close to the gate where I saw my mom waiting.
  • "Did anybody see you?" My mom asked as she handed me clean clothes.
  • Immediately I knew what she wanted me to do so I took off my old clothes and gave it to her. Blake took the clothes from my mom and turned to give me a hug.
  • " I am sorry this happened to you, you deserve better and you will get it. Make sure you get better and find what you want ,that's the biggest revenge ever" Blake said before taking off into the woods with my clothes in his hands.
  • My mom held my hand and led me to a car. She hugged me for a while without saying anything untill she heard the bell that signified the end of the meeting.
  • " I am sorry for the way I treated you, just call me when you get there safe and let me know".
  • "Where am I going to?" I asked her as she opened the car boot and asked me to go in. I went into the boot and she gave me food inside a plastic plate.
  • "Somewhere you will like" she said and I nodded waving at her as she shut the boot. I waited for a while then I heard the car start to move and I prayed to God to make sure that they don't find me or I don't end up some place worst. I was dozing off when the car stopped and I heard the car door open and someone got out. I heard my breathe as someone opened the car door and looked up and saw Gloria.
  • "Come out my dear, we have gone past your territory"
  • I climbed out of the boot with my shaky legs and Gloria had to hold me to steady me.
  • "I am sorry I got into you car,I just needed to get out" I apologized hoping she wouldn't leave me out here with no where to go.
  • "I knew you were in my boot and before you ask how let's go into the car and continue the journey first"
  • I entered that car with her and she made me eat the food my mom pack for me. After eating I waited patiently for Gloria who kept looking at me .
  • "You know I was expecting you three days ago and when you didn't arrive, I asked your mom about you and she said you had to go somewhere urgently. Yesterday, she came to me and went on her knees asking me to help her daughter"
  • "My mom did that?"
  • "Yes,she explained what happened and begged me to take you with me . She wanted me to find a place for you in my pack or somewhere safe, said it was her fault things turned out like this"
  • "You don't have to feel obliged to help me because my mom asked you, you can just drop me off somewhere"
  • "Oh hush, no one can make me do what I don't want to do ,I like you and your family is wrong for how they treat you "
  • "Thank you, I thought I would never get out you know. I was surprised when my mom and Blake got me out" I folded my hands in my lap " I can work in your pack's hospital to repay you for everything "
  • "You don't need to repay me and of course, your mom told me about how good you are and how fast you are so you are joining the hospital if you want to"
  • "I do , thank you "
  • "I can see your eyes closing,now go to sleep and I will wake you when we get home "
  • I don't know how long I slept because I felt a lit peaceful since I left my pack. I woke up when I heard Gloria call my name softly. I opened my eyes and looked around the environment in awe.
  • "Welcome to the royal pack" Gloria told me as she took my hand and led me to the biggest house in the environment. I couldn't see everything in the place since it was very big and was built like a city on its own.
  • "I have only heard of your pack in passing, like maybe my dad mentioned something about deals with your pack"
  • She led me into the house and she was rushed by a lot of people which prompted me to step back and patiently wait the greetings ended. After a while, Gloria was able to separate from the crowd and she held my hand taking me upstairs.
  • "I will answer all your questions later, right now my visitor needs to rest." Gloria said as we stepped into an elevator.
  • "Gloria, are you perhaps the royal royal family of werewolves,you know the ones that are pure breed"
  • "Well,you catch on pretty fast"
  • "Why were you without any guards when you took your trip ,what if someone killed you or something?" I asked shocked thar she took that risk.
  • "You don't have to be worried about me, I can defend myself and besides no one knew I was leaving until I left"
  • The elevator door opened to an hallway and she led me into one of the rooms. The room was at the top floor and overlooked the whole place,I could see everywhere from here.
  • "This is your room, do you like it?"
  • "I love it,I can see everything and it has a great view. The bed and everything is fit for a princess"
  • "Good, have a bath ,there are some clothes in that closet and come downstairs to eat"
  • "Thank you, can I call my mom when I am done?"
  • "Yes, she must be worried"
  • Gloria left the room and I headed straight for the bathroom. I fixed the water to warm before I stepped into it. I relaxed and thought about how I had lost my pack in just one day, I missed my books,my mom and also Blake. I thought about how I would have been made to be Jay's toy in order for my sister to have a better husband. As I stepped out of the shower, I prayed to the moon goddess that my pack never finds me. I stood in front of the mirror and decided to comb my hair while I brushed my teeth. After I dressed up,I took the elevator back downstairs and I found Gloria waiting for me in the living room.
  • "Where is everyone else?" I asked her as I took a seat on one of the couch.
  • "They are hiding somewhere, waiting for the right time to barge in and bombard you with questions but first thing first we have to call your mom"
  • "Okay, do I use the land line or your phone"
  • "The thing is,you can't speak to her directly"
  • "Wait, why?"
  • "Your mom thinks your dad would be suspicious of her so he would track and listen in to her call so we decided on a code"
  • "What kind of code?"
  • "Let me call her and put her on speaker"
  • My mom answered the phone on the first ring like she was waiting for the call.
  • "Hi,it is Gloria"
  • "Hi, ma'am" I heard my dad ask her to put the phone on speaker so he would know who she was speaking with.
  • "I just want to thank you for taking care of me and to inform me that I got home safely"
  • "That's a relief and you don't have to thank me, I did my job"
  • "You can come visit anytime you want, we have a big medical center here and you can help us"
  • "Okay, I will think about it,stay safe and take care "
  • "So I just let her know that you are safe and fine, if you need to say anything to her just come to me and we can sort it out"
  • "Thank you Gloria, I hope my mom is fine"
  • "Your dad seems a little suspicious but I am sure it will pass, now let's put some food in you"
  • Gloria led me to the dinning room and immediately I sat down, people came in and began to sit round the table too. Gloria took a sit at one end of the table and I noticed that the chair at the second end was empty. The servers brought out different dishes and began to lay them on the table, I was surprised at the amount of food on the table wondering where to start from and how the rules worked out here.
  • I saw everyone wait patiently for Gloria to put food on her plate first before they did the same.
  • "Nobody ask anything until we are done with eating dinner" Gloria ordered as she saw the curious looks directed my way.
  • After dinner, we all migrated to the living room and I looked around wondering how Gloria was related to these people. I wondered how long it would take someone to ask me a question and immediately I thought about it a question was directed my way.
  • "What is your name?" Someone asked me.
  • "Lauren"
  • "What pack are you from?" Another person asked and Gloria shut them up with a growl.
  • "Lauren is now part of this pack and no questions about her former pack, she is a doctor so she would be joining our hospital"
  • "You are young, how are you a doctor?" A little girl asked me and I looked down to see her sit by my feet.
  • "I am not that young, I am 21 and my education was really fast"
  • "So that means you are smart" she declared standing in front of me.
  • "Well kind of"
  • "You are smart" She said with a lot of confidence and then she turned to Gloria, "I want her to be my tutor and she can also tutor Ryan since he isn't that smart too" Her words made Gloria and the others laugh.
  • "Who is Ryan?" I asked her.